Beyond the tipping point

You notice ageless wisdom through more frequent synchronicities. You allow self to be guided by intuition. This means getting more familiar with consciousness and the choice you have to awaken to the game to be here. The more you allow yourself to be guided by synchronicity, the more you discern the Earth has conscious energy that can be harnessed. Waves of love awareness flow through you. The gravitational field stands out.
You move beyond the tipping point. Revelations are not only shifting your focus, but also shifting how you feel and experience gravity. If gravity causes one atom to happen, it causes fluid to behave as it does beyond our reality. Mind energy is harnessed. You have a mind based on spiritual energy and a mind based on the physical energy. Everything comes back to haressing the spin field of gravity and aligning with vibrations of love.
Reader Comments (6)
Synchronicities and harnessing, I will meditate that on my walk in a little while.