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"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Andrew D. Basiago & Time travel & Life on Mars

This conversation with Andrew D. Basiago shares Hidden History of Life on Mars. He claims that life not only exists, but thrives here beyond common understandings of what is possible. He is a figure in the disclosure movement who pinpoints how time travel and teleportation technology exist and have been suppressed by authorities for eons. He is a real-life chrononaut. In this segment of a fascinating, six-hour interview, you gain insight into time travel and soul-level remote viewing that reveal how the cosmos actually is.

Using teleportation, Basiago discovers forty years before he published a seminal paper, that Tesla-based teleportation technology existed. In fact, the U.S. government was involved in Project Pegasus. Andy's father was on a team building high performance jet engines for aerospace projects for the U.S. defense department and achieved supersonic speed. Andy was taught quantum access data and prepared for what is now.

The government was sending humans forward in time to gather artifacts and bring them back. His father had future insight into how his son would be involved in disclosure of Martian life later in life. As it stands, Andy is expanding the understanding of science and technology in the perception of time.

Listen to this (and other segments) and share your impressions. How does the interview invite you to re-think your conditioned notions of time, fear, advanced technology and what is realTake the idea to your own dreamscape and discover for yourself what is real?

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Reader Comments (78)

Liara, I have refrained from responding immediately to your last two posts for the purpose of giving them the consideration that they are due. You are right when you conclude that our discussion closely mirrors the “timeless exchanges involving Science & Faith.” So, too, you are right to point out that some people are predisposed (by nature) to an intuition-based decision making process while others rely almost exclusively upon reason. I believe that this is why discussions of this type often devolve into partisan polemics; direct challenges to the validity of reason or intuition can often provoke a very personal response in those who too closely identify with one or the other. I believe that SeatleGator’s response to our discussion is a good case in point. I have often elicited like responses from those who hold allegiances to a faith-based religious system during discussions concerning religion and philosophy. So, let me take a faith-based approach to the question of EBEs.

For the sake of our ongoing discussion, I believe that it is necessary to distinguish between an informed faith and blind faith. The baseless claim that something is true - simply because someone chooses to believe that it is true - speaks to the very nature of blind faith. When I was four years old, I had a very vivid dream that I could fly. Armed with this dream, I made a declaration to my older siblings that I could defy gravity at will. I was so certain that I could fly that I met their challenge to jump off of our garage roof to prove my claim, much to the hysterical laughter of those who stood firmly on the ground below. It was at this early age that I first learned the value of testing ones faith; a faith that is born of false belief has a very high probability of failing when put to the test. This does not mean that, on occasion, a person cannot harbor an uninformed opinion that proves to be right in time. But, if I am going to take advice on how to get to an unknown location, I am going to place greater faith in the opinion of someone who can substantiate that they have made the journey then on that of those who can not.

As a young man, I had a number of spontaneous transcendental experiences that gave me deeper insight into the mystical aspects of many well-established religious traditions. The overwhelming nature of these experiences compelled me to seek out those who were most likely to have had similar experiences. I traveled worldwide seeking out those religious ‘leaders” who were most noted for guiding others in the way of ‘truth.” To a man, they were unable to speak directly to my insights from their own personal experience. Rather, they all fell back on trite phrases and mundane interpretations which had been acquired during their “long years of intense study” of literature which, when read, only makes reference to opinions from men of another generation who had engaged in “long years of intense study” to master the words of, yet, another generation which went before. No matter how conversant they were in various schools of thought, or how eloquent they were in the presentation of their highly rational models, it became exceedingly clear that these lettered men did not have an experiential grasp of the core elements of the belief systems to which they paid tribute. Eventually, I realized that there are a great many people who hold themselves up as experts on a variety of esoteric subjects whose knowledge has been totally garnered from external sources.

During that same time period, I was exploring the perception that thought could be directed to effect our time/space reality. In search of corroboration, I read Carl Jung’s work entitled “Synchronicity.” On the very same day that I finished his book, I paid a visit to an employment office in search of work. While waiting in line, I was pondering the validity of Jung’s thesis. It was then that I spotted a rather frumpy, unkempt stranger with a sly smile upon his face staring at me from across the room. After catching my eye, he slowly made his way through an assemblage of people and huddled up to me so that he could whisper into my ear. When he was quite certain that only I could hear him, he asked me “do you believe in synchronicity now?” While I stood dumbstruck by the cosmic significance of such an occurrence, he slowly turned and meandered off without the benefit of a response. This unsolicited query meant more to me then the sum total of that which had been conveyed by the aforementioned ‘learned” men.

Can you imagine the profound implications of a collective consensus that spirit is willing to validate pure intent through synchronous events? Can you imagine the cohesive effects of such a revelation? Can you imagine the harmony and goodwill that would emerge from the full realization that every person has personal, direct access to that which comprises the foundation of his existance? We wouldn’t need priests, leaders or aliens to tell us the “difference between the truth and a lie.” Now, this is a goal that is well within our reach…
September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFranco
Franco, as you imply, humans exist at different levels of awareness. The part of the mind that believes in separation imagines thinkers, talkers and doers. And yet, perspectives are not limited, but infinite. Camps of "Science" and "Faith" are human inventions. Some people choose to focus on one or the other or even straddle between both. To expand to your full potential does not require you join any camp. It requires you attune to soul.

