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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in essence of being (2)


Get to know true nature

Every moment is a wake up call to recognize and let go of what stands in the way of true nature.  Notice your responses to questions about who you are.  The mind tells you that you are what you do, that your identity unfolds based on roles you perform in your family, community or society. are what happens as you.  Let go of a sense of individuality, comparison and ideals.

Now, notice what happens as the mind is quiet or you no longer feel resistance. Comparison ceases. Points of reference disappear. You sense you are a bridge, an open flowing of energy that connects to other lives.  You begin to recognize you can feel and bridge whatever you bring into your life.  You are a mirror and also that which reflects in the mirror. As you mirror what is around you, this is not you.  It is the ever-changing self that truly serves the explorer inside.

Every encounter you experience is telling you how wise the essence of being is. You are just as wise as any wisdom you appreciate.  What most attracts you, any qualities you admire is reflecting love to you. Any quality you feel, you are it and can be it more consciously.  When you flow from the heart, you naturally allow all energy to pass though without judgement. Come to the clarity revealed through the heart.  A mirror reflects whatever it shows inside, undistorted.

"Only that in you which is me can hear what I am saying." -Ram Dass


The essence of being

I recall someone encouraging me to take the stairs if elevators to success seemed out of order.  Now, why is humans are conditioned to desire quick access to those things that seem beyond our reach? What is it that makes us feel we need what we do not seem to have?

As we let go of conditioning and shift to a place of non-judgment, priorities mysteriously change. The same things no longer hold appeal.  What does it feel like to let go of what you think you want? Refreshing? A relief? Open the mind and catch a glimpse of true essence.

One view of success is what the ego views as achievement. It appears out of reach so we think we must do something to get fulfilled. If your goal is a half hour of meditation twice per day, and you complete this, the related good feelings evoke a sense of satisfaction. If you aim to develop greater physical flexibility in yoga positions or, mental aptitude in negotiation, success is still 'results-oriented.' Notice what happens as you discover immeasurable kinds of success also exist.

Consider a talkative person who is known for having ideas spinning in his head all the time.  He may typically know restless sleep because his mind is busy working out solutions to his problems.  Then, as he learns to settle the ripples down, he may experience stillness. To allow silence into your life is to discover you attract different versions of success into your life.

As you quiet the mind, you let go of judgment and mental noise. Explore what silence feels like. A sense of success arises as an innate feeling of acceptance.  Its like doing nothing and everything at once, and loving unconditionally, come what may.  This is the essence of being.

Brace yourself: Be what is innate.  Love is your true nature.  Its not the conditional feeling that you get through relationships that mind would have you believe it is.