Andrew D. Basiago & Time travel & Life on Mars

This conversation with Andrew D. Basiago shares Hidden History of Life on Mars. He claims that life not only exists, but thrives here beyond common understandings of what is possible. He is a figure in the disclosure movement who pinpoints how time travel and teleportation technology exist and have been suppressed by authorities for eons. He is a real-life chrononaut. In this segment of a fascinating, six-hour interview, you gain insight into time travel and soul-level remote viewing that reveal how the cosmos actually is.
Using teleportation, Basiago discovers forty years before he published a seminal paper, that Tesla-based teleportation technology existed. In fact, the U.S. government was involved in Project Pegasus. Andy's father was on a team building high performance jet engines for aerospace projects for the U.S. defense department and achieved supersonic speed. Andy was taught quantum access data and prepared for what is now.
The government was sending humans forward in time to gather artifacts and bring them back. His father had future insight into how his son would be involved in disclosure of Martian life later in life. As it stands, Andy is expanding the understanding of science and technology in the perception of time.
Listen to this (and other segments) and share your impressions. How does the interview invite you to re-think your conditioned notions of time, fear, advanced technology and what is realTake the idea to your own dreamscape and discover for yourself what is real?
Reader Comments (78)
I am a PhD in a hard science and work for a fortune 100 company. My background , I surmise, is probably not that different than yours, however, I have had few transcendental moments in my life.
I agree with you in finding Mr Basiago's claims bordering on the farsical. His proof is in fuzzy photos that I can't see anything in and his claims about teleportation to Mars and such should probably be met with a shot of thorazine and nice men with a padded jacket.
I too am open to the idea of ET's. This guy , however, is likely mentally ill or just a liar.
Sorry, but that's how I see it folks
yet the reality of ships, and crop circles and the testimonials of the sane and scientific are undeniable. It can even be said that the consensus within todays scientific community about whether our world bears the only intelligent life in the universe has shifted to the affirmative and away from the middle-age christian perspective. Therefore all that logically remains is the question of their ability to traverse space....
Perhaps Mr Basiago has altered his story, or perhaps it is entirely fiction... either way I submit he could not profit from it if important truths were not involved......
When it comes to the esoteric, much is given out in altered form and symbol.. and even 'lies' are told, so long as the kernel of meaning is true..... Often the widespread popularity, the reaction, is the clue that certain information is valuable....
Thankyou for taking the time to consider my responses so thoughtfully.
About 'blind faith'... perhaps these are strong words because one must consider that even the position of science is to postulate theories, and test and debate them, when it comes to dealing with the 'yet to be known' .
I am not 'telepathic' but I have had telepthic experiences...
Frank TheMystic
Transcendental moments precipitate more transcendental moments yet, human beings have selective awareness. When one gives attention to physical nature, one's focus is not on things of non-physical nature. And yet, if you do not see stars in the daylight, this does not mean they are always invisible to others in the same sky.
You mention that you have had telepathic experiences but do no view yourself as telepathic. Please elaborate. You may have heard of instinctual, mental and intuitional telepathy, among others. Sensitivity to thoughts makes for intriguing dialogue. Whena a sender and receiver align, magic happens.
I am glad that you’re not completely closed off to the idea that UFOs exist. There is a body of legitimate anecdotal evidence that attests to the existence of UFOs that cannot be easily dismissed. For example, Steven Greer’s disclosure project has over 100 credible witnesses who have openly testified to the existence of UFOs. Several hundred more are lined up to provide their testimonials as well. Many of them have worked within areas of the government that would be most likely to observe UFO phenomena. The nature of these UFOs is still open to question. Is it possible that they are exclusively of earth origin – a natural outgrowth of Nazi bell experiments for instance? Personally, I hope that we are being visited by EBEs. If I had the opportunity to meet one I would jump at the chance. However, they would have to respect my physical and psychic boundaries as a precondition.
My question about telepathy was in regard to your understanding that certain questionable phenomena was UFO activity. I thought that you might have had some “first-hand” experience which was fueling your belief in this specifice instance. I, too, would be interested in hearing about the nature of these telepathic experiences. More, generally, you refer to yourself as a mytic… do you care to elaborate?