What you live is not experiential (direct) or heresay (indirect), its what you choose. The power of thought manifests synchronicity. When you believe very strongly, you sense you know something, and you create conditions that confirm what you want to believe. You create your own climate. Timeless moments are registered on levels of awarenss that defy description and reason. Everyone is his own guru slowly coming into his own. This process has implications for societies as they seem right now.

As you seek something other than what you sense now, you take attention away form your own expansion. Some people assume that their sensory organs are all they have to know the infinite. Yet, limited perception does not enable a person to sense beyond the familiar. What you know, you know. What you do not know, you can accept or not. Resistance prevents you from expanding. Fear of something creates resistance. Unconditional love heals it.

Some beings sense what you describe is occuring on certain levels of energy vibration. You may hear ideas like transformation, transmutation and transfiguration. What is projected onto you is not necessarily what you interpret and experience. One idea of evolution has diversified to allow you to explore something very unique. What each person discerns at this moment is an opportunity for humanity to merge with something. This experience enables limitless inter-connectiveness.

This is not about leaving where you are or arguing where you can and cannot go. It is not about whether someone's claim is accurate or fraudulent. This is not about following dogma or law. It is not about being perceived right or best. It is not about competition or power or winning.

This is about remembering what you never left. It is about reconnecting with the diversity that is you. Whatever you reconnect with enables you to be as much you as you can be. It is about sensing a personal truth that takes shape in ways that liberate you. The desire to impose a particular position or way of thinking wanes. This is freedom from thinking something is right or wrong, believable or unbelievable. It is a process of dissolving inner judgment.

You choose every experience within a kaleidoscope of life. You are letting go of the need to change others or yourself. Deciding to be yourself means you have no need to control what you are. You just be. If metaphysical experiences unfold, you invite them. You know what they are. You have no need to prove or defend them. Those who share them know the truth for they connect with you beyond the time-space continuum. Of course, to function effectively, telepathy requires both sender and receiver.

Light or energy streams are the basis of astrological theory. They are also a means to induce a finite temporal separation to fragment infinite experience. A higher, non-polarized timeless universe is indeed accessible. Much is happening as part of awakening of global consciousness. I would invite you to explore posts on my thread "2012."
September 11, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
“Camps of "Science" and "Faith" are human inventions.”
Yes, as are facilitator and student.

”The power of thought manifests synchronicity. When you believe very strongly, you sense you know something, and you create conditions that confirm what you want to believe.”
So, if one believes very strongly in a lie, then one can count on a cosmic confirmation of that lie?

“Resistance prevents you from expanding.”
Resistance to…?

“Some beings sense what you describe is occurring…?”
Beings? Could you be more specific?

“It is not about whether someone's claim is accurate or fraudulent.”
I, believe, that this is exactly what it is about, separating out truth from fiction. If we know that something is false and we understand that illusion is the source of all pain, then Love would demand that we burst that bubble of illusion. When all the bubbles are gone, the Truth is what remains.

”This is about remembering what you never left.”
Yes! We must wake up from our dream, and disillusionment is the key.

“It is about sensing a personal truth that takes shape in ways that liberate you.”
Ahhh… Now, this statement troubles me. The belief that “Truth is in the eye of the beholder” is the keystone of all illusory constructs.

“It is about reconnecting with the diversity that is you.”
Diversity? Conscious union with that which comprises the essence of all being is the end result of disillusionment. If separateness is an illusion, then diversity is an illusion.

“Those who share them {metaphysical experiences} know the truth for they connect with you beyond the time-space continuum. Of course, to function effectively, telepathy requires both sender and receiver.”
Those who are One in Truth have no need of telepathy. It is because telepathy requires both a sender and receiver, that we can be certain that those who use it live very much in a world which is comprised (at least in part) of time/space.

“A higher, non-polarized, timeless universe is indeed accessible.”
This statement is oxymoronic. A universe cannot be non-polarized, nor can it be timeless. That which is non-polarized and timeless does not make quantitative or qualitative distinctions; so, the word “higher” is inappropriate as well.

“It {purpose of this discussion} is not about being perceived right or best.”

