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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Golden nuggets of encouragement

You may not realize it yet, but encouraging other people is also a way to encourage yourself.  Personal growth and self-improvement are worthwhile goals because the related confidence and self-esteem that ensues trickles over into other areas of your life and generates the energy you benefit from to move ahead. Consider these golden nuggets of encouragement. You're reminded that what goes around will bounce back and enrich you, if only you believe in the power of shared goals.

1) Highlight what people do well. Anyone can criticize or correct in ways that make people feel bad, but what does that really achieve? Everyone makes mistakes. That's human. The question is, what do we learn from it? Find ways to boost esteem that inspire people to sharpen goals to do better next time. How you choose to raise awareness can also motivate others while it also energizes or rejuvenates you. Sharing your own lessons learned also has potential to be mutually-benefical.

2) Identify ways to move ahead. It's common for people to shy away from or refuse change, but dismissing ideas without consideration could be foolhardy. Inviting comments from others can enable you to better yourself and whatever projects are on hand. The fact you appreciate outside views reveals you respect and value others which is likely one of your goals to experience. Each person has capacities to grow to become a better person. As you welcome constructive advice, you'll expand your potential and reveal how people could benefit from similar initiatives.

3) Compliment others. To recognize talents and skills in other people enables them to feel good about themselves. Praising accomplishments and sharing a sense of excitement will attract emotions and experiences in positive ways. Building friendships based on honesty and sincerity is another way to build inner strength you can apply to be productive throughout your life. This can be a refreshing experience that spreads in people, teams and vision. Sensing optimism will reflect back.

4) Take pride in all outcomes. Victory is a state of mind. As you express how and why individuals seem to progress in areas of interests, you discover you have power to build confidence. You can express gratitude for efforts exerted by others and draw attention to the experience they obtain, no matter what the end result. This shows people that they create and shape their own expectations.

5) Grasp that "feeling right"starts inside.When you demonstrate to people the big benefits of nurturing self-growth, they will gain new impetus to explore ways to learn themselves. As you choose to inject enthusiasm into everything you do, this attitude will prove contagious. The idea of overcoming experiences that seem threatening begins with the outlook that you can do it. Teach this and you'll believe in it too.


End your confusion

Confusion is explained by the sources of your fear. In order to end confusion, you must take steps to explore your inner self and learn not to be afraid. Doing new things entails risk. Fear is the reason for all experiences you create or avoid, the risks you're afraid to take and the risks you're afraid not to take. What kinds of illusions do you devise to convince yourself taking a chance wouldn't be worth it? You may be the sort of person who would choose to isolate yourself to preserve and protect the person you think you are. Yet, part of you fears to remain that way or you wouldn't contemplate change.

What if I told you that the very things you devise in your mind are the kinds of experiences you'll get? That is, if you choose to fear the consequences of taking a risk, you will either take the risk and suffer the consequences you imagine, or avoid the risk altogether and suffer results of that. If you're convinced you'll experience uncomfortable or undesirable things, then you invite them in. At the same time, the opposite is also true. Envisage positive developments and they will materialize.

As you evolve to be willing to take risks, this reflects new self-awareness and desire to confront fear. It is also an indication of maturity and eagerness to learn. Each of us can act to gain a clearer sense of our perceived abilities, what we think we can do, and what we hope to do. This is itself a learning process. At different stages of your life, your thinking and perception may differ. Every tentative feeling is a mark of underlying fear that we can evolve to admit and confront in order to move forward. Do you feel really confused yet?

You have many options that encourage your personal growth and development of emotional intelligence. Some people attend school or participate in conferences and meetings. Other people choose to meditate. You may start by simply making new choices about how you'll view issues or obstacles in your life. If you're serious and commit to learn what it takes to understand risks and how you feel about them, you can reach out to people and resources to find assistance wherever you are.

To end your confusion, begin by acknowledging when and why you harbour fear inside. Fear doesn't have to be seen as a negative emotion. Why not choose instead to consider it as a stepping stone to healing and greater fulfillment? Fear is an outlet through which you can vent and release negative thoughts, self-doubt and destructive energy. That makes it a very positive thing. It enables you to rid yourself of negative energy and emotions, and better understand yourself. You have incentive to learn to deal with confusion and the fear that lies behind it. You'll evolve to live a more meaningful life and feel ready to take risks that enrich all you are.


Keeping promises

The ability to keep a promise is not only reason to feel good about yourself, but also reason for other people to develop trust in you. Promises come from inside yourself. They can be a source of motivation and energy. Your decision to keep or break them reflects part of your character.  Your behaviour also reveals things about your hopes and fears that you may not yet be aware. 

Life experience is meant to help you learn not to promise the impossible. Redefine your limits if you promise more than it turns out you can. This is a learning process. As we learn to promise less and surpass expectations, this will leave a better impression, and boost more confidence than if we're not following through. It's in your interest and in the interest of others, that you take your promises seriously. Consider the basis for business contracts, long-term relationships and spiritual growth are all intricately linked to learning how to make and keep promises.

Be considerate : If a friend promises to meet you in the park after school, and doesn't show up or offer any explanation why, then you may not see this friend in the same way as before. No matter what your age or circumstances, when you promise to be somewhere, imagine you're the person waiting and treat him or her with respect. Things may cause you to be late. Tell people.

Be realistic : If a boss gives you an assignment and you promise to submit it by an unrealistic deadline, you both benefit if you re-negotiate a new deadline you will meet. Your reputation will be built on your track record, on your ability to admit mis-judgments and how you rework them.

Be disciplined : If you promise to devote more time to your own relaxation and balance, and you don't, it's difficult to trust yourself to keep other promises, such as to exercise, rest well and eat right. Remind yourself your discipline (or disregard) also sets examples for friends, children, family and strangers. You wouldn't wish to be caught as a hypocrite saying, "do as I say, not as I do."

