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"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in Alison Clarke-Daly (2)


Interview with Trent Banyan

While recently attending an Esoteric Accupuncture event facilitated by Alison Clarke-Daly, I had the pleasure of meeting Trent Banyan.  Feeling his uplifting vibes and hearing about the range of natural therapies he offers, including a unique approach to rehabilitation, prompts me to interview him.  Thanks Trent for sharing these insights.

Thanks for the opportunity! As we say, "peace and chi!"

Who is Trent Banyan? What led you to where you are today?

There have been many key life experiences that have supported my growth, but the one that stands was in 2010. I was in a month-long meditation centre in Guatemala. I would meditate daily, perform yoga and learn esoteric studies. Daily, I touched the surface of spiritual practices of numerology, lucid dreaming and astral travelling, the hindu chakra system, sacred geometry and the Kabbalah. It was actually here that I found my calling to be a healer and later, to find this place planted the seed that started my yoga journey.

What you highlight is a concentrated experience of life-changing spiritual awakening. We often hear of people learning one modality and later complementing it with others. It really strikes me as exciting that you invited it all in as you did and continue to do.

Please identify 2 key experiences that shifted your life focus. 

Since graduating from university, I have been working primarily in a private rehabilitation setting. To support people struggling with mental health and addiction concerns, I offer acupuncture, yoga therapy and mindfulness trails. This experience has brought to light how supportive I can be in a number of ways.

Using natural therapies as part of an approach to rehab feels very valuable. Kudos for taking the intiative.  A former yoga teacher of mine became a yoga instructor in an Australian women's prison.  Her very presence and this peaceful practice completely shifted the energy and morale of participants.  You demonstrate we each have the power to share our gifts in ways that invite others to see and experience the world differently.

The second experience that shifted my focus was having a child. Easily the birth of my daughter is the closest I thing I have felt to source. The whole room when she came into this world was a divine portal. Being a father shifted my focus to stepping up as a provider, protector and to be the best partner and father to my wife and child. It put everything in perspective and my family its strength is one of my main focuses in my life.

Can definitely relate to how parenthood changes lives. I had my children later in life when we were ready for each other. Being around children blesses us in so many ways.  Theya re teachers in their own right for all those who are willing to be open to this.  

What would you describe was your Dark night of the Soul?

Short version would have been my experience meeting Ayuahuscua.  This was my dark night of the soul. I felt there was no return back to what I felt was normal. Throughout the experience I was fighting it and trying to break my way through the discomfort and ability to be in control. I was spiralling deeper into darkness and I sat with fear. Fear I would not be able to come out of it and won’t be able to see my daughter again. At times I was having full dissociation of my body and space I was in. The medicine was strong and I was burning up. I stripped fully naked and had continual feelings of paranoia. I remember even saying goodbye to my wife and daughter. The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. The support of a dear brother’s words of ‘sovereignty’ and ‘surrender’ came through. These words acted as a mantra and supported the ability to fully surrender. I broke through not by fighting but by surrendering and feeling sovereign in my being. I felt invincible and that I could create anything I put my attention to. It was a long night where I went into the abyss and came out the other side with a death of a part of my ego and a new sense of awareness that will live on inside of me.

The intimacy of this sharing is very touching.  You may be familliar with ethnobotanist Terence McKenna.  He blatently says that "Ayahuasca loves to take prideful people and rub their nose in it. I mean it can make you beg for mercy like nothing..."  He reminds us "to approach it humbly," as it sounds like you did th best you could. 

 Share some of your most difficult choices. Any resulting shifts in priorities?

The most difficult choice was to opt to not stay in construction and take up an opportunity that was financially-driven. It was at that point I reflected if this was the path I wanted to pursue and see myself in a career for the rest of my life doing. I saw clairvoyants, palm readers and sat in meditation with this decision. Finally, I came to the conclusion I was to take a redundancy instead and travel around the world for the year. A few weeks in I found the meditation centre in Guatemala and my life’s trajectory was then completely changed for ever.

Wow! From rugged construction worker to trusting clairvoyants and your true self. Love the message that what suits us in one moment can alienate us in another. When willing to listen to the heart, big shifts tend to happen.

Share your greatest joy(s). In which ways do they take shape in your life?

My greatest joy is going on adventures and spending quality time with my wife and daughter. We have a day each week called adventure day and we get out of the house, into nature and explore.

Making the most of every moment with those we care about is an endearing message. 