The telepathic experiences I referred to in my earlier posts involved my 'sendings' (inadvertently done). Three seperate times, while at a high point in my spiritual aspiration, UFO activity was unmistakeably a response to my words to others only hours before. The second was the most spectacular - in a jovial mood one evening I challenged a skeptical friend to drive with me to a spot near my cousin's house and I would show him a UFO. This cousin had told me he often sighted strange lights in the sky (an hour north of Sydney). So we drove..., and immediately on arrival, my skeptical friend laughed as he pointed high at the night sky, "what's that!?" I was still parking the car, and assumed he was joking with me. We rushed out of the car, and a UFO as big as a jumbo flew right over our heads. Much faster than a military jet in a low flyover at those air shows, it seemed to go from horizon to horizon in a second. It was basically oval shaped, glowing and an orange colour, and left a long, straight, purplish 'tube' momentarily behind it. Then we saw six others, in succession, high up in the sky, streaking and disappearing.
At another time, I lived alone, one night I finished reading a book on our extraterrestrial friends, and my head and heart were filled with longing and understanding and love for them. As I prepared for bed, my apartment was suddenly filled with a sound. It was loud and frightened me. It kept going. Like a very loud vacuum cleaner, and some kind of motor noise beneath it...but without doubt emanating from within the room. I looked around the room, in shock, under my bed, nothing... so I thought, "the window!", but saw nothing. All I could do was pull the bed covers over my head.... How sleep came to me so quickly, I have no explanation for.
In hindsight, after some years of developing my understanding, I've come to see these and similar experiences to be proof of both the telepathic and spiritual nature of the extraterrestrials.
Franco the dream you mentioned in one of your earlier posts was quite significant, in terms of esoteric meaning... if you explore spirit further you may be in for some pleasant surprises... your efforts are the door, your dreams are the key :)
I chose the name Mystic because I've been a lover of the esoteric since the age of 10 or so, and a serious and devoted private student since the age of 26, some 20 years ago... If there is anything I've learned, it's this. The mystical side of life is real. It's no side effect, in fact it's causal. The etheric generates the physical. We, and planets, and all things physical, are in reality an etheric construct that follows a design emanating from consciousness, then 'draws' physical atoms to it. Cases in point - phantom limbs that amputees experience, and the famous Kirlian photograph of a chopped leaf. If the extraterrestrials have a teleportation technology it would be far more sophisticated than we could imagine, but all their technologies are like this. They are spiritual technologies and therefore can do much of what Spiritual Masters can do here in our world. Masters can 'teleport' and bilocate, and mulit-locate... via the creation of a perfect thoughtform which becomes actually tangible and carries a fragment of their consciousness, and can be made to appear and disappear at will. So if these things are possible in the physical, who knows what evolved ET's might conjure up with spiritual technologies... These worlds are all higher than ours in an evolutionary sense, which means each and every individual in their world is a Master or higher....
Quick explanation - a Master is a normal human being expressing full divinity (You and me, one day).The consciousness has been 'evolved' beyond normal human levels of mind, beyond 'human soul' level of mind, and into Divine Spirit level of mind. They are telepathic with individuals even on other planets, and some Masters even with the Spiritual intelligences that 'inform' planets... known as cosmic consciousness.
Of course, many earthly species see wavelengths outside this spectrum. Bees and other insects see light in ultraviolet. This guides them to flower nectar. Plant species that depend on insect pollination may reproduce because they are visible in ultraviolet. Birds also see into ultraviolet range, and some have gender markings which are only visible in the ultraviolet. This reminds people they only see what universe determines they need or are ready to see at a given moment. What humans widely hear does not exhaust the range of existing sound either. Room exists for expansion. It is possible to open new channels.
Franco, you may have heard, 'the more one hurrys, the more one delays.' That is, wanting something too much can create stress and postpone a desired experience. Making a strong, loving connection comes with patience. Sensitivity to energy impression is a natural occurrence that parallels spiritual development. Every choice is helpful along the journey. A person decides whether each choice contributes to an expanding vision or a rigid one.
Let's say you accept the cosmos is comprised of sound and light waves. Consider the sound waves need the cooperation of the mind. Logic helps you grasp it, reproduce it. Yet, the light wave aspect of the universe does not need the cooperation of mind to exist. Even if you sense sound and or light wave energy, this does not mean you truly understand it or discern everything. The process invites deeper exploration of consciousness.
