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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Seeing beyond COVID-19

The global situation is magnifying change on everylevel. It is easy to forget that destruction happens in order for rebuilding to happen.

Many views on COVID-19 exist. Some describe it as a pandemic. Not everyone views it this way. We can look at the Science, the economic impact and the widespread effects on food and business supply chains and social distancing.  We can also choose to view this as an invitation to reflecton the way we live and how honest we are being with ourselves.  Everything that irritaesor scares  us about others and the world situation is an invitation to better understand ourselves.

If uncertainty or the nature of your present day life conditions evoke discomfort and restlessness, then my new  book about the breath and how to live more consciously will appeal. Currently offering personal sessions via what's app & zooand soon to be offering online talks & workshops related to this book via Zoom.

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