Be cautious : If you confide in your brother and he shares your intimate story with others, then this should indicate it wouldn't be prudent to trust him with other private details. Experience and intuition help to guide your views about with whom it's appropriate to share you inner self.

Be specific : If you promise to contact more sales prospects, this carries less of an impact than promising to come through with measurable financial results on a timeline. Effort is required for results, but promising only efforts will yield only efforts.

If you have been making promises to yourself and to others, but find you have been unable to keep them, identify whether what held you back was or wasn't within your control. Making a promise is a big commitment which itself deserves praise. How you evolve to respond to unforeseen obstacles and pressures reveals whether you'll focus on excuses and complaints or contributions that bring you closer to keeping promises. If you don't make valiant efforts, the biggest loser will be you; your conscience and how you're perceived by others in the future.


Reach out & grab it or find your own way

To deepen your own understanding of success and to expand on what you think you already know about your own views on the subject, you would benefit from thinking about your answers to these questions; for whom, where, what, when, why and how? Learn who decides what success is in your life, under what conditions or constraints, when the concept is shaped and how, and what you think you must do to approach and experience it differently on your own terms.

Success for whom implies the object or the focus of your energies right now. This may be you or, it may or may not include you. As an employee, you contribute to the financial and other success of your employer. What about your own sense of success? Is it separate or the same? If you seek to serve others or, act in the interest of someone else, you may stifle some of your desires. If you set these aside for now, you may hope to return later. Do you postpone or forget? Consider your priorities.

Success is where takes shape in your actual physical surroundings or socio- cultural background. The perceived parameters are associated with guides and standards for expectations that suit the milieu. You don’t necessarily define anything about it. You may be a conformist or non-conformist. Each role would have implications. Is this environment where you are where you wish to be or, do you envision yourself elsewhere? Realizing where you don’t desire to be is the first step to deciding where you do. Choose exhilarating places to cogitate and innovate. Become yourself. 

Success is what may represent a tangible thing you can reveal to the world as an indication of your progress and achievement. It may also be a simple feeling inside that nobody has to know about other than you.  How you perceive success can come from inside yourself or, it may be influenced by people and events that impose ideas on you. Which ideas do you believe or buy into? Do they help you discover yourself?

Success is when comes in your own time. Forms your most meaningful experiences will take are influenced by the time and effort you devote to bring them about. You may define a timeline as way to expedite certain kinds of success. However, people have also been known to stumble on unexpected success when original plans didn’t work out on schedule. Remind yourself that certain experiences have their own timelines, as regarding fertility, seasons, longevity and dexterity. Get informed. Your view of success may depend on cooperating with Mother Nature. Keep an open mind, identify what you want, and don’t forget to watch the clock.

Success is why is a reasoning that evolves inside yourself as you raise your own self-awareness. Your life meaning and priorities will change based on your grasp of who and what you are at a given time. Whether you justify action or inaction enables you to define the nature of your success.

Success is how will be realized throughout a given life journey. You can even sense it inside yourself. Once you think you know what you want, where you must go, and you have insight into time constraints, you may ask yourself how you’ll make things happen your way? Realize you’ll not be in control of everything that happens or everyone you meet. Yet, think of the atmosphere of your surroundings and how you feel about yourself. You set the mood of your life path. Will you choose to feel at ease and feel attitude and positive thinking lead you to people or circumstances which will realize your dreams? Raise self-awareness to attract opportunity.


More than meets the eye

What is with people who refuse to believe things unless they witness or experience them for themselves? Even when people do, they still come up with some logical explanation for what is really beyond our knowing. A highly-cherished belief held by many people is that each person has an appointed “guardian angel” to watch over and protect them. Some people also think we have more than one angel nearby. Of course, not everyone believes this either. Since you read this, you may believe or question the possibility. Consider stories which reveal rewards for believing.

A woman diagnosed with a terminal disease was told by physicians she had at most, six months. Every documented case of her illness before her resulted in rapid deterioration of the muscles, faculties and finally, complete physiological and biochemical control of the body. She left the medical office with the idea that she would prove those physicians wrong. She read everything she could about the subject of her diagnosis. She changed her diet, her lifestyle, and devoted considerably more time to deepening her spiritual path. The result was an astonishing complete healing of her physical body that shocked physicians.

Morris Goodman is described as "The Miracle Man." He defied what physicians predicted for his future after a serious aeroplane accident. With his neck broken at C1 and C2, his spinal cord crushed, and all key muscles in his body destroyed, Morris could no longer perform or control any body function except blink his eyes. Yet, faith in things beyond him nurtured his determination from within. He rebuilt his body though strength of his mind. As a well-known public speaker and contributor to Rhonda Byrne's book "The Secret", Goodman refers to his life as showing the power of mind over matter. Meeting him is a truly moving and inspirational experience.

Maybe you’ve also known experiences in your life when questions have been raised or judgment has been presented about your own capacities. You may ask yourself whether you’ve made the right choice at a given time, whether you are where you should be, whether you’ve learned what was necessary to do the best thing. It’s during such times that your inner self may become more accessible than ever before. You may even hear an inner voice clearly for the first time.

Angels may reinforce the power of your inner voice so you listen to yourself, and build new confidence in your decisions. Recognize the best thing for you is to learn from every choice you make. As you evolve, you may come to realize that your soul doesn't live inside your body but rather, your body is a temporary inhabitant within the force-field of your soul.  Inside yourself, that little voice tells how you already have a remarkable impact on the world around you. The practical implications of how you think about what you believe are almost totally up to you. Where to from here?