Marinate in stillness

Notice what happens as you choose not to give an image or association to a sense of being. Sometimes it requires training to quiet the mind. As you simply feel 'I am,' you attune to an intuitive, subjective awareness. It is unrelated to thoughts. You notice a beautiful, spacious, serene force that is always with you. This is not a thing to pursue or seek. A natural feeling finds you. You do not have to travel anywhere. Be with it. Allow the external to continue. Thoughts may arise. Witness everything. See what happens. What arises? You need nothing to be in touch with inner being. As you detach from what you are not, you feel lighter and lighter.

Reader Comments (8)
I think I shall get up now and do a few pirouettes here at the library, feeling lighter and lighter.
And I did!! :)
Where there is no need to stew and boil over from an agitated pot.
A slow cooker brings together all flavours and content without rush or concern for time. With a taste for All, there is nothing to react to or distract from, yet one finds everything to savour.
I will now do a pirouette too, Jannie! Loved your sweet comment.
Thank you dear Liara for this moment of reflection.