The use of impersonal abstractions in conversations - such as this - is much more likely to confuse then it is to illuminate; even with the best of intentions; the binary structure of language is inadequate to the task of expressing that which is non-polar in nature. So, too, there chronic use creates the impression that the speaker prefers to remain aloof and inaccessible. Such distinctions emerge from the part of the mind that believes in separation, and are most often adopted by those who want to project an air of authority (e.g. politicians, doctors, teachers/facilitators, and managers). In turn, an assumed air of authority conveys the impression that the conveyor subscribes to the notion of social hierarchies wherein he/she has a stake in maintaining the illusion of a superior status. It is for this reason that I shifted to a first-person approach during our discussion. Speaking candidly, from personal experience, was intended to convey a sense of openness and vulnerability. It allows those on the opposite side of an issue to see that the discussion should not be viewed as a struggle of competing ideas (or social status), but, rather, an opportunity to share and grow. Shifting from a reason-based perspective to one that is faith-based was intended to demonstrate that ‘truth” can operate independently of perspective – as rigid adherence to one’s initial perspective is a formula for limited growth at best – albeit a non-committal, multi-faceted mindset. From your use of language, I must surmise that you are a very intelligent individual, and that you already understand these subtleties. Which begs the question: {fill in the blank}.
September 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFranco
Franco, the ego teaches human beings to rationalize whatever serves its purpose. A person's sense of the truth changes at will and in conjunction with perceived evolution on many levels.

A sense of conscious, external, truth differs from unchanging, inner truth of pure love. External truth relates to physical things or experiences a person feels self-validate or reinforce identity and self-worth. Every time you reach a new level of expansion or awareness, you notice opportunities to step outside a comfort zone. Each person has choices to reinforce beliefs or transcend them.

The hall of records or wisdom is a place where one connects with Higher truth. This is a realm where there is no question of what is. It seems more accessible as one reaches deeper consciousness. You can consult people for what are described Akashic readings or learn what it takes to access your own. Meanings adjust though inner sight.

As a human being reaches as sense of connection to all things, that being naturally removes the "I" and "me." Thes concepts become illusions. Use of the third person is not intended to sound condescending. In fact, it is the universal state of everyone, but not everyone consciously chooses to detach from the ego mind.

As you say, every dialogue is an opportunity to expand and grow. In essence, every dialogue is like a conversation with conscious and hidden facets of self. The story every person relays conveys enlightenment. Sometimes it seems every person tells a different story, gets competitive, creates hierarchy, judgment and analyzes it to make sense of it. The wider perspective of soul is outside what the human in you sees. This is the unified source of oneness. When you reach that viewpoint, it is no longer the linear, human experience. Soul does not experience unknown. The human expands because he chooses to forget the wider view, chooses to forget what he knows in the higher self and chooses to interact with others to know infinite diversity. As the illusion dissipates, you realign with soul.
September 12, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
In my youth, I traveled extensively thoughout Morrocco. While exploring the oldest section of Marrakech, I had the opportunity to observe an old Berber craftsman use traditional methods to frame a round window in the façade of a native, single-story stone structure. Upon completion, he turned to take note of my presence. While meeting his wizened gaze, I joked about the fact that his window was out of square. Amused, he replied, “Only a fool would attempt to square a circle.”
September 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFranco
Franco, thanks for sharing that story. Every experience has potential to expand perception and self-understanding. One can rationalize why something is not possible or opt to shift ways of seeing to note how it is. Consider this:

The Pythagorean Theorem enables a person to explain why it is possible to draw a square within a circle, in fact, as large as possible, inside the circle. Greek mathematician Pythagoras himself says, "There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it reluctantly." This is one view of the situation you describe. Of course, many others exist to explain 'attempting to square a circle.'

In this light, consider Fiboancci's numbers. When it comes to the growth of a plant, it knows to add a number of leaves it has already grown with those in present to result with how many it needs. This implies insight into the origins of your thoughts and ancestry is necessary to understand present beliefs and ongoing transformation.

One perspective on the term, "belief" is that its at least one step removed from knowing. Thus, the mind can conflict with Higher self. This occurs when you allow doubt to hijack focus rather than choose to know possibilities.

Consider the implications for Thomas Edison, inventor of the lightbulb. He learned a thousand ways how no to build a lightbulb before he did it. He says, "Nearly every man who develops an idea works at it up to the point where it looks impossible, and then gets discouraged." He also said, "that's not the place to become discouraged."

When it comes to space exploration, Carl Sagan is timeless. He says, "The truth may be puzzling. It may take some work to grapple with. It may be counterintuitive. It may contradict deeply held prejudices. It may not be consonant with what we desperately want to be true. But our preferences do not determine what's true. We have a method, and that method helps us to reach not absolute truth, only asymptotic approaches to the truth — never there, just closer and closer, always finding vast new oceans of undiscovered possibilities."

Stephen Hawking of Cambridge University concurs, "If the human race is to continue for another million years, we will have to boldly go where no one has gone before."
This does not only suggest moving in body, but also shifting fundamental ways of thinking, seeing and doing.

