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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in energy flow (8)


Emotion is simply a word

'Emotion' is simply a word like any other.    Notice whether you react or respond.    Living through the filters of the mind prompts conditioned reaction.  Heartfelt living triggers love, acceptance and appreciation.  Emotion is felt as a signal that travels through your entire being. To view emotions as a group is to recognize inputs and outputs of energy flow.  Imagine infinite inputs and outputs. The mind does not even begin to classify those which exist. Watch and allow emotion to operate. Energy is constantly flowing. Notice what happens as you begin to see and experience things as they are.


Renew yourself

As you understand the perfect state of being, you realize your physical and other responses can align at any stage of your existence. Nothing is more important than feeling the best you can where you are. Notice you can do nothing about the sources of your worry. Choose better feeling thoughts and your experiences unfold to reinforce the joy. You summon energy from a very powerful place that defies description. As you consciously allow energy to flow through, your priorities change. You allow well-being. You align with your own energy that renews you.


You have perfect timing

Everything you think, do and feel has perfect timing for your own unfolding process.  You expand and contract based on feelings you generate, based on whether you choose to block the flow of what comes naturally.  As you choose to analyze, judge or second-guess the self, you limit what would otherwise be infinite experience.  What you experience is a reflection of what you choose to be now.

As you step back, you can decide that everything offers blessings, benefits, and draws you into your own forgotten sources of wisdom.  To sense that you are precisely where you need to be is reassuring. Notice you have opportunities to be elsewhere, but choose here. How does it feel to remember more of how to align with you?  This is part of the harmony of Cosmic Synchronicity.

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