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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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How to break the vicious cycle

Your current relationships may not be the dream you have in mind. Part of you may not be aware that you have the power to break the vicious cycle of situations.  They exist to awaken you to new ways of thinking, feeling and understanding self. As you ready to make positive changes, consider these tips;

1) Realize you are in the midst of a vicious cycle.  When relationships evoke discomfort, the common thread is you.

2) Cease blaming others for your negative emotions. Learn to grasp root causes and heal triggers of these signals. 

3) Take responsibility.  If dialogue, commitment, or compromise do not come easily, what does it tell you about hidden fear? How can you reframe everything for the better?

4) Use patterns as a guide for self-acceptance.  If you focus on appearances, this suggests low esteem, inadequacy and ego-based misperceptions that do not serve you.

5) The answer is always love.  Only by loving and accepting all of you as you are now do you invite soul love.