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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Power questions & power talk

Whenever you speak, realize words are powerful energy.  They hold potential based on how and what you express and to whom. Language has different impacts on people and the world as a whole.  Get ready to engage in power questions and power talk.

Even from something as simple as how you approach another person, you can gain more than a wealth of information.  Critical thinking becomes a valuable tool as you learn new approaches to obtaining information, and to weighing the pros and cons of what you hear. How words are formulated determines the power and impact they will have. 

Whether you seek to strengthen your relationships, to build a business, to deepen your sense of connectedness to spirituality and the world, or to enrich some other area of your life, consider the power of communication in the form of relevant questions.  Begin by asking yourself "why." 

Questions are a means to create abundance and affluence because they:

  • Enable you to avoid arguments tactfully, with diplomacy and get to the point.
  • Remind you how it can be desirable to talk less and listen more to others' needs.
  • Allow you to empower someone to recognize what he/ she really wants.
  • Probe into the mind of another person to teach you things about yourself and that person.
  • Encourage a sense of appreciation, since you request and value the view of another.
  • Help you realize that promoting respect and self-respect will lead to fruitful collaboration.

In addition to asking pertinent questions, the way you come across will determine whether you deserve the faith and confidence of another person. Your behaviour can help you win and hold the attention of other people or become the reason why you aren't to be taken seriously. So long as you always talk well of other people, be it past relations, colleagues or business competition, you will give others reason to praise and value you in varied capacities. What would stop you getting there?

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