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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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If only life could be that simple

As you dream of the job you have or the job you would like to have, you may dream of greater simplicity.   Many jobs and careers evolve to incorporate complexity and technology. Offices that use faxes, scanners, photocopiers, alarm systems, computers and other machines represent some examples of modern progress. Of course, the latest gadgets will not enable you to feel more satisfied with the results your work, at least, not for long.

You may feel smug if you increase your productivity and reduce your expenses and time spent on projects. However, you may evolve to be driven by 'the next big thing' that will lighten your load.  You may dream of forever increasing your efficiency. Reflect on this. You may buy into an illusion that the newer the technology, and the more of it you possess, the less work you will actually have to do and the better lifestyle you'll have. This would be an unhealthy illusion. Where would your source ofmotivation or accomplishment come from then? If only life could be that simple.

What would it be like if you could reduce, change or simplify the majority of your tasks in your life differently than you already do? You could do away with your palm pilot and revert back to an old-fashioned address book. Why not give up the mobile phone, Internet, PC and blackberry? Take a more hands-on, purely local business where technology isn't needed.

You can ride a bike to work and leave the car at home. You always have choices. It's fine to choose technology so long as you realize what you're doing, where it comes from, and the implications of your choices. Don't let work run your life. Recognize that you are in charge of your fate. Time isn't the only valuable commodity. Your life will be as simple as you choose for it to be.

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