Tell us, what is High on Chi? Why this 'umbrella phrase' of your endeavours?

High on Chi was created for people to learn to get in touch with the infinite potential and power of chi (energy), that they have available to them. Many people are chi deficient and this is caused through living a lifestyle out of balance and that is too yang in nature. High on Chi uses the 8 Pillars of Chi Flow as a blueprint to identify areas of one’s life where they are wasting/leaking their chi and how they can improve it. When you are high on chi you are in the flow of life, you feel incredible and your beliefs, perceptions and mental state feels more balanced. The yin and the yang of the body is in more balanced and you feel like you are able to achieve what you desire. It’s the highest of highs and the purest.

And how does this relate to emotions?

There is no side effects or emotions such as shame or guilt. You are simply tapping into ancient traditions of living to promote good health and longevity. There are a growing number of people relying on drugs and extrinsic rewards to feel good and receive a short-lived high. Rather than using chi practices and cultivation techniques such as breath, diet, exercise, chi cycle living, connection to nature, meditation, sleep hygiene, acupuncture and having a sense of purpose and meaning.  All these pillars when improved upon will cultivate and dramatically improve one’s chi levels. Thus, supporting a life that is full of abundance, balance and a feeling of being high on life.

Many people reach for abundance, balance and natural highs.  Sounds like you respond to the call.  What led to working with rehab clients? 

I was fortunate that a student in my yoga class was working for Noosa Confidential a leading private rehabilitation centre and informed me that there was a conflict of interest as the regular acupuncturist knew a client personally who was coming into the program. I went and did a few acupuncture and yoga therapy sessions and before not to long 75% of my business was working for Noosa Confidential contracting. Its been nearly 4 years since and I have provided support for 100s of people struggling with mental health, addiction and other concerns.

What do you love most? What do they teach you?

What I love most is observing the change in someone who has hit rock bottom or even on the brink of suicide and then to witness the journey and growth. They inspire me and also remind me of my own journey and how far I have come. I also become reminded from time to time of my core values and principles by which I live. One lesion I am constantly reminded of is how many clients I see have an abundance of money and material things and yet suffering from depression for example. A reminder of the old age saying money doesn’t buy happiness. I still feel I learn just as much from my clients as they do me. Sometimes I get triggered and it’s an opportunity to observe what that is, so I can do some work on myself that’s perhaps unresolved. 

How did you develop and integrate such a diverse skillset in this rehab setting? 

It was working in a rehabilitation centre that acknowledged my versatility and allowed me to provide a range of services to their clients. From yoga therapy private sessions, acupuncture and mindfulness trails, I was able to see a wide range of clients with various concerns and build my experience.

Now, that is trust in action! You know the saying, the more we trust the universe, the more the universe gives us new reasons to trust...

Who inspires you as your mentors? What wisdom do they impart that you take to heart?

My mentors are my wife and my close brothers that are in my life. I have been with my wife for nearly 16 years and we got together while I was a heavy pot smoker and drug taker and with a lack of purpose. She has been such a solid support for my continual growth and I owe her lots of credit to helping me become the man I am today.

Not everyone has the courage and strength to support a partner through addiction.  We hear about celebrities like Nicole Kidman who supported Keith Urban during rehab but we never really know the extent of Keith Urban's addiction. Regardless of the news, the support of those closest to us as we go through hardship matters.  Love of others helps to heal us but ultimately loving ourselves is the key to everything.

I have a group of men I regularly meet up with and we meet for sunrise, climb a mountain, connect over a brew and have good yarns. These men are an incredible source of inspiration for me. We help keep each other accountable and there is a huge amount of trust between us. They are all innovators and system changers doing incredible things out there to help all of humanity.

Bonding is so powerful for men and women.  We hear about men;s Circles and Sisters Circles like that run by Julie Cardillo that create a supportive healing space for growth.

Describe your 5 core values and how your bigger life vision is evolving to nurture this.

My 5 core values are ;

1.            I value being a respected trustworthy man in my community

2.            I value being the best father I can possibly be for my daughter

3.            I value having a well-balanced lifestyle between self-care, family, fun, friends and work

4.            I value travelling and exploring different places and cultures

5.            I value time spent in nature and sitting around a fire with close friends and family

I value these core values as well as many other I have so much that when I don’t give one attention for a while, I can feel my yin/yang harmony out of balance. Touching on all these values regularly maintains my self-worth and belief I have as well as stay connected to have a sense of purpose and meaning in my life.