"If we find the answer [the unified theory], it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason -- for we would know the mind of God." ~Stephen Hawking
September 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Liara, in your dialogue with me you have focused on certain elements of my responses to aid you in steering our conversation in a direction of your choosing. So, too, you have misinterpreted a number of my statements to bolster the notion that levels of my consciousness are in need of re-alignment (induction of doubt). When faced with a logically untenable position in regard to Basiago’s claims, you repeatedly attempted to undermine the validity of my logos-centric perspective with statements like “reason does not determine whether a claim is true or false.” When challenged with specific statements or queries, which would have further defined your own perspective, you have reverted to evasive and deflective measures. You have routinely employed ambiguous language for the purpose of reflecting my statements back at myself for reconsideration and/or further definition. In conclusion, you have maintained a consistent third-person approach to your subject that allows for non-committal scientific detachment – as any good psychologist would. It is in this way that you have attempted to make “every dialogue” between us into a conversation that would reveal “conscious and hidden facets” of my mind alone. Thus we have not truly engaged in a dialogue between two people. Neither have we had an exchange of ideas or opinions that would allow for mutual insight. Rather, we have engaged in little more then a pop therapy session wherein you have attempted to ‘reveal” to me the basis for my belief in, and the reasons for my resistance to, certain ideas. To this end, I am no better off then when we began. The reason for this lies in the false premise that “perceived differences and judgments are actually a matter of preference or avoidance of fear.” Some people are naturally predisposed to truth while others are not; those who are predisposed to truth seem to be far more susceptable to moments of spontaneous insight wherein faith in their own faculties is further enhanced. Accordingly, these individuals tend to rely on their own faculties to arrive at a “sense of conscious, external, truth or the “unchanging, inner truth of pure love.”

In regard to my Morocco story, I thought it would be interesting to reflect some of your own processes back at you. How would you respond to like processes? How would you respond to purposeful ambiguity? How would you respond to a story that allows for multiple subjective interpretations? What would your response reveal about you? Are you the type of person who, in absence of clarity, projects meaning on to experience? Are your judgments governed by personal bias (e.g. preference and fear)? I think that you get the picture.

Now, let’s begin with the fact that I said nothing about drawing a square within a circle. The mathematical meaning of the term “squaring a circle’ refers to the process of constructing a square with the same area as a given circle. The area of a circle can never be exactly ascertained due to the indeterminate value of Pi (Area of a circle=R2). Conversely, the area of a square can always be precisely expressed. It is with this understanding that the phrase “squaring the circle” takes on multiple meanings. It can be used in reference to the disparate properties of rationality and intuition. Or, it can be used to express the problems which arise when we attempt to reconcile that which we perceive to be finite with that which we perceive to be infinite. The phrase is generally used to denote the wanting of the impossible or trying to solve the unsolvable.

Your personal interpretation of the phrase “squaring the circle” ultimately led to the statement: “the mind can conflict with higher self.” In spite of your misinterpretation, you managed to address one of its intended meanings. Curiouser and curiouser.

My story has other meanings as well. I am both the observer and the observed. In the folly of my youth I was given to squaring the circle. As an old man, I am putting the finishing touches on a single-story construct which recognizes the folly of youth. My construct still contains a hole however. The hole is an intentional flaw; it is meant to convey the impression that Old man fully understands that no construct is capable of giving expression to the totality of reality. As all things manifest come from that which is unmanifest, the placement of a perfectly circular hole into his construct is intended to signify that which lies beyond the domain of man’s knowledge. The simultaneous appearance of selves speaks to the illusion of time and change. Only in the absence of time can the mutually held revelation that ‘squaring the circle is folly” be made possible. It is in this context that the humor between them takes on cosmic proportions.
September 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFranco
Franco, throughout this exchange, my reponses merely offer possibilities to invite you to step outside your presented ways of thinking. The alternatives do not intend to suggest they are the only 'way of seeing' things. No siutation is black or white. In some cases, you accept value in suggested alternatives and in other cases you clearly do not. Every reaction or non-reaction is a teacher.
September 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiara
Liara, the very fact that you have published my comments speaks to the sincerity of your intent. Oftentimes, the way that something is said is as important as that which is being conveyed. You have demonstrated a great deal of patience and equanimity.

I believe that for some people, your methods will provide the means by which they acquire valuable insight into their individual belief mechanisms. This type of insight is far more important then the acquisition of any particular truth that you implicitly, or explicitly, endorse. However, I believe that far too many people have been deeply inculcated with the idea that, by virtue of education, the opinions of “authorities” have greater weight then their own. I understand that you are using Mr. Basiago extraordinary claims as a tool to help people explore the means by they form their opinions. But, in the doing, you run the very real risk of being perceived as tacitly endorsing a way of thinking that makes the acceptance of unsubstantiated claims more palatable.

It is the unconditional surrender of ones self to any concept, institution, and/or person that worry me. We are far to externalized as it is. The maintenance of ones personal integrity is becoming evermore difficult in this age of “information.” Governments, corporations, and religious establishments are employing, worldwide, every means at their disposal to undermine our ability to maintain the type of psychic space that is needed for the timely embrace of our spirit. Oftentimes, those who have attempted to extricate themselves from these identity generating matrixes find that they are unable to come to terms with their deeply engrained tendency to seek security from an external authority. They run from cult to cult, with the hope that each new “herd” will provide them with a new set of “revelations” that will allay the escalating angst that naturally arises from their perpetual loss of selfhood. Through voluntary surrender to the group mind, they unwittingly set themselves up for the same dynamic that robbed them of their selfhood to date. From faith (suspension of disbelief), through indoctrination (affirmation0, and into belief (surrender) these poor souls become emotional dependent upon the rationalizations offered up by their group, regardless of merit. As long as their fears are being allayed, or their desires fulfilled, they will voluntarily submit to the will of the collective.

