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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Cease to be a problem to yourself

You may have been told that it's wise to learn to like yourself wherever you are.  If this is the case, then why might you also be told its also useful to establish goals, which would imply its desirable for you to change? To accept feelings wherever you are means you take responsibility for both negative and uplifting emotions.  Being willing to initiate a self-inquiry enables you to uncover healthy states and distinguish them from self-destructive states.

If the ultimate goal is to get-to know and accept yourself with humility, then your goals involve learning to uncover and understand what is true and false about yourself.  What you sense is true should bring relieve and inner peace.  If instead, your choices trigger increased tension or stress, then these choices aren't perhaps the best ones for you now.  Whatever outside influences may affect who you think you are, you have the mind you have and it has power to establish goals.

One of the biggest challenges may be to juggle goals. For people who have aims in different areas of their lives, which ones should be deemed the most important priorities? Would that be your personal life? Your work ambitions? Your spiritual side or, something else?

If you feel as though different areas of your life compete for attention, then it is up to you to get a grip and identify a step-by-step strategy to deal with goals individually, one step at a time.  You may come to the conclusion you could benefit from a change in how you think and when.  This would entail you can take control and cease to be a problem to yourself.

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