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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Know what you know

As you tune into who you are, you discern vibrations and feel like a being that thrives in every situation.  All experience backs up your inner knowing. Whatever you believe, the universe gives you evidence to substantiate that.  This reflects the universal law of attraction.  As you let things be, you are more accepting of your intuition and able to guide yourself more efficiently.  Know what you know, and so it is. 

In other words, resist temptation to explain the unexplainable. Ask yourself why you think it matters for people to understand where you are or your state of self-awareness. Your role is not to get people to see things as you do.  Live your life in ways that feel good.  Let others trigger their own revelations.  Be an example of you.  The diversity of energy beings exist in physical form to capture attention of those who do not choose to hear their inner selves.  The soul of you is the vibrational equivalent of how you feel.  You expand continually, and feel good at any moment, providing you do not choose to resist who you are.

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Reader Comments (4)

At any given moment we can know what we know and then let it go. Within each encounter we have the ability to embrace the truth. Therefore, every point of view has a different truth with new knowledge. But when we receive our truth, we then let it go, which then allows us to encounter and acknowledge our newest truth, which comes into phase when we embrace life beyond conditioning and beyond comparison.

However, there is no truth to matter......that is, truth does not come from the physical and the locked in particle world. Therefore, nothing ever matters when something or someone traps and covets the truth. It doesn't matter, because it is no longer true. It is like Knowing transforms and morphs into the word NO, by not allowing new information to flow.

Truth and knowing is ever morphing and flowing and suits uniquely the environment we currently envision. What is true for one moment may not be true for the next, unless it is a universal truth that applies to every situation. This is then wisdom.
December 10, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter~ β ~
B, Some human beings have the perception everything is always changing. On another level, universal truth is nothingness, emptiness, timeless waves of energy. Reality is what you choose where you are.
December 11, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Liara, when I think of blogging and how many people I "lured" over to Funsterland... these days, as I tip the balance towards songs in stead of blogging (yes, amazing!) I am choosing to make me feel good. Others will have to trigger their own relevations that Jannie is hopping around the blogosphere less than before.

And guess what? I am progressing with lyrics daily, and with songs forming in the studio. Funny, how that will happen with time and thought put in on it.

As you may know, I dearly love blogging and all the fun it involves. At first I worried I might hurt feelings as I pull back from reading and commenting on as many posts as I have in the past, to concentrate on my music. But my soul knows I can do the greater good for more people with the songs I am creating these days! But most importantly for ME. Me, me, me!!

I listen to my inner self, and find me good!

December 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, blogging has infinite purposes or meanings. Some people use the blogosphere as a soundboard to get in touch with who they truly are and awaken to where their passions ly. As you attune to what enables you to feel good and focus on that, life continues to feel increasingly satisfying. At a given moment, what feels good is right for you. Beckoning choices are infinite.
December 13, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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