Personally, I would rather live a single day with my integrity intact then a lifetime without it.
September 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFranco
Franco, without extending an invitation, ideas do not take shape in the mind. You are those things you like and do not like. Another way of looking at it is each person is that which he accepts and rejects. When a person chooses to disagree with something, or experiences discomfort, this is like a message being sent from an internal shadow. One allows mind and logic to limit perception or not.

You may sense people are attracted to situations that reflect repressed parts of themselves. This is part of a journey to oneness. Ask yourself why you choose to find this blog and add to this dialogue. On some level, you are open to expansion, willing to explore cosmic rules. This does not require you conclude how you thought to this point is right or wrong. Rather, it invites a willingness to realize you are missing part of the bigger picture.

You raise the matter of integrity. This term means different things to different people. Some people assume it means upholding moral and ethical principles which are judgments. Another view is that to be true to self, one knows truth has no agenda. In this light, people cling to beliefs when they fear the beliefs are not true. This is not about following a collective mindset. This is about rediscovering how to think with the heart and learning to trust. It is about realizing you have nothing to prove.

People can move to realize many mysteries exist to explain the universe and infinity. One can never reach the edge of the void. The only way you can be in infinity is to be willing to expand with it. Whenever you say you know something, you forget the reality of infinity and resist expansion. Another view is a person knows nothing and is willing to detach from what he things he knows to experience something beyond self-created limitations. In previous replies, you share profound, mystical examples This suggest you are open to learning more about transformation beyond drama.

If you sense everything is energy moving and vibrating, then the situations you disagree with draw attention to what you are thinking about very intensely. You are your thoughts. You bring the world you live into existence. Thoughts are in fact resistence, defense mechanisms. To let go of what you are taught is to be willing to become what you become as you surrender. Detachment from assumptions alters reality.

Another view is each person experiences what he fears until he moves to a mental place where he is willing to explore root causes. As always, your insights are welcome. Its interesting you leave no affiliation or contact details. Anonymity is a choice, and on one level, it shows you detach from certain labels. Yet, it may also reveal you are not prepared to speak publically about views and thus may fear what others think. Whatever feelings you send out into the cosmos, you get back.

Love is the energy of non-judgment and the honoring of all things. Unconditional love and acceptance of all possibilities is sometimes perceived as a challenge. In truth, its a human tendency to assume things are harder than they are. Imagine how perspective shifts with effortless ease as you accept many kinds of truth.
September 15, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
“Its interesting you leave no affiliation or contact details. Anonymity is a choice, but it also reveals you are not prepared to speak publically about your views.”
As previously stated, I believe that the truth can stand by virtue of its own merit. In regard to speaking publicly, these posts meet that criteria. If it makes you more comfortable, I could provide you with a bio… but, how would you know if it were true or false? It would be no different then Mr. Basiagio asking you to accept his claims at face value.

“Ask yourself why you choose to find this blog and add to this dialogue.”
I have been expecting this query! My pupose is twofold. The first can be evidenced from my original post. I have taken exception to mr Basagio’s claims.. Secondly, I believe that an honest exchange of ideas can be as benificial to its’ observers as its participants. In keeping with your perception that ‘each person is that which he accepts and rejects,” I believe that I am providing the type of commentary that makes clear the choices that are being offered.

“When a person chooses to disagree with something, or experiences discomfort, this is like a message being sent from an internal shadow.”
So, by inference, my “exceptions” are nothing more then the product of shadows? How convenient! If I can see that an unfolding circumstance is going to result in the pain of a loved one, should I intervene to prevent any unnecessary pain? Do my efforts make you uncomfortable?

“Each person is that which he accepts and rejects.”
So, a person who has been systematically brutalized from birth has, in each instance, consciously chosen to allow their personality to be further fragmented? There is no such thing as a victim? This kind of statement is usually accompanied with a reference to first causes and/or karma.

“Whenever you say you know something, you forget the reality of infinity and resist expansion.”
Hmmm, so if one states that one knows that he knows nothing then... ? The very purpose of communicating is the conveyance of knowledge. Are you suggesting that you are engaging in the act of dissementating opinions that are either non-consequential or uninformed? Are you telling me that you do not “know” what it is that you are saying?

“Thoughts are in fact resistence, defense mechanisms.”
So, every idea that you have expressed can be rightfully interpreted as a defence mechanism?

“This is not about following a herd or a collective mindset. This is about rediscovering how to think with the heart and learning to trust that.”
If by “heart” you mean the “truth” which resides at the core of our being, then I applaud your stated aims!

