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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Allow illusions to dissolve

Notice what happens as you begin to realize improvement is an illusion. That is, everything is unfolding perfectly already and nothing requires you to improve on it.  Be aware your life requires no improving.  Its how you think about it that creates a problem.  None exist. Cease telling yourself anything is wrong.  Perfection cannot be improved upon. This is what you are. Watch what happens as you stop denying it. Allow illusions to dissolve.  Clarity reveals itself.

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Reader Comments (4)

Everything's always okay!

And we are perfection.

I like it!!

September 27, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterjannie funster
Illusion is often linked to hypnotism. When someone outiside of their inner reality convinces them to believe in something.... a filter is placed across one's soul. The soul in a sense is a black void where all thoughts and potenial realities arise from. One then could say that personal dreams arise from nothingness to be included in everything. Therefore, if one believes in facts or statistics or other points of view as truths, then the soul essentially is being smothered with lies or lines of attachments. These beliefs or illusions therefore obscure or distorts one's dreams from naturally arising. They become blocks or obstructions to one's own inner truth which are one's dreams. Achieving one's dreams are valued by most cultures. However, if one enjoys tricks and is entertained by the cleverness of illusionists, they are essentially being asked to look a little closer to what is actually going on. When those who figure out the trick, they find that they are treated to the sweetness of their own unique personal tastes. The dream is perfect and yet the illusion is also perfect. If one seeks to solve the illusion, then imperfection is imagined which is also an illusion. To leave the illusion or to no longer believe in the allure of tricks.... one must see the hypnotist or magician as a master of his or her own trade. By experiencing the illusionist as they are in their perfection.... then one is free to enter their own personal dream. In a sense perfection has always existed just as love always exists. Its an aspect of being conscious. Seeing imperfection then is akin to being unconscious even though the idea of believing in imperfection is also perfect just as someone who doesn't know how to love is created out of a loving gesture.
October 20, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterbern
Jannie, everything is indeed always unfolding perfectly. Accept this fully and stress cannot arise. Find the blessing right now and know fear cannot be present when love is.
October 22, 2013 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bern, love every role, every mask worn and every mask that is removed for what it reveals. Love is expressed in everything and by everything, for it can be no other way. Love is all that is.
October 22, 2013 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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