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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in congruent life (1)


3 Tips to Live a more congruent life

Notice what happens when you focus energy and attention on uncovering your purpose.  You may be surprised to remember that this evolves with you and changes at different life stages. Reflect on these three tips to live a more congruent life;

1. Be present

The more you are present to your emotional reactions and other responses to life’s experiences, the more intimately you get-to-know yourself.  The deeper and more conscious your relationship with yourself, the more congruent you’ll be able to live your life in ways that feel fulfilling.  Your life’s value, is not based on an arbitrary number in your bank account, but rather, on the experiences you live and the time you devote to being fully conscious during those experiences.

2. Listen to intuition

Intuition is the language of the soul. True listening is about tuning in to this frequency, being aware of what sparks your curiosity and interest, jumping on opportunities that present and knowing everything you choose to notice is itself a sychronicity or stepping stone to more joy. 

3. Pay attention to relationships

Every encounter, friendship and longer relationship is a soundboard for your own authenticity. People show up on your radar, come and go in your life, to help you see and better understand yourself. Congruency inspires congruency and vice versa. Notice who do you spend the most time with. How are they empowering or disempowering you? Do they inspire you to be true to you?

The key to living a fulfilling life is being congruent with your Soul purpose. - Liara Covert