“Love is the energy of non-judgment and the honoring of all things.”
I once watched a man rape my child at gun-point while he was stating this very sentiment. So, when should I interpret his statement as a form of defense mechanism… before or after I honor his act? (Speaking hypothetically of course)

It is exceedingly difficult to straddle the divide between the finite and the infinite, especially when one is committed to using the language of the former in defense of the latter.
September 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFranco
So many of our ordinary 'beliefs', what we consider facts, have of course, not been experienced by us personally, yet we consider them facts... essentially this is 'blind faith'.... and the religious at some point have made a 'rational' choice in favour of their religion....

The line is definitely blurred between science/faith... This is because both are rational choices. When the eye looks, everything goes in, but the attention is focused generally in one small area, and 'reacting'... that reaction is what we call science and religion, but we always know our vision is filled with more... that knowing, sensing, registering, that the unexplored exists entices one to evolve and expand the reaction until all that is seen can be understood....

About Mars and teleportation :
It's almost an accepted 'scientific' fact that our physical bodies (and the planet) are more than just meat, that mysterious processes, electromagnetic and quantum processes are at the core of its functioning, and we have come to see these as 'causal' in many respects - consciousness and its relation to physical health. Consciousness, even life itself cannot be seen or touched... yet these things are essentially our only personal reality.

Consciousness moves to where it's focused, while the 'landscape' of energy cannot be created or destroyed...
It is perfectly possible that the life on the other planets of this system is focused within the electromagnetic, quantum spectrum of the planets, ie. it's aetheric (still physical) aspects, but from our level of perception invisible and to our instruments undetectable...
Those with opened psychic vision on our planet attest to the 'extra' existences in our world...
'Teleportation' to a place like Mars or Venus would not include the physical body, which remains here, a small physical but quantum part does travel, to contain the consciousness.... and the place visited becomes 'solid' to the consciousness... but very different to the hot or cold planet seen from here.
When UFO's are seen in our world, it is because they, with technology, alter themselves from electromagnetic to solid, or aetheric to physical. There are many more aetheric planets than physical ones in our solar system, yet all are one system, which has uniformity and veins of connection throughout....

Frank TheMystic
September 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFrank Themystic
Frankthemystic, as you point out, energy alters form in ways that are not always consciously recognized or readily understood. It is meaningful that you invite readers to consider beyond the purely physical perspective. Dense energy, such as let's say, humans, is but one of many types of energy. More than one type of density exists and similarly, more than one level of energy vibration exists. It reminds people what they choose to see in themselves and external worlds at a given moment is not all there is.

Some people question whether teleportation, time travel and ETs are possible or, speak about why they are not. Still other people hear of innate abilities humans possess but do not explore them. Beliefs and knowing vary widely.
September 15, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Franco, sometimes the more words one uses, the more confusion and misunderstanding arise. Terms are unintentionally taken out of context, and sometimes exchanges yield surprising replies. What matters is the will to expand. Ultimately, only you ever decide if something is validated or unvalidated for you. The mind and heart can and do align, but only if you choose.

Whether teleportation, time travel or another experience, you choose to sense hallucination and reasons for scepticism or, possible shifts in perception that alter how you view self, and any point in space, time and beyond.
September 15, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Frank TheMystic, you state:

'Teleportation' to a place like Mars or Venus would not include the physical body, which remains here, a small physical but quantum part does travel, to contain the consciousness.... and the place visited becomes 'solid' to the consciousness... but very different to the hot or cold planet seen from here."
Are you stating that you know for a fact that this is the way that Mr. Basiagao "teleported to Mars." If so, could you provide me with the source of your information?

“So many of our ordinary 'beliefs', what we consider facts, have of course, not been experienced by us personally, yet we consider them facts. ”
This statement is far to obscure to respond to. Could you be more specfic? Does this perception relate to facts about the physical nature of our world?

“The line is definitely blurred between science/faith... until all that is seen can be understood...”
Yes, I agree. You have definitely blurred the distinction between scence and faith with this statement.

“Those with opened psychic vision on our planet attest to the 'extra' existences in our world...”
Have you ever noticed that it is always someone else who can attest to these experiences?

“When UFO's are seen in our world, it is because they, with technology, alter themselves from electromagnetic to solid, or aetheric to physical. There are many more aetheric planets than physical ones in our solar system, yet all are one system, which has uniformity and veins of connection throughout....”
Do you know this to be a fact?. Do you have first-hand knowledge of the modes of travel? Or, for that matter, of UFOs themselves? Why don’t these entities simply teleport from the aetheric to the physical?
September 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFranco
Franco, you are invited to listen to a recent interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek. This interview has a 11 parts. The first link is here. It offers insights that respond to many of your queries;

As a brief aside, it helps to realize dense energy is heavy. Spirit and other entities vibrate on other levels for different reasons. Although the spirit of people who have 'passed over' might like you to see them, they do not necessarily master energy flow to permit them to do this. They also function in ways that are non-physical and do not always sense a need to appear. Mediums raise their energy vibration and spirit entities lower theirs in order to connect and exchange energetic information. You may encounter spirit energy during dreams and simply trust. This is a way you can begin to see and and prove directly to yourself through intuition these things are true.