The two “ufo” experiences that you relate bring me back to an earlier question that has not been addressed. How do you know that your experiences were extra-terrestrial in nature? I am assuming that these experiences are the most significant examples that you have to offer in support of your perception that extra-terrestrial visitations are occurring. Yet, each provides no basis for your “conclusions.”
In your response you state:
“Franco the dream you mentioned in one of your earlier posts was quite significant, in terms of esoteric meaning...
Can you elaborate? I could provide more detail if it would help.
Again, you state: “If you explore spirit further you may be in for some pleasant surprises....”
Your use of the word “spirit” needs some clarification. Some believe that the distinction between various layers of reality is nothing more then the product of flawed perception. Others clearly delineate between that which is native to our four dimensional reality and that which originates in other domains.
In regard to my “efforts being the door…,” Are you suggesting that my conscious inquiries are giving rise to these dreams? Do you believe that a consciously focused effort can alter the course and speed of ones “spiritual” evolution?
Lastly, you state that “dreams are the key.” If I understand you correctly, you believe that dreams are the means by which we become aware of spirit. I am vaguely familiar with a number of systems of dream interpretation (Freud, Jung, Gestalt etc.) Each provides a framework that invariably leads to disparate interpretations of the same dream. In his search for archetypes, Jung often placed greater emphasis on the specific elements of a dream that were suggestive of a collectively inherited unconscious idea which he believed were universally present in individual psyches. Conversely, Gestalt holds to the perception that all the aspects of our dreams are equally significant as they all represent various aspects of self.
While traveling in Calcutta, India during my youth, I had a very vivid dream wherein I was standing in the dining room of my parent’s home. While moving from the dining room toward the kitchen, I crossed paths with my mother. Upon acknowledging each other, I proceeded to explain to her that I was not actually there, but in Calcutta. I then took notice that she had guests who were seated in the kitchen; they were the parents of a traveling companion. They were in possession of a letter that had been penned by me many weeks earlier in Lahore, Pakistan; this letter was a request that funds be drawn from my savings account and forwarded to me via wire transfer. This dream took place on a specific date and at a specific time. Upon returning to the United States, I learned that the elements of this dream were factually accurate. In recounting the details of this gathering, my mother conveyed to me the very “eerie” feeling that she had experienced during their visit her exact words were “I felt that you were in the room with us during the entire length of their visit.” Now, one might argue that this was a lucid dream. Yet, another might interpret this dream as a series of timely coincidences (correspondences) that defy all odds. An occultist might suggest that bilocation could be evidenced from the facts of this dream. Freud would say that I “had a thing for my mother” while ignoring the coincidences altogether. As a mystic, do you subscribe to a particular interpretive construct?
More generally, do you belong to any particular mystical order or society?
In keeping with my perception that you are going to effectively ignore those points which do not neatly conform to your perspective, I will limit this response to those points that you have chosen to address.
You state that “the more one hurrys, the more one delays.' That is, wanting something too much can create stress and postpone a desired experience.”
Some religious systems advocate the idea that “perfect patience” is essential to, and an essential element of, enlightenment. This “patience” is said to be attainable through a systematic progression of “surrender” to an evolving trust in that “which is.” Yet, these same traditions teach specific methodologies that require us to make “efforts’ in directing our focus for the purpose of creating conditions wherein trust can evolve. It is this contradiction between “surrender” and “effort” that promotes confusion. More to the point, your perception that hurrying promotes delay suggests that you subscribe to the view that surrender is the key to attaining “strong, loving connections.” Thus, we see the same dynamic wherein attainment is linked to an effort of will (choice). The chooser and the chosen are separate and distinct; the chooser is finite and the object of attainment is of an infinite nature. Thus we are left with a paradox – how does a series of finite steps (choices that culminate in ever greater connectivity) result in the attainment of that which is infinite? Again, if our enlightenment is a process of disillusionment, the same principle applies - as an effort of discreet steps is involved. The source of this paradox is often traced to the process of choice itself. Some suggest that the very act of choosing has the net effect of creating the illusion that choice can eventually result in attainment of oneness. One proposed solution to this dilemma is the recognition that “not to choose” is the only choice open to us that does not play into the illusion of choice. Thus, the reconciliation of that which is finite to that which is infinite comes from the recognition that the very faculty that offers us choice falls squarely in the domain of the finite, and is subject to the rules and limitations of its antecedent element. However, this approach requires that we accept the fact that the finite and the infinite are two fundamental aspects of the same process. How, then, do we come into a full realization of the infinite aspect of out natures? How do we acquire the state of being that allows for the simultaneous awareness of the finite and the infinite without directing our focus and making choices?
