Dream Analysis of the Week- French Pastry

I was offered decadent french pastry by an alluring pastry chef. It was very pleasing to the eye and nose (physical senses). I resisted and was tempted to take a bite. I was on a suagr-free diet and knew taking such food would be detrimental to my health. I took a nibble of a small gluten free cupcake and spat it out immediately, knowing this was not good for me. Found myself in bed beside pastry chef. Had my clothes on. He did not. I got out of the bed and took a tent that was on the floor. The tent rose up, turned into a hot air balloon and levitated out the window.
A chef is a symbol that reminds you that you have the ability and freedom to select your life path or direction. Such an individual trained to understand flavors, cooking techniques, to create recipes from scratch with fresh ingredients, and have a high level of responsibility in a kitchen. This symbol echoes you are ready and in process of taking greater responsibility in the arenas of your own life. This chef symbol represents the progressive deepening of awareness of subtle senses and reclaiming sovereignty in life.
Pastry can signify indulgence, pleasure and satisfaction. This can indicate you are enjoying life to the fullest right now and the rewards it's bringing if you are in a comfortable financial, personal and professional position. It can also imply that a period of decadence is coming to an end so you may expeirence something else.
Ask yourself whether are you indulging too much in your waking hours? The dream could be a warning to you that you need to cut back on something or eliminate it from your life before it's too late (you do irreparable damage). More literally, your food intake and quality might be an issue if you haven't been sustainging yourself with what is good for you
If, you do something that goes against your conditioned ethics or morals, you may have reached a point where these points of reference are up for review.
Tents are temporary homes that echo a free spirit. The hot air balloon implies you are rising above a situation that may evoke pain or discomfort. Hang in there!
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