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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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The truth of intrinsic value

Brainstorm what you value. Notice certain metals, gems, and currencies may appear on the list. Notice physical and non-physical things you value evolve with you. Think some things are more valuable than others? Pay attention to who interprets what has value for "you".

Now, step back.  You begin to see nothing has value, or holds importance, unless you believe it in the mind, unless you buy into collective agreement about what has value. You begin to see the inner judge in action. Notice what happens as you begin to see through your beliefs. How do you feel about an inner shift to valuing more peaceful, mindful awareness

Whether or not you get that job, the relationship breaks up or stays together, or your wildest dreams come true, what has intrinsic value always provides what you need.  Observe: The less attached you are to people, weather, seasons and other things, the more you accept what unfolds in your scope of awareness with grace and gratitude. As well, the more receptive you are now, the more empathic you are of people and their circumstances, and the more willing you are to reach out and lend a hand. Everything points to what has intrinsic value.

It is said the more things of value a person acquires, the more fearful and insecure he is about losing them. As you remain reserved, do not allow yourself to attach or cling,  you come to appreciate where you are and an amazing thing happens. Fear and selfishness disappear. What you have or not is less important than how you feel. You only see the good in people.  Everything points toward it. You only see things as they are (not as the judging mind does).

Letting go of expectations shifts the focus inward.  Keep in sight the nature of impermanence and non-self.  Accept the insight of impermanence in this moment.  When you resist being here as  wholeness, you resist embracing true self.  Be nothing.  Understand everything. As human beings, we share one Source, one origin. What we cannot change has intrinsic value.  Send energy of love and compassion to every part of the body.  All that matters is revealed.

"We are the men of intrinsic value, who can strike our fortunes out of ourselves, whose worth is independent of accidents in life, or revolutions in government..." -George Farquhar

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Reader Comments (4)

I value connection and staying in that place of effortless flow along the journey of life.

The word in-trin-sic reminds me of the word trinity.... and so being in the flow is like the trinity where the father is the spirit or masculine or positive energy and the son is like the soul or the feminine or the negative energy and the holy spirit then is the flow or graceful vacuum between the positive and the negative. This then is a place and a solution for free energy. Its also the essential design to travel anywhere in the universe. :)
May 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBernie
Bern, notice how a sense of value arises and dissipates. Notice how a sense of separation arises and dissipates. Connections and disconnections exist as duality is imagined into being. Energy is free-flowing unless limitations and constraints are imagined into being .
May 4, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Dear Liara:

Lovely, compassionate post, thank you.

I especially appreciated your words: "what we cannot change has intrinsic value."

From the foot of Mount Fuji - Catrien.
May 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCatrien Ross
Catrien, the secrets of existence are visible to all who are receptive and accepting of true nature and who act in good faith to cultivate this timeless wisdom.
May 5, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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