Human beings who see and interact with ETs and entities on other vibrational levels on a regular basis know or are learning about heart consciousness in practice. Any perception of separation means certain energies do not yet make a noticable impression on your level of conscious awareness. The Mayan, Hopi and other ancient civilisations dialogue with diverse entities, as do other human beings. Drunvalo speaks about this in relation to native people and prophechies about 2012. More and more human beings are awakening abilities to sense and communicate with what the physical senses do not yet register. In essence, humans have senses that not everyone is currently using. As you reach this stage, everything changes in your life. You just know what to do. Humans are moving away from using only 10% of brain power to using far more untapped abilities. You know as you begin to open up. Gaining insight into lower and higher consciousness triggers shifts in perception.

The Russians have recently come up with technology that could revolutionalize seeing. They have discovered what gravity is (quantum physics, ect). Through math, they determine where every single proton is every moment in any area of the universe. This has incredible implications for consciousness and sacred geometry.
September 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

Let me try to explain my intended meaning... About beliefs we haven't experienced personally:
how many of us have personally experienced the spherical shape of the earth? Or a place called Tibet? Or the flight of the earth round the sun? Or a time called the Middle Ages? We believe these things to be true because 'someone else' has 'attested' to the experience and provided whatever evidence possible... and we merely have chosen to agree with them via a logical and rational decision. The beliefs
of the consensus are added to our own experientially derived beliefs..

About religion and the blurring of the line:
Its true that many are born into their religious system, but I refer to the effort to define our beliefs to ourselves, and to question them... we inevitably arrive at a point where we choose which consensus to agree with - a rationally taken decision, possibly because the topic includes so much more than we can hope to experience personally...(excepting perhaps atheism lol)

On teleportation to Mars:
My statements are personal deductions, from information published about the physical/spiritual nature of planets by sources I have chosen to agree with. (see below)

On UFO's:
On this I have first hand experience. I can attest to you the ability of the occupants to be aware of your thoughts from a very great distance, to respond unmistakeably.... I can attest to the incomprehensible nature of their ships: physical enough to appear to my shocked physical eyes and those of a companion, yet creating no sound and defying the forces of inertia....
The points I made about UFO's altering themselves are information I have chosen to agree with, published by a Mr Benjamin Creme of, who I consider the leading spokesman in the world today for the esoteric Spiritual Hierarchy, or Masters of Wisdom.

The reason they don't simply teleport from their planet to ours is because, according to this perspective, "teleportation" is somewhat of a misnomer. They are still physical, like invisible gas is physical, and are therefore subject to distance, and have to traverse it before the 'magic trick' of 'cooling' their invisible gas into visible substance.

It is possible to film these ships with infrared filters on a camera aimed
at the sun just on the edge of a shadow from a building or light pole.. The strong light at this point is being bent very slightly... These videos can be found on youtube. The number of ships is astounding... They remain invisible for now awaiting moves by our Spiritual Hierarchy.

I hope this helps
Frank TheMystic
September 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFrank TheMystic
Frank The Mystic, Thank you for speaking directly to my concerns. You state:

“We believe these things to be true because 'someone else' has 'attested' to the experience and provided whatever evidence possible... and we merely have chosen to agree with them via a logical and rational decision.”
I believe that I better understand you now. I, too, arrive at certain “truths” via this process. However, I understand that these truths are subject to interpretational errors and personal bias. It is for this reason that I am careful to differentiate between those facts which are based on faith, emperical method and scientific method – putting greater faith in those truths that have been derived from the greatest level of scrutiny. I readily admit that there a things within this world that defy rational scrutiny. So, too, I believe that some phenomena can be so subtle that a rare few are able to attest to its existance; it is in these cases, that I choose to abandon reason and extend my faith. However, the credibility of the source becomes all important in these instances. This is where a careful examination of all claims, from a particular source, comes into play. If some claims contradict known scientific data, then the untestable claims should be rightfully called into into question. Some people choose to catergorise this form of scrutiny as a form of judgement; however, I prefer to view it as justifiable discrimination.

“We inevitably arrive at a point where we choose which consensus to agree with - a rationally taken decision, possibly because the topic includes so much more than we can hope to experience personally.”
I have heard it said that “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence
of things unseen.” However, I am deeply suspicious of those things that men hope for. Some hope for power while others hope for wealth; I think that you get the picture. Now, some might turn this around and say that I do not trust my own desires. To them I say, “You are absolutely right.” I can not claim that my heart is so pure that I would only wish for that which is best for all, given the chance. After all, if I was truly interested in that which was best for all, I might rightfully conclude that my very desire to make a wish is antithetical to that goal. It is with this understanding that I question the folly of misplaced faith. Is it appropriate to have blind faith in anyone or anything? Or, should we reserve our blind faith for that which gives existence to all things with the understanding that all things serve the greater good.

