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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Transcend your indignities

If you've never dreamed of approaching your wit's end, but wondered if you had anything more to lose, you may aim to make greater sense out of what you discern as apparently senseless suffering. Some people believe to live means to suffer and to survive hardship enables you to find meaning in suffering. When you imagine a purpose to your life, you might also imagine an eventual purpose would be served in dying. Yet, each person must follow a solitary path to self-discovery, and accept the responsibilities associated with embracing an inner sense of purpose.

Consider Viktor Frankle. He was a psychiatrist who lived through Auschwitz and watched his family and millions perish. His writing takes an uplifting view of our capacity, as human beings, to transcend any predicament, to accept ubiquity of suffering, and discover a sense of accountability for our lives. Among Frankle's books, his most well-known is called "Man's Search for Meaning." In it, he teaches us that no matter what our experiences, we can weave threads of pain into a solid pattern of new meaning and responsibility.

Move beyond initial shock to release and liberation. How will you grow to take more responsibility for your life, no matter how disconcerting your circumstances? If you evolve to feel worthy of your suffering, you realize you can rise out of the temporary gloom.  Tap into the reasons you feel motivated to endure and come out of your current difficulties.  You may have children or other loved ones who need you.  You may have a talent you have yet to fully develop or share.  You may have a wealth of ideas you plan explore, dreams to realize.  You may have past experiences worthy of keeping, savoring and expressing at a later time.

As you grow to desire to form a deeper relationship with yourself, you need to make room for revelations, to make room within yourself. The voice of silence can be the hardest one to hear. Learn that part of you is always witnessing your thoughts and feelings. If you feel depressed or uncomfortable in some way, and someone asks you how you know, you'll realize why and how. Your body will provide you with wisdom in forms of answers. Pay attention and listen to them. Exert effort to understand your reasons for humiliation, fear, anger, injustice or other indignities.

Let go of your pre-conceived notions. Take this opportunity to release judgement and practice unconditional forgiveness. Admit to yourself mysteries exist beyond the depth of your life experience. Can you trust without limits? Are you willing to take steps to heal yourself? Are you really home? As you come to know and admit why you feel how you feel, you penetrate to your core. You'll discover that you desire a mind that will be committed to your soul, committed to unveiling the flow of emotion and apathy about your unprotected and insecure life. Embracing vulnerability may be the key to transcending and growing stronger as a result of your indignities.


What do you seek from yourself?

Everyday, we're bombarded with instructions from many directions. Institutions, strangers and peers advise us to behave in certain ways, adopt certain beliefs and make certain decisions. Some advice will oppose or contradict other advice. How will you decide to sort through it all and figure out what you really seek from yourself? The implications of your response will be far-reaching.

If you're unable to focus on an area or areas you desire to improve, then it will be very difficult to concentrate and complete things.  If an influx of ideas confuses you about what you should do next, you'd benefit from evaluating your choices systematicall,y and narrowing your priorities. As you come to recognize self-improvement is a process where different actions promote different kinds of personal growth, then you may relax more about the order in which you progress.

You may have heard the idea that life is a particular kind of game and people spend much of their existence grappling with the object to learn the rules. You decide whether you play fair. You decide to create rule or adopt existing rules imposed from outside yourself. Realize that how others suggest you do to improve yourself or your conditions isn't always compatible with your own ideas. If you wonder why people aren't more clear about what they want from you, maybe you could open your senses. The answers will resonate inside. 

Each time you make choices that enable you to feel good about yourself, this implies this is something you want from yourself.  Reading about positive life occurrences that have been experienced by others has potential to open your mind to possibilities of choices all around you. How you evolve to see yourself will determine where and how you desire to change. You must decide for yourself on your baseline, that is, what parts of you, your attitude or self-image will be desirable to overhaul.


Michael Dell & 8 Ways to celebrate for more than a nanosecond

The title of this piece is also one of the most known mottos for the Dell Computer company. Micheal Dell, founder and chairman, is worth ~13 billion, and he feels there's no big secret to his success. He believes he has just applied and constantly improved on the principles he used to develop the company back in 1984.  A review of his characteristics and choices tells us a lot.

1) He has faith in his ideas.  Michael's father ideas of success urged him to become a physician, which led the teenager to enroll in biology as a pre-med student. Yet, his nose for opportunity enabled him to recogize how computer markets were growing. His curiosity and self-taught tech know-how had led him to dis-assemble his Apple II computer and find parts had different origins. He then devised a vision for a new kind of made-to-order 'supply and demand,' bought IBM PCs wholesale, greatly undercut the retail price while adding extra components to suit each customer. The more he believed in himself, the more he attracted lucrative opportunities.