That definitely invites us all to reflect on our own values and whether we are consistently living or truth, walking our talk, being in harmony with thought, word and action which Gandhi describes as the key to happiness.

If you could leave some advice for people, what would it be?

Go and challenge yourself. Ask for help and support when you need it and take full responsibility for your life. Be the master of your own destiny, don’t wait or rely on others.

Taking full responsibility for our live choices and consequences is indeed life changing. 

How can people contact you? Upcoming events? How can people work with you?



p. 0429044187

Facebook: HIGH ON CHI -

I have my own clinic called High on Chi in Noosaville on the Sunshine Coast and available for 1 on 1 sessions on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

I have a bunch of events and workshops coming up. I will be back in Bali next month, this time to facilitate 3 events at The Pyramids of Chi in Ubud where I will also be providing some 1 on 1 private sessions in the Pyramids.

Monthly there is the Community Acupuncture and Sound Bath events held on the Sunshine Coast and in Brisbane monthly. For more info and book, see website or contact me directly.

Thanks again Trent for being so open.  Imagine what life would be like when people feel more open to choose to live based on love rather than be driven by fear. We are shifting in that direction.  Our own lives are our message. 


Interview with Alison Clarke-Daly

More people are discovering this life is about creating and pushing boundaries, as well as allowing those we outgrow to dissolve.  Our individual journeys invite growing conscious of gifts we are destined to share with the world.  Along the way, everyone we meet is a teacher.

In this light, meeting Alison Clarke-Daly is sheer delight! She is founder of IntoFreedom, esoteric acupuncturist, workshop facilitator, yoga instructor and so much more. She offers service and interactive Solstice gatherings that enrich the general public.  Feel very privileged that she makes time in her reality to share highlights of her Soul journey into cutting edge Healing Arts.

For the benefit of readers unfamiliar with your work, please share some milestones that stand out your life that helped you deepen insight into yourself.

I am a baby-boomer born in the South Island of New Zealand and the most southern of rural plains.  My parents are farmers, life was good and uncomplicated. The second child of seven, the first girl of two, which means I have five brothers and a sister. I loved my horse, the sheep, the land and the bush behind us. I grew up safe, wild and free although female in a male world it didn’t really occur to me to be subservient to the social norms.  My teenage years were different. I knew in my heart I had to leave. The growth that I needed was not available in the local environment. Although I did not know what that growth was. I just knew I had to leave.  So, in late 1965, I booked a flight to Sydney with two other girlfriends. A big city!! I was 17. I met my boyfriend and to be husband and travelled to Cairns. Not something that I would feel safe for my own daughter to do now! We have a son. Now he has three sons. 

After the journey to meet your husband, any specific travel experience that really wakes you up, shows you what you are truly made of and accelerates the journey inward for you?

We travelled to Manchester, U.K., and returned three years later, driving overland from England to Australia. One cannot travel like this now. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran are not considered safe. It was hair-raising, life-transforming for me. This travel developed a ferrel, survival instinct, confirmed my innate ability to trust myself.

This story certainly reveals a spontaneous, thrill-seeker within who was primed to get your attention.  Seems to guide the next stage of your life purpose. Can still feel the adrenalin flowing.

Which specific pivotal moments led you into the Healing Arts?

The pivotal moments and experiences that lead to my work now were present in my earlier life, I just did not notice them initially. Horse riding and freedom as a child developed trust in my sense of feel. My spiritual training was church on Sundays. At that point in my life however, I considered this outing a waste of time and of no value. Travelling and leaving home early supported confidence and courage in following my own path.  Organic food and clean water of my childhood built a strong body that worked well. Limitations were opportunities for adventure. My education gave me the ability to learn outside the square and knowledge that I would not and did not have to conform. I am grateful to have grown up without alcohol, drugs, violence, TV or medications. I do miss the natural silence.  Music from the external world can be a distraction and guide us in different directions if we allow it.

Please share some of the major obstacles you have encountered in your life and how you have dealt with them. Which lessons do you learn and take away?

As I turned 40, my marriage dissolved. Our son was grown and playing AFL football for the Sydney Swans. I am sorry my son, I was not a very good football mother. I was relatively secure financially, I was at the top of the field in my corporate work, had started and supported a business, yet nothing in my personal life gave me joy. I was blaming my husband for my dissatisfaction and that was not a good thing. He did not have my answers. My unhappiness was my issue to explore and resolve.  This was the early 1990’s.   I moved out of my marriage, bought my own house. Split it in two and rented the front half. I joined a Yoga class. I learnt to meditate. I discovered that I had choice. This understanding totally floored me, for I discovered that until now I had lived in rebellion and in response to others. Just like my Mum!! Bless her.

