The Big Truth

Whether or not your realize it, the truth follows you around wherever you go. The big picture is revealing itself. Clues are always smack dab, right in front of you. Clues to what you do not need in your life are also right in front of you. So, what do you choose to notice and how do you act? Notice how your own selective awareness is serving you.
Ask yourself if you serve other people before yourself. If your focus is your own personal agenda, if you only help people when you see how this can contribute to your own bigger plans, then you are sacrificing the potential of more meaningful relationships.
If you desire to perceive yourself in a new way, this doesn't require you to be completely selfless. When you think of yourself, you would benefit from thinking of yourself in the context of a bigger picture. Evolve to see what is best for others is also what is best for you. As you grow to feel more connected to other people, distinctions fall away.
The soul is like an open sense. It intuits all choices without judgment. The mind judges what is best for whom and why. Aligning the mind with soul allows you to feel your way into states that expand beyond self. The big truth is beyond ego and self-interest.
Rather than see yourself as different, better, more competitive, more strategic or superior, you shift to see what you have in common with others until the sense of other fades. You feel more inter-connected. As you assist and are kind to others, you have no ulterior motive. You act for action's sake. The big truth emerging is oneness.
"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." - Buddha