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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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12 tips to rediscover success

Neale Donald Walsch offers 12 ideas to encourage each of us to reflect and rediscover success. According to him, we already know how to tap into success principles.  The more you repeat these concepts in your mind, the more you will create uplifting, harmonious realities. His key message is, "stop trying to decide what to do, and start choosing what you wish to be."

1) avoid negative thoughts.

2) change your mind consciously and immediately if negatives seep in.

3) begin to understand who you are, and honor and demonstrate that in choices and evolution.

4) love yourself completely, just as you are.

5) love everyone else fully, just as they are.

6) appreciate and be grateful for life as it is.

7) forgive everyone for everything.

8) never deliberately hurt another person /creature again (emotionally, physically or other ways).

9) never mourn the death of another person again (you might temporarily mourn your loss).

10) never fear or mourn your own death.

11) tune in to raise awareness that everything is vibration; all you think, perceive, say and do.

12) do whatever it takes to adjust your inner energy and life energy you create around you to create the most meaningful experiences you can possibly imagine.


When enough is enough

When you take risks to make decisions, you base your position on a level of satisfaction. If you ask yourself whether you've had enough of something, you question whether your patience has reached its limits, whether your stomach is full, whether your mind is content with the answers it receives. Take a risk to go further.

Consider your pain threshold. How many times will you allow yourself to touch a hot stove when you have already learned doing so results in a burn? How many times will you permit someone to hurt you physically or emotionally before you choose to get out of a situation? How frequently will you accept harsh criticism in a setting before you decide its too self-destructive? Enough is enough!Establish your limits!

Consider your ego. If someone is sacrificing a lot for you, and abandoning a pursuit would be disrespectful or do this person a disservice, would you still be willing to act on pure self-interest? If you convince yourself your self-image and personal control are more important, enough is enough! Think of others' interests too.

Consider your patience. Are you being impatient? Some people wait years or even a lifetime believing relationships will work out or lost loved ones will reappear. Some people also have unwavering faith rain will relieve drought, that business downturns will experience an upswing, that environmental disasters will restabilize equilibrium, that sudden illness will trigger changes in self-defeating habits. Is nurturing faith hurting anyone? Have no faith or patience? Enough is enough! Patience is always within reach.

Consider your sources of sustenance. How is your behaviour influencing your own level of sustenance? If lazing around isn't helping you pay bills or to deal effectively to obtain necessities of life, then you would benefit from a change in attitude and activity. Apathy and lack of self-care can be destructive.  Enough is enough! Decide you'll find a way to improve your situation and do it!

Consider your readiness. You may be preparing for some experience. Learn to give yourself pep talks. What holds you back? Why hesitate to jump out of the plane? Why not speak in front of people or express your opinion openly? If you permit fear to control you, you could lie to yourself about not being ready forever. Enough is enough! You'll be ready when you decide you're ready.


Attention retention

You are in control of whether you experience the same things that you've already experienced and whether or not you will gain anything beneficial.  Education is a kind of raising awareness that can result from where you focus attention.  You decide what you choose to remember and what you choose to forget.  You decide what perception you will engage or sharpen and what perception you will leave dormant or ignore.  Attention and retention begin and end with you.

Consider you have opportunities to learn every moment.  Where you focus your attention not only determines what you choose to experience, it begins to uncover what you choose to learn.  You can focus on the surface or linear thinking.  You can expand your understanding of time and space, move forward and backward, up and down, left and right, and in directions you hadn't anticipated.  You can even discover what it means to move circumferentially, moving aound the contours of your situations, perceptions and feelings to gain insight via the outside looking in.

Remind yourself that taking the same path at different times can teach you very different things.  You may send yourself hunches or follow intuition to retrace your steps because you seek to learn anew. Whether or not you realize it, you constantly move through time and space and interpret different layers of detail.  Since you mentally paint an understanding of your life, you can alter the image of yourself or your surroundings whever you desire to do so. 

The parts of yourself you will focus on most are those you wish to experience most deeply, to widen your attention span.  You ultimately teach yourself what kind of life you aim to lead. You may simply forget why you are alive and what you set out to do.  Life is not as you always picture it, but rather, a series of experiences you interpret at will.  Your energy and enthusiasm matter.


Attention retention

You are in control of whether you experience the same things that you've already experienced and whether or not you will gain anything beneficial.  Education is a kind of raising awareness that can result from where you focus attention.  You decide what you choose to remember and what you choose to forget.  You decide what perception you will engage or sharpen and what perception you will leave dormant or ignore.  Attention and retention begin and end with you.

Consider you have opportunities to learn every moment.  Where you focus your attention not only determines what you choose to experience, it begins to uncover what you choose to learn.  You can focus on the surface or linear thinking.  You can expand your understanding of time and space, move forward and backward, up and down, left and right, and in directions you hadn't anticipated.  You can even discover what it means to move circumferentially, moving aound the contours of your situations, perceptions and feelings to gain insight via the outside looking in.

Remind yourself that taking the same path different times can teach you very different things.  You may send yourself hunches or follow intuition to retrace your steps because you seek to learn. Whether or not you realize it, you're constantly moving through time and space and interpreting different layers of detail.  Since you pain an understanding of your life, you can alter the image of yourself or your surroundings whever you desire to do so.  The parts of yourself you focus on mpst are those you wish to experience, to deepen and widen your attention span.  You ultimately teach yourself what kind of life you aim to lead. You may simply forget why you choose this reality.


Overambitious goals

We hear so much about the benefits of setting goals which will motivate us to be productive and achieve. Deciding what you desire may be a task that enables you to focus. Yet, maybe you know someone who has set high standards and failed to reach them?Maybe this sounds like you?

It's common to feel discouraged when you don't satisfy a need or achieve a goal. What kinds of questions are you prompted to ask yourself? Didn't I work hard enough? Were my sights too high? Do my results mean people think I'm stupid or incapable? Why didn't I set the bar lower? Will I ever achieve anything worthwhile? It's useful to reflect on matters to help you sort all this out.

1) External perception is a distraction. What other people think of your choices and results is not as important as how you view yourself. You determine the nature of your own learning curve. You may grow to respect other people's opinions of your abilities and potential, but don't accept someone else's view of who you are without reviewing and respecting your own views.

2) Reprimand will get you nowhere faster.You only have a certain amount of energy. What energy you exert to criticize, doubt, whine, complain or discourage yourself actually reduces energy available to propel you forward. Ask yourself what benefits you gain from holding yourself back this way. Self-sabotage is not an effective strategy to refine or achieve goals.

3) Check your vibes. What you think, say and do sends vibrations to your core. You influence your energy patterns, what you interpret as encouraging or discouraging. Attitude is everything.

4) Re-evaluate your time frame. Just because you haven't yet achieved a particular goal, doesn't mean all hope is lost. Time is experienced differently and awareness evolves according to may variables. Remind yourself schedules are contractible and stretchable. Work with that.

5) The way you react to your circumstances determines where you go from here. Tell yourself it doesn't matter so much what you have or haven't done. Instead, turn to what you choose to learn and how you plan to benefit from past experiences. You control moving forward.