It is said the term ‘mid-life crisis’ is like a life-changing opportunity to make unresolved emotions conscious and heal them. In other words, a person reaches stages in life where it hits energetically that certain emotions have not been dealt with.  We always have choices to recognize and make necessary shifts within ourselves or not.  As you discover, true happiness is not linked to external people, places or things.  Choice is a powerful revelation on the path to personal empowerment. How did this shift in mindset re-orient you?

Choice is one thing. To know what one wants is another! In a meditation where I had set myself to asking, “What should I do now?”  The reply was in capital letters as big as the sky “BE”.   Just “BE”.  For a doing person, BEING is confusing. Confusion or chaos is the beginning of clarity and order. However, I found confusion painful, depressing and I felt vulnerable until I surrendered to trust. This meant I had to move from my rational mind to my Heart.  To trust my heart’s desire or discern the Whisper of my Heart which is how I come to live, teach and practice as an Advanced Energy Healer with Esoteric Acupuncture and other tools. 

 So, you might say your destiny as a healer found you?

I never set out of be a Healer, Practitioner or teacher. I set out to heal myself. Carolyn Myss’s work led me to explore my desire “to be of service” as opposed to subservient. I studied Yoga.  I wanted to explore the discipline not teach. However, I began to teach. Yoga led me stillness and teaching from the Heart. I studied Shiatsu which expanded my innate ability of clairsentience and the knowledge to feel Qi or Energy. I become a Practitioner. Shiatsu led me to Japanese Acupuncture, Manaka Protocols, ToyoHari Practice and Aromatherapy. All led me to study and practice Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing and the meeting of Dr Mikio Sankey. I feel amazed and honoured with the privilege of sharing the power of Dr Mikio’s treatments and the teaching of other Light Workers and Energy Healers.


What is Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing and how does this differ from Traditional Acupuncture and Chinese medicine?

Esoteric Acupuncture expands consciousness. As we expand in consciousness we begin to expand our fields of awareness and our senses of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and prophecy or knowing. The fields of the Heart strengthen.  We grow more still, certain, find that more grace, love, wisdom, forgiveness, gratitude, clarity, joy and compassion is available and indeed our birth right.  The puzzle piece or path of one’s life becomes clearer more certain.

Love that energy-based healing modalities are growing more widely available.  This emergence of options signals more of humanity is awakening, beginning to recognize everything is energy first. Shifts in consciousness guide us to tap into more inner confidence, to notice expanding opportunities and new ways to view and grow ourselves.

From your direct experience, how does Esoteric Acupuncture benefit clients?

When one is working with Traditional Acupuncture the purpose is to increase or decrease the flow or the amount of Qi in the body’s meridians. Create balance, an equilibrium or wholeness in the mind and body.

In Esoteric Acupuncture, we are working on the Etheric Body and Etheric Qi. An acupuncture needle or other tool contacts a specific acupuncture point and this contact creates a Spin Field. The Spin Field is as a gateway or vortex, the needle or tool acts as an antenna for connection to Higher Fields of consciousness through to All Fields. In many meditation practices this is referred to as Nirvana or Christ Consciousness. In each treatment of Esoteric Acupuncture a New Encoding Pattern is introduced to ones Fields of Consciousness. Creating new geometric patterns (Sacred Geometry) which with clarity and intention support and expand the Fields of the Heart and allow the benefits mention above to become consciously conscious.

Many kinds of initiaties and initations exist. How does work you do awaken the initiate within?

Esoteric means that which is hidden or known to few, the Initiate or Initiated. Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing brings into form and allows Knowing of the Esoteric or the Mysteries as the church refers to something that cannot be explained.

The New Encoding Pattern of Discern the Whisper of the Heart which is shown in the drawing attached shows something of the ease and complexity of a pattern, the sequencing of points and the geometric pattern. Ancient Wisdoms, Sacred Geometry, Numerology, Acupuncture Points which are known as Windows of the Sky, Celestial, Heavenly or Gateway points are connected with intention and active mental energy of visualisation expanding the Heart and Higher Heart Fields. Often clients can sense their wings. The energetic wings of the Heart.


