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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Lose what needs to be lost

If you sense fear arising, you may also wonder where it comes from and how to eliminate it.  Notice the false is diappearing.  That which is real reveals itself but you only see what you are willing to see.  The real  is always here.  You are simply conditioned to turn a blind eye.

Consider thoughts and busy-ness are required for a false sense of self to exist.  Notice what happens as you view everything through the lens of bliss, knowing all is well.  Discomfort only exists if you believe in it.  Limitation only exists if you focus attention on it. 

Notice how frequently you self-criticize or see something wrong with yourself.  Notice how often the mind has you focus on what does not appear to be going well in the external world.

Take a moment to recognize what happens to you in solitude.  All those people in your life who reinforce your beliefs are absent.  Notice how such an exercise helps you let go of all the illusions you imagine into being and allow the light tor eveal itself.  The truth is here.

"It's the game of life. Do I win or do I lose? One day they're gonna shut the game down. I gotta have as much fun and go around the board as many times as I can before it's my turn to leave." -Tupac Shakur

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Reader Comments (8)

Dear Liara:

Visiting here today after a sixteen month silence in the blogging world I so much appreciate the thoughts you have expressed. There has been such a sense of loss here in Japan, at so many levels. The aftermath of last year's 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami reverberates still. I especially loved your words: "The real is always here." With thanks and morning greetings to you from the foot of Mount Fuji. Catrien Ross.
January 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCatrien Ross
I am loving being alone - with myself all day nearly everyday now. 3 years after my mum's death I can finally stop her voice and criticisms quickly...and I am not absorbing other people's emotions. I so enjoy just listening to myself think.
Fear is my word for this year...not to experience it all the time, but to sort it out and let go.

I have healed two growths in my eyes this past year....and some of the inflammation is leaving my body and I am feeling better...I do not need it as a shield or protection.

Awareness of fear in my body is coming to me as I stay with myself.
January 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPatricia
Catrien, wonderful to feel your loving vibration. Your comment reminds everyone that there is no fundamental difference between formal spiritual practice and everyday living. Discomfort and challenges are part of human life. That is, adversity is norma and, ordinary. It reminds us there is something right with us deep down and we temporarily lose sight of it. When we say something is wrong, guilt, anger and other negativity emerge. To see everything in a deeper way, is to see everything is always going right. This perspective removes the anger, guilt for being happy. It gives you opportunities to embrace, to grow and learn from the conditions life throws (or that we actually choose for ourselves). Feeling good where you are and giving yourself permission to encounter hardship is priceless.
January 18, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Patricia, the physical death of a loved one can also translate into the symbolic end to the control this indiviual has exerted over you. Life invites us to work with the difficulties we encounter to gain meaningful insight. You are getting in touch with the incredibly wise, compassionate and loving being that exists at the core of soul. As you share your newfound sense of happiness and freedom, you are inspiring in ways that cannot be measured.
January 18, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
When Loss is flipped into Gain, there is nothing left to blame.
January 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBernie
Bernie, one adjusts to the environment and not vice versa. Nothing real can be lost.
January 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. loved reading the others' comments - we create where we're at and we can take or lose things as you say .. I should lose things, I seem to add more .. give more. I have faith in myself and things are working out, sorting out .. often it's patience that is required without panicking about everything ... thanks - Hilary
January 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, everything is always unfolding perfectly unless you choose to believe otherwise. When you have faith, a spark of doubt exists. When you trust fully, doubt disappears.
January 25, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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