2) He knows when to ignore naysayers . Michael initially downplayed his business ideas to his parents and friends. Before they'd drop into his dorm, he hid boxes in the bathroom which revealed his true passion. Early on, he learned different people had different ideas of success. Encouragement wasn't always forthcoming from people with little knowledge of his area of interest. By the end of his first year in college, his profits topped US $50,000, and this gave him the courage, will and means to drop out of college with a completely new success vehicle.

3) He invests in marketing . Dell moved his company, then PCs Limited, to a strategic shop front in Austin, Texas. During the first year at the location, his ability to cleverly promote the venture via various means resulted in sales of hardware worth ~$6 million. He proved that he didn't just get from others what he required from others. He also discerned which among his business practices and beliefs weren't working and he changed strategies to suit his company's evolution.

4) He focuses on doing what others do, only better. During the second year, he started building complete computers 'from the ground-up' for mail-order clients which enabled him to further personalize his service. Sales that year soared to $34 million, in part because Dell's IBM clone called the Turbo PC was half the price of a comparable IBM. His ability to offer hardware direct to customers enabled him to cut out middlemen and charge lower prices. He created a business where it wasn't necessary to keep much stock, which was key with part prices dropping.

5) He realizes he doesn't know everything. Even at 21, he remained humble about his fast track to financial prosperity. He accepts he is ignorant about aspects of business, and historically, has been unafraid to seek out mentors and hire people more experienced than himself. Even back in his youth, he chose to learn from every glitch, from client complaints about delivery time to lack of accessible staff. This prompted Dell to adopt benchmarks, including amazing client service and a 30-day money back guarantee with unlimited phone support.

6) He welcomes opportunities to improve . In 2001, a comprehensive, internal review of Dell corporation led employees to comment openly on their then, CEO. Michael Dell was surprised to learn he was perceived as "impersonal and detached." Staff felt he was disconnected from what went on around and beneath his office. Dell decided to embrace these comments right away. He made a video, directed to all staff, during which he would work to move beyond shyness and take steps to make himself more approachable by anyone on a regular basis. It worked!

7) He continues to innovate . Michael Dell never rests on his laurels. He doesn't base his future visions on his company track record for success. In fact, he supports a management style described as, 'two-in-a-box.' Executives are partnered with a person who challenges ideas, complements their skills and experience. Dell sets an example, partnered with Kevin B. Rollins, who works in a nearby office. While Dell plans the future, Rollins (12 years older) runs daily operations and reminds Dell to connect views of an unconfirmed future to reality.

8) He gives back to society. Dell and his wife established a "Michael & Susan Dell Foundation." Its a children's charity with projects and areas of focus to benefit future generations. It has an endowment of US $1 billion.  The Dells realize how sharing their financial success can promote increased peace, harmony and cooperation. They show all business success isn't always limited to power-quests or self-indulgence. What you have is perhaps less important than how you use it.


Justification of restriction

Parents dream of ‘healthy’ children, but societies are redefining what this means. An April 26th article in the Australian newspaper, The Age caught my attention. NSW judge Paul Conlon condemned physicians’ widespread diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and their propensity to medicate children from a very young age. Apparently, “ More than 264,000 prescriptions for the drug Ritalin were issued [in Australia] last year, compared to just 11,114 scripts written in 1992.”

Why suddenly medicate so many children? Might this reflect increasing numbers of parents deprive children of attention or, aren’t willing to deal with teach discipline? Might this reveal growing influence of drug companies on society? Judge Conlon explained he had, “ lost count of (numbers of) offenders coming before the courts who were diagnosed at a very young age with ADHD for which they were 'medicated.' “ ADHD has been set apart in poor concentration, distractibility, hyperactivity, impulsiveness and other symptoms that are age-inappropriate. If untreated, believers of the disorder feel it negatively affects learning, relationships and organizational skills.

A jump in medicated Aussie kids led me to research historic Australian populations that coincide with trends of medicated ADHD children. I discovered something shocking. Although the population rose from 17,099,900 (1992) to 20,810,069 (Jan 2007), which reveals a 10.2% growth rate, the fertility and childbirth rate actually decreased. Higher populations are based on immigrants who are often retirees. This suggests medicating ADHD in Australia increased 23.6 times between 1992 and 2006 without a coinciding increase in birth rate.

If you compare other national trends, a March 2007 study published by the university of Berkley, California, indicated the use of psycho-stimulant drugs to treat ADHD has more than tripled worldwide since 1993, challenging beliefs this neuro-developmental disorder is concentrated in the U.S. The study reveals, about “1 in 25 adolescents 15-19 is prescribed such drugs,” in countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Members are largely North American, European and Northeast Asian nations. While the U.S., Canada and Australia show higher-than-expected rates of ADHD medication use between 1993 and 2003, a selected country analysis also shows increases in ADHD drug consumption in countries including France, Sweden, Korea and Japan. What does this tell us? Should we be raising awareness of implications?