Who is Dr Mikio Sankey and how does meeting him shape your life direction into the advanced healing arts?


Dr Mikio Sankey is the founder of Esoteric Acupuncture and I met him in Los Angeles when I sought treatment to experience this work. I had read all his publications and Knew that I wanted to experience his work.  The story is in on my web page. 

I am honoured and humbled that I teach Dr. Mikio’s work. I have found my ‘Spirit Path”. It as if I have remembered and many of those that I have taught say the same. The memory of the practice is almost tangible. I rest in the understanding that “this is my job”. That this life for me is about this journey and the sharing of the benefits of the expansion of consciousness to whoever wants to explore and Know. If I stand back and look at my life and the likely hood of our connection and the work we do. I say logically this is not possible. However, there is a place where logic becomes illogical and I step through that into BEING. And still I seek.

Who is Tom Ledder? How did you meet him and where do your paths cross?

Tom Ledder is a Master Light Worker and craftsman of Selenite Swords of Light. Selenite is an inert crystal and magnifier the hardware of a Sword of Light. The power of a sword is the software which is in the handle. The handle contains 230+ crushed crystals; holly waters collected from around the planet and set in resin. Tom met Dr Mikio, Mikio introduced to Tom.  I work with Tom and his swords. These swords act as tools as in a needle, as in an antenna to open and cleanse Fields and expand consciousness. They are as power if not more so than acupuncture needles. They install a New Encoded Pattern as cleanly and as effectively as a needle and there is no insertion through the skin which means that the constraints of skin penetration do not apply. 

Psychic surgery is growing more known. How would you compare this to the effects of Esoteric Acupuncture?

Psychic surgery is becoming more known. Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing is not psychic surgery. This does not mean that psychic surgery cannot be applied by a skilled practitioner at the same time. The purpose of Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing is to expand consciousness and the fields of the Heart so the Puzzle Piece or Heart Path of one’s present life becomes clear.

Do you notice any similarities in theory, practice and/or public reception to these techniques?

The people who come to me for healing or to learn this skill and lifestyle are already on a journey. They are looking to strengthen their own Inner Path. They meditate, eat cleanly, may practice some form of yoga, qigong or other spiritual practice such as building an Antahkarana. They are teachers or healers formally or informally. Already they have a Knowing, an understanding that there is an energetic form to our lives and we are more than the physical. They understand they are spiritual beings having a human experience and want to live to their fullest potential. They already know that intention, thought (both known and unknown), vibrations of sound and light influence the Fields of the Heart, auric, astral, mental, Buddhic and beyond. They are aware of other dimension and that being in touch with their Higher Self and Higher Heart is possible and desirable. They can sense this, know this, hear this or see this.   The increasing speed of time and light at this present time is not an accident and that their existence now is not an accident.

Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing is not a ‘doing-to’ treatment. It is an opening, expanding and empowering practice that a client has control of at all time. An Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing session can open gateways; however a client may or may not choose to explore them.

Why is it desirable to build an Antahkarana, a Rainbow Bridge or an Inner Spiritual Antenna? How do we do it?

It is desirable to build an Antahkarana, a Rainbow Bridge, a bridge of mental matter, also known as an Inner Spiritual antenna, because it builds geometric form in our Fields. Allows us to connect, develop the strength of knowing, seeing and awareness of the energy field of our Higher Heart. So that we can align, discern the Whisper of the Heart. BE. Enjoy.

Love the impact of allowing more geometry to come into my field. As I continue to see geometry, this energetic shift  within has transformed how I see, feel and understand myself. The result is indeed tangible and unique for each individual. Changes unfold in how we view the world and how we respond to what we create for ourselves.

Tell us about the "Antahkarana 3-6-1" meditation. Please share how it came to enter your reality.

Antahkarana is an Ancient Wisdom Esoteric knowing that much has been discussed about. However, it is only Dr Mikio Sankey in his book Sea of Fire Cosmic Fire, Esoteric Acupuncture Vol lV did I find a description of how to build an Antahkarana. It took great effort to do this, however it was from this effort that I found the will, the desire, the action to go to LA, seek Dr. Mikio and the do what I do today. I have written an eBook which clearly explains the practice including the how’s and why’s of connecting the 36+1 acupuncture points, create the geometric patterns and build an Antahkarana. The book is free to download from  

A 20minute CD audio guidance is also available on this site. 

The eBook and CD make building you own Antahkarana very possible. Well worth exploring and enjoying the benefits.

