(platonic solid merkabah art by cosmicarmour.com )
Notice as initiates, we quest for insight into our own creation. This is about remembering our Soul's purpose along a journey to growing awareness. Within us is power to access information that links past, present and future, where time stands still and All is understood. As we uncover True Nature, we realize a human being is the alchemical lab, a cosmic technology cultivated in a system outside linear time. The human being, consciousness and body, form the laboratory where alchemy happens, where the philosophers’ stone does its work to grant immortality. The human consciousness, mind and heart are tools used by the cosmic magician. Alchemy involves actual substances on the subtle or essential dimension and not on the corporeal level. The mind, heart and body are conduits. The more we recognize them as conduits of cosmic energy, the more the elixir of eternal life flows through veins of the human consciousness, revealing the light that illuminates itself by illuminating obstacles in its way. By illuminating itself, this light (our Nature) illuminates whatever it encounters. Alchemists spent ages on quests for this "Holy Grail." They viewed it the final magnum opus, or great work of spiritual and material transmutation. Alchemists widely believed it was an object to be made or discovered. Some thought it was a stone, others, a liquid or gas. Yet, some also sensed this stone as a metaphor. It is an analogy here. Imagine the key to the secrets of existence, True Nature, is so mysterious and so invisible that it reveals itself in stages. We can only experience True Nature in the many ways/ faces it presents itself, and yet it is always one thing.
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