Live the Dream

Ask someone who is living a dream what it feels like. The person tells you that the description has the less momentum, intensity and realness about it than the experience itself. Its inevitable. When you step outside awareness of the moment, it loses something for you are no longer here.
Notice when you love what you are doing, time collapses or you lose a sense of time. When you do not even like what you are doing, time seems to drag out and the experience lasts far too long. Time is a gauge. How much you spend on something reveals an unconscious priority. Whether you notice time or not also tells you a lot about how real something it for you. A dream is often viewed as something surreal, something to work toward. Yet, it is also a feeling or state of being.
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When time drags we can ask ourselves..... is it my perception of this "task?" Or do I indeed desire to move past this experience as it no longer serves me.
But then there is also constructing and then living a dream on earth. One carries an idea to project onto the world. When they enter the projection fully where all the criteria are met, then the dream feels true. For instance, one can simply imagine a garden box, and one physically makes the box and one begins to plant vegetables. The dream has come true and one feels complete in their creation. With nothing on the mind, one floats in accomplishment with no where else to be or to go.
Another aspect of living a dream is to be available to all that arises and to deliver it into the world. So whatever one is attentive towards, they know it intimately. They have created a reason or have developed a meaning for its existence. They then include it as a part of their personal atmosphere which can be exuded within the physical, or they can carry it as a part of their personality and embody the spirit, thereby living outwardly that which they invited inwardly.
Yet even another aspect of dreaming is to see an outcome and live it now regardless of what exists in the physical world. Instead of working to fulfill the dream, one surrenders the dream to the universe to fulfill. Carrying the dream within then directs the outer world to manifest it for you. Others hear the call in the third dimension and beyond and they volunteer to make it come true. In a sense, such a person is a designer where others who are spirited brings the dream to fruition.