If spiritual development is defined as the movement from the finite toward the infinite, then absence of movement calls into question your second postulate: “Sensitivity to energy impression is a natural occurrence that parallels spiritual development.” Maybe you can offer up some clarification that can resolve these seeming contradictions.
To reach the state of split consciousness is to be aware of being everywhere at the same time and to be intimate with the flow of interconnected energy. You experience full consciousness projections when you let go of duality in the mind. To separate your sense of self from the creative energies you put forward is to perceive them as separate and external when they are not in fact, separate at all. This is partly explained by holographic principles.
One perspective is a person cannot really agree or disagree with someone else's perceived experience. Each person has to do his own research to come to realize what the truth about energy is and how he feels connected to it. Each person can reach a stage where paradigms of ingrained understanding no longer explain perceived experience. This is when awareness surpasses the tipping point. You learn through transcendental experience.
Another perspective is as you discern the lesson that goes with an energetic pattern you experience, you learn to dissect and transcend it. Sometimes the lesson you face is not yours. Sometimes you are present to help people raise levels of awareness or be open to expansion. This is not judgment about what is right or wrong. It is about being present and learning everyone is invited to empower and feel empowered.
Consider this;
Everything is an indivisble part of the larger whole.
The absence of movement as humans know it is not the absence of all movement.
The finite and the infinite are part of a fractal.
Neuro-linguistic programming influences energy vibration and to what degree you open neural pathways and heart consciousness or if you do at all. Language patterns condition the mind, behaviour, and thought patterns. Certain nematic structures embedded below conscious levels keep people seeking or reacting based on emotion, rather than choosing to turn within for answers.
Language does not truly describe telepathy. Synesthesia is one way to route around direct need for language.
Check this out;
Its all possible with mind, with a sense of god, and many universes. We have no limitations. We only limit ourselves when we let in fear. Nurture loving thoughts to create physical well-being. Peace, Love, light to everyone.
People pick up on what is happening on the inside. When you have an "impression," this relates to things like external instruction or conditioning, perceived experience and detected energy vibration. The mind, the astral and energy body, the heart and brain all play a role in discernment or selective ignorance. You decide on a truth. A person can learn to detect differences in energy vibration within self and related to other people.
If you adopt other people's views about a given truth, you take their energy on-board. If you do not learn to sense your own energy, and underlying motives for choices, you are missing out on opportunity to grow. Reactive mechanisms fall away when you reach the core and love how you feel, whatever that means. What is it you need to know to be who you are? Why do you like or not like your answers? You can always shift to change the questions. You are the question and the answer. Re-examine your questions to find more appealing answers.
With respect, if my recounts provide no basis, then they should be thrown on the heap of perhaps millions of testimonials which are explained away as coincidence, hallucination, swamp gas, human technology etc... but aren't these testimonials in fact one of the main proofs of the reality of ET's - AND of the fact that our governments are lying? All this is deductive reasoning - an accepted scientific method. Just because someone, anyone, says it isn't so doesn't change the conclusions of reason.... :) In all, I testify to three separate occasions (I only recounted two) of interaction, that was experientially for me a 'response'.. Coincidence? perhaps then syncronicity bears more truth....
In regards to the dream:
Yes, your conscious enquiries give rise to these dreams... and yes, I believe conscious effort can alter the course and speed of your evolution. If you don't mind me saying, it is quite evident that you are concerned with the veracity and quality of information, whether it bears truth or lies... This is true seeking. Jesus said 'seek, and ye shall find' for a reason....
"Your dreams are the key"... Dreams are the channel used by our souls to speak directly to us, to teach us and guide us. Dreams can also be caused by indigestion, emotional turmoil, and of course actual 'astral travel' as in the dream you recounted of your youth. When they are messages from our soul, they mean our soul has noticed our effort and is responding... and this is our map, and a key.... All is given in symbolism, this is the language of higher thought, and one must master the art of understanding symbolism... this is both
the road and the reward..... it is taught that in the evolution of mind, the path goes from instinct, through intellect into intuition (direct knowing from inside), so symbol is the stimulant toward higher mind.