My insight into ADHD relates to my role as a university lab researcher in psychopharmacology for Ritalin studies in the mid 1990s. I also have a friend whose sister was diagnosed with hyperactivity and treated with Ritalin. In addition, I did considerable volunteering in psychiatric wards and community centers with the intention of pursuing psychiatry. My undergraduate Honors thesis investigated how popular culture, science trends and mainstream films, characterize and reinforce social stigma associated with multiple personality disorder (MPD) over a period of 30 years. Diverse experience built my multidisciplinary perspectives.

The drift to widespread diagnosis of ADHD in children echoes a disturbing trend recognized as the dangers of “chemical straightjackets” in Western countries. Diagnosis of mental illness evolves based on perceived advances in genetics and biochemistry, but also according to economic power dynamics.  Why is it experts involved in drug development/ marketing and prescribing physicians, expect growing trends of diagnosis to increase sharply? Both agree global costs for individuals and societies to medicate ADHD will also increase over the next decade.  Hmm.

Although the U.S. leads the world in ADHD medication spending ($2.4 billion in 2003), growth trends indicate that other countries are following in its tracks, according to the study. For example, global spending on ADHD medications increased nine-fold among OECD countries during the time period studied. This increase is largely due to the advent and availability of more costly and long-acting medications such as Concerta, Strattera and Adderral XR, among others.

Drug trade names may vary among countries, but the increasing use as a trend is similar. This situation prompts us to question whether widespread diagnosis of ADHD in children is really a symptom of serious imbalances in social, political, environmental, economic and other behavioral trends in society. To what lengths are we willing to go to justify imposed codes of conduct, and personal restrictions on anything from diet to etiquette? It's wise to ask yourself  who benefits from current trends, who defines them, and what do you have to gain or lose. How or why you justify restrictions on yourself is one thing, but what about on others?


Swallow a giraffe whole

If you're in transiton in your career, or considering what course to take in the next chapter of your education, it makes sense to review your priorities, your finances and also your values. It's also in your interest to remain optimistic about the future. Collecting information and reflecting honestly will help you transform your conditions into new commercial or other opportunities. On this note, its been said that 'to swallow a giraffe whole,' would be like reaching beyond what you think is possible.  Perhaps its time to to stick your neck out further like a gutsy giraffe?

1) Should you pursue a career you think you'll love at any cost? Every experience is a warning of what is to come, so you're better off not doing what isn't necessary. If you're only option is to borrow money to pursue further education, or to set up a business and you already have big debts, your future will be constrained, even if you think you'll enjoy what you plan to do. When it comes to expanding on education, more people are choosing to work days and take night courses to obtain credentials gradually, with less stress and less debt. Decisions about business ventures or other risks are best pursued only if you believe in you and can afford to lose if you fail. Each person has to make the decision that works for particular circumstances.

2) Where would you place more emphasis; on school, work, marriage, family?The choices you make are those which you will have to live with, along with any ensuing stress or emotional strain you do or don't learn to handle.  If your decisions will affect the lives of other people financially or emotionally, its wise to sit down together and evaluate the pros and cons of significant decisions. Your former choices aren't necessarily bad choices, but you need to reassess what would work or not work based on your newly revised priorities.

3) What part does an income play in your career choices? Whatever you do, you will benefit from exploring you interests and committing to pursuits you connect with. No amount of income will be enough if you haven't learned how to live responsibly. No void can be filled by hard work if you don't enjoy what you do either. I've met professionals who pursed careers and realized they're unhappy, but often chose not to change paths because of financial debts, being unwilling to admit mistakes, false pride, or confusion about options. Only you can know how influential money is in your career choices, and only you can decide whether you will choose to accept your present reality or leave it for another path. Each decision has its own consequences. What makes you feel good about yourself and your future?

4) How can a person take wise risks?If you had a choice to take a co-op program and didn't have to obtain a loan, taking the work grant might contrain you to work for the sponsor for a few years.  Yet, if you ran up huge debt during that period paying for school yourself, you'd constrain yourself for at least that time, working to pay it back. So much of life depends on what you'd consider responsible at a given time. No matter which phase of life you're in, whether you've been laid off, fired, or seek a new position, what works or doesn't work for you will be measured against your goals and expectations. Taking wise risks would not imply saying you desire one thing and choosing to pursue others. Heighten your awareness about what you do/did, how you can impact desirable outcomes, and make more informed choices.