3 Tips to embody deep gratitude

Nurture the vision of gratitude and escalate into heartfelt appreciation. Embody those feelings as vibrations and sensations as though they are happening in this moment. What is a simple way to do experience the greatest joy and liberation? Inhale and exhale. Notice the sensations of love and acceptance amplify. As we focus, we are one with these sensations that expand and amplify who we are.
Watch what happens as we recall what it feels like to breathe fully and rhythmically. Notice a feeling of gratitude expands. Sensations of appreciation enable us to unleash more of what we know. Be open to a system of smooth and constant rhythm of energy that feels like a refreshing and exhilarating ocean wave. Life is a series of inhales and exhales. Holding the breath is like choosing to consciously pause life, recalibrate into freedom, clarity and joy.
Consider these tips:
1) Do breathwork regularly to allow good sensations to nourish the entire body
2) Feel energy growing and expanding throughout the body
3) Discover going beyond comfort zones transforms us (where strength, growth & freedom happen)