About Spirit:
By this I mean the underlying and causal reality.... If one metaphorically views atoms like an onion, at the core is spirit, on the outer skins is physical and the skins in between are soul. All the planes of matter are interpenetrating and superimposed, and merely compartments of one overarching organism. At the core of our being is our spirit, which is both tethered to our body and experience and also functioning independently in it's world of 'cores' just as the same can be said of us in the world of 'outer skins'. So to explore spirit is to investigate this actual underlying connectedness in all things... it's structures, it's sciences, it's reality, it's 'natural laws' akin to our 'laws of physics'. Of course something which can't be seen can only be studied through representation, symbol as we might study microscopic things, or mathematical ideas....
There is an esoteric axiom - "As above, so below" or "the law of correspondence"... To study spirit a good place to start would be to study water. It is 70 to 90% of our bodies and is in all things - just like the etheric plane. I highly recommend this documentary video
I don't belong to any order or society, like you I have always been very concerned about the truth, and interested in following only the highest presented ideas... My path lead me to literature and certain teaching which dissuaded the forming of such groups and institutions ( which live in the world of egos and personality and power) and encouraged independent thinking and action. Of course, groups do exist under this teaching, but they are inner groupings, the outer being understood as secondary.... This is the teaching of Masters and is one related body of work spanning the last one hundred years, through many authors, beginning with Helena Blavatsky and Theosophy, Helena Roerich and Agni Yoga, Alice Baily and 'the seven rays', and many others, to Benjamin Creme and his messages of today..
Frank Themystic
When we question too hard, walls are built and the answer will have to wait for the gates to open after the war is over. When we relax to what is before us, which is All, then the answers will come. But having received the answers, we realize the questions didn't matter in the first place.
We create stories through knowledge. Knowledge is meant to make us feel unique, from a particular vantage point. We each have selective knowledge, therefore, we each have a unique story. The stories are therefore real and not real. They blend between the physical and the non physical because we exist in both places at once. One supports the other. Nothing needs to be proven.
When open, all is only enjoyed. If we question another point of view, we have an issue with trust. One was once brought to a place where negative attachments were developed. Therefore, one now questions to avoid feeling bad. Flip the coin and see good in all view points. Feeling good opens the senses. Opening the senses, opens the eyes. Questions then become irrelevant.
Basiago and Beings like you Liara have emerged from the caves and can sing in the light of the day. The more people that begin to sing that which has been repressed, the more comfortable others will be in coming forward with their sensations and stories of inspiration. It is exponential Destiny. New species of flowers are everywhere. The seeds have been waiting to sprout for a long long time. An age of nurturing all conditions for growth is Here and amongst us.
I believe that I better understand your perspective. As you can see from an earlier post, I believe that the weight of anecdotal evidence takes on an ever higher degree of credibility as the body of evidence grows. Your personal accounts clearly fall within the domain of anecdotal evidence. The only thing that I was trying to clarify was the nature of these occurrences. As you are aware, there are accounts that claim UFO technology was being developed in Germany during the 1930s. Some researchers claim that this research never stopped, but continued with the aide of project paperclip. Other UFO researchers believe that recovered alien crafts are being back-engineered which, in turn, allows for their earthly replication. Thus, we are faced with the problem of properly classifying these sightings in a way that will give us an accurate picture of reality. Personally, I choose not to come to any conclusions until all the facts are in.
I appreciate what you say about the interpretation of symbols being the key to dreams. Yet, symbols are often interpreted in a number of ways. It is for this reason that I asked if you prefer any particular school of thought concerning the interpretation of dreams. It has been my experience that self-proclaimed mystics lean to a Jungian perspective. I suspect, however, that you have learned to trust your own intuition in regard to the interpretation of dream symbols.
Lastly, I appreciate your onion metaphor – it appeals to my sense of order. I, too, am attracted to principles like the law of correspondences. However, a careful study of this law reveals a history that is plagued with false correspondences – beginning with an earth-centric perspective. I believe that there is an underlying order to the universe which manifests on a number of levels simultaneously; this is why sacred geometry appeals to me. I am generally familiar with the teachings of theosophy, but, like you, I find that the adoption of any particular model puts distance between myself and that which I seek to experience first hand.
and this youtube video with David Wilcox who shares thought-provoking insight on Mars, a jumproom and the Law of One (+);
Notwithstanding, this interview with Boriska offers 'food for thought:'
A series of 14 key recent presentations by David Wilcox are on youtube. One link is offered here;