On teleportation to Mars:
”My statements are personal deductions, from information published about the physical/spiritual nature of planets by sources I have chosen to agree with.”
Thank you for this clarification. I am open to alternate explanations as to how such technologies might work… so I am grateful for your input. However, I would caution you to not to leap to conclusions. Mr. Basiago gave no indication that only a part of him made it to Mars. Neither did he claim that he was experiencing a different plane of existance during his brief visit to that planet. I would expect that, if someone had experienced the things to which you speak, they would have included them in their chronicle of events. In absence of such a revelation, I am forced to conclude that such third-party qualifications are inappropriate to the task of gauging the veracity of Mr. Basiago apecific claims, and, by inferance, his overall credibility. (Thanks for the lead on Mr Benjamin Crème – I’ll check him out)

“The reason they don't simply teleport from their planet to ours is because, according to this perspective, "teleportation" is somewhat of a misnomer. They are still physical, like invisible gas is physical, and are therefore subject to distance, and have to traverse it before the 'magic trick' of 'cooling' their invisible gas into visible substance.”
Thank you for this clarification. Language is extremely important when we are attempting to convey that which is, otherwise esoteric, in nature. So, they are not actually using the electromagnetic spectrum to traverse vast distances? How about those entities who you say are jumping between the aetheric and the physical? Don’t they have access to both planes simultaneously? In regard to your UFO experience… can you tell me how you differentiate between “alien” craft and those which may have been constructed on earth by means of secret projects?

“It is possible to film these ships with infrared filters on a camera aimed
at the sun… They remain invisible for now awaiting moves by our Spiritual Hierarchy.”
Although these images are interesting, they are not compelling. I can not determine there nature… let alone their intent. Are you telepathic?
September 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFranco
Liaria, thank you for the lead on Mr. Drunvalo Melchizedek. I must admit, I liked him from the get go. He touches on a variety of subjects that are of great interest to me. How he escaped my attention up to now is beyond me. I have viewed a number of his videos on youtube and believe that he is sincere in his intent. A number of references he made to kundalini ring true to me, as did those in regard to sacred geometry. I must admit, however, that the idea that the physical heart is a primal thinking center made me take pause. I had previously heard that the heart contains cells which are indistinguisible from brain cells, but I had no idea of their alleged significance; this posibility opens up a new area of exploration for me. I’ll give you a more informed opinion in time.

“You may encounter spirit energy during dreams and simply trust. This is a way you can begin to see and prove directly to yourself through intuition these things are true.”
I believe that dreams can be a very credible source of information. My mother had an uncanny ability to sense when her children were in immediate danger while dreaming. So, too, she had the faith to act on her dreams in a manner that allowed her to intercede on their behalf. Like her, I have a great capacity to remember my dreams. As of late, a few of my dreams have contained hybrid humanoids which had both plant and animal characteristics; I can find no reference to them in any of the literature. In these dreams, the presence of these hybrids is always preceded by the appearance of occult symbolism. Yet, I seem unable to recall the individual glyphs upon waking. However, I can remember the exact phrase from my dreams that I used to describe the physical characteristics of these entities while I was observing them. Some of the terms were unfamiliar to me. Upon waking, I googled the terms and they proved to be comprised of words that are most commonly used in the scientific classification of plant species. Now, one might interpret these dreams in a manner consistent with your own. Or, one might conclude that these dreams are evidence that our brains are capable of putting data together in completely novel ways – much like the latest generation of artificial intelligence. In coming to a decision as to how I would categorize these dreams, I have revisited a quote from “The tempest:”

Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd tow'rs, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
September 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFranco
Franco, Drunvalo Melchizdek has done a recent YouTube series entitled the Maya of Eternal Time which is also worth watching:
He points out this is his interpretation of what is happening through Mayan Prophecy while also acknowledging other perspectives exist and people may agree to disagree. Different spiritual traditions offer different insights.

Some human beings sense dream realms are actual portholes into other dimensions. These dreamers recount encounters with different entities and sense the truth of their 'beingness.' The dream measure of reality is endless. You feel the quantum nature of infinite polarity. Its like the sea with continuity in endless directions.

Dreams remind you of different levels of consciousness. What you know in certain states is not always clearly remembered with structural integrity upon 'awakening.' The desire to define, label, partition difference, is a human trait linked to ego. Dream experience reminds you energy flow is constantly changing form, and bringing you to a deeper knowing of collective consciousness. The more you open up to consciousness, the more truth you intuit, feel and share as part of expansion. Experiences that defy words are common among astral travellers and lucid dreamers who encounter entities or species not found in any Earthly book. This is a gentle reminder the physical world distorts the truth or is only offering glimpses of it.

The more you forget the eternal nature of your being, the more you are reminded by any negative emotion you feel. If it feels life-giving it is. If it feels scary, you are cutting yourself off from truth. That which you are allowing or not allowing defines your experience. When a person wants to control conditions or the behaviour of others, that person is invited to learn the only thing he controls is the power of mind and receptiveness to soul guidance. You decide whether to stop the internal struggle and whether to align with other non-physical entities that have sentience incomparable to yours. The multi-dimensional aspects of your being are a natural result of electromagnetism.
September 16, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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