Winter Solstice is fast approaching.  I sense you have something special planned. Please share details of how you celebrate winter and summer solstices. What’s it about? Who can come?

Summer and Winter Solstice Ceremonies have been practiced by humanity for eons. I make this ceremony a special time to celebrate and set direction for the coming cycle. There is no cost and it is open to all. I create a space that is both personal and private yet within a group environment. The process is a guided meditation followed by the invitation to bring into form through writing a list of thoughts and experiences that no longer serve you.  This list is ceremonially cleansed through fire and we return to meditate into stillness and proceed to bring into form through writing a list of thoughts and experiences that will serve you. This list is kept until the next solstice ceremony.

The ceremony is an adventure, a joy, a confirmation of one’s journey especially when one reads what was paramount in one’s life six months ago.

 When is the next such event? What other gatherings do you host?

Summer and Winter Solstice Ceremony is a gift to all who wish. It is my way of giving back. Summer or Winter Ceremony start at 7.30pm on the 21st December and 21st June each year. To join us email

Very generous of you to open your heart and space to welcome those with whom this event resonates. Encourage readers to get in touch with you about this and the Summer Solstice event.

What is the AACMA and why is it significant about the upcoming AACMA event in the Gold Coast?

 AACMA stands for Australian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association. Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing was presented for the first time in May 2018 at the National Conference. The presentation highlighted the difference between Esoteric Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.

Who is Dr. Steven Booth and how did you collaborate in this recent AACMA event?

Dr Steven Booth and I invited conference attendees to experience the difference between Traditional and Esoteric Acupuncture (Advanced Energy Healing) We gave 20minute sessions to many. This was very well received resulting in plans for workshops in Sydney and the opportunity to attend FOUNDATION Level l & ll, a 4- day workshop on the Gold Coast in July.

That feels very exciting for you and the future of Esoteric Acupuncture. Why is it important that more people grow aware of human energetic fields and energy anatomy? How does this relate to the ongoing shifts in consciousness?

More and more people are becoming aware of our energetic fields.  We are beginning to understand that we are but light and information. That spiritual or energy fields are not religious and are subject to our thoughts and environment. That wisdom is power and consciousness does expand, and that the expansion of our primary senses is our birthright. It is not just a special gift it is our own right and power to heal, forgive, love, find our Heart Path. Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing is a skill and treatment that opens the doors and allows you to make your own way on your Heart Path whatever that might BE.

Being Here Now is the simplest Way yet often viewed as the hardest .  As Henry Ford reminds us, "Whether we think life is easy or hard, we prove ourselves right."

What do you envision is happening within and around you since immersing yourself in advanced energy healing practices?

For me the journey from the farm, a kiwi kid to the honour and privilege of teaching and treating individuals, witnessing their growth and the joy of that is a miracle in itself.   My skills and the ability in my senses, clarity of mind and intuition along with the gentle loving certainty of Wisdom as opposed to harsh constraint of righteousness is a humbling exciting experience. I am infinitely grateful for the adventure of my life. Still I seek.

What advice or information would you like to leave with our readers?

I encourage you to seek a practitioner of Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing. There will be someone in your State. Consider building your Antahkarana and see what wisdom that that practice unfolds. Do a workshop. The Foundation Level l & ll is open to all. You do not have to be an Acupuncturist or a Practitioner.  The workshop will teach you how to find the acupuncture points and open the spin fields and how to envisage geometric patterns, install New Encoding Patterns and how to expand consciousness and the Fields of Your Higher Heart.    Workshops are in different States although the base is in Melbourne. The next ESOTER ACUPUNCTURE Advanced Energy Healing Workshop FOUNDATION Level l &ll is on the Gold Coast at the end of July. All details are on

To book your place for the FOUNDATION Level l & ll ESOTERIC ACUPUNCTURE Advanced Energy Healing Workshop on the Gold Coast

Book Here  


 Add anything else you feel would benefit Dreambuilders Australia Blog readers.

Most importantly, allow yourself to listen to intuition, as the heart guides you. Explore the IntoFreedom Website.

Selenite words of Light workshop and other details are on

I am of service. My number is 0422 845 105 I have a clinic in Boronia Victoria you can book online on

Thanks Alison Clarke-Daly, for all you do and all you are. Your story and your work are a gift to the world.  We appreciate your gifts and how you fearlessly move forward empowering others to grow conscious and live their dream.