Andrew D. Basiago & Time travel & Life on Mars

This conversation with Andrew D. Basiago shares Hidden History of Life on Mars. He claims that life not only exists, but thrives here beyond common understandings of what is possible. He is a figure in the disclosure movement who pinpoints how time travel and teleportation technology exist and have been suppressed by authorities for eons. He is a real-life chrononaut. In this segment of a fascinating, six-hour interview, you gain insight into time travel and soul-level remote viewing that reveal how the cosmos actually is.
Using teleportation, Basiago discovers forty years before he published a seminal paper, that Tesla-based teleportation technology existed. In fact, the U.S. government was involved in Project Pegasus. Andy's father was on a team building high performance jet engines for aerospace projects for the U.S. defense department and achieved supersonic speed. Andy was taught quantum access data and prepared for what is now.
The government was sending humans forward in time to gather artifacts and bring them back. His father had future insight into how his son would be involved in disclosure of Martian life later in life. As it stands, Andy is expanding the understanding of science and technology in the perception of time.
Listen to this (and other segments) and share your impressions. How does the interview invite you to re-think your conditioned notions of time, fear, advanced technology and what is realTake the idea to your own dreamscape and discover for yourself what is real?
Reader Comments (78)
One perspective of physical and other worlds is that perception reflects a person's state of consciousness and relationship to or detachment from ego mind. Spiritually-evolved entities require no body and move as they choose. Energy fields of the inner body transform through stages of awareness. Different portals are discovered as one learns identity and form are illlusion. Its up to each person to access portals that give access to the unmanifested. More than one way exists to reach a given destination.
Basiago tries to demonstrate that life existed on Mars by 'interpreting', analysing photos taken by the Spirit rover.
Out of all the photos observed, only one looks anything remotely like it might be humanoid.
He uses 'enhanced' images to magnify the subject in the original photograph. When I looked at these supposed enhanced images, all they are are simple magnifications done by zooming in on the raw image.
There is no attempt to process using any kind of filter algorithms the images. No image processing of any kind is undertaken on the images. Then I discovered his methodology: he's used the Microsoft Paint program to enlarge/crop the images.
At this point, any credibility this guy had in my eyes has been destroyed, why? I've been using PCs for many years, MS Paint is one of the worst image manipulation programs there is.
It's a freebee package supplied with Windows and it's incredibly limited in what it can do.
I do photography as a hobby, and I'm a degree qualified Electronics Engineer, which means I have the word maths coming out of every orifice of my body. And I've been working in IT with computers for 20 years. When it comes to technology, everything from Bluetooth, to integrated circuit chips, microprocessors, to WiFi and OLED screens, there ain't much I don't know.
I was reading books on computer graphics and image processing 18 years ago.
Mention the words "Fourier Transform" to Basiago, and I guarantee you, with his lawyer background he wouldn't have a clue what you're talking about.
Image processing/enhancement is maths, plain and simple. Mostly engineering maths funnily enough.
The guy has not made any attempt to hand the images to anyone else for further analysis using say, even the basic techniques available in Photoshop.
I can't take the guy seriously. His lack of knowledge, expertise in imaging is so patently obvious.
If you're gonna produce a paper and claim it shows life on Mars, at least subject the images to some decent image analysis, and not the totally amatuerish 'analysis' he claims he's undertaken on them.
The real issue is not whether or not you believe Basiago's claims but rather, why you decide he is right or wrong at all. To examine the emotions evoked inside you is a meaningful exercise. Brainstorm. What do you notice? How do Basiago's claims affect your sense of identity, reality and truth? If you accept or reject his claims, or ignore them, how does it alter how you feel about yourself?
One perspective is that in order to move into a space where it is possible to sense with new eyes, one must go out of mind and beyond emotion. That is, it is necessary to rise above emotional antagonism, process perceived suffering inside yourself and transcend it. The multi-dimentional worlds are not acessible to people still preoccupied with 'human things.' Explain what you understand by this and figure out where to go next.
The idea that the stated specs on the atmosphere are correct would cause one to feel this way.
One must then ask - could these be false? Could we be lied to? Its been done before!
I could not see any Martians in the photos Andrew has attached in the paper he published. I find the sense he lacked in taking a camera with him when he traveled to Mars via a teleportation device to be rather unusual. Just saying I would have taken one would'nt you.
Also I tried to find another picture,video,or some other concrete evidence that this man Andrew is who he claims to be. I did find that there is a Andrew Daniel Basiago registered with the Washington State Bar Association and they give his e-mail and contact phone #. In this day and age someone of his stature would have more than just a picture of his self in a suit and tie graduation picture. Only radio interviews have benn presented ,no video interviews.
I beleive this man is David Wilcox and that the story is just that a fantastic story to dupe the public for alterior motives possibly to see how gullable we are.
Common sense,logic and my gut feeling tell me this is a hoax and time will tell quite readily that teleportation and life on mars are science fiction at best.
Thank you for allowing me to voice my thoughts.
Was it possible he had powerful enemies with divergent plans for his designs? Absolutely, in fact it was the main tragic feature of his later life.... He was stopped and blacklisted to the end of his life by JP Morgan (his then financial backer) because the tower for demonstration he built was secretly reversible into a 'transmitter' of free energy (look this up on youtube) into the atmosphere, and Morgan found out. It is perfectly feasible to imagine that the powers that be knew any notes Tesla left behind after the following period of obscurity would all be designs of supernormal machines that would very likely work, if built. I find Andrew Basiago's claims about military sequestering of Tesla designs not only believable but likely.
Is it possible to 'bend' the whole physical universe around one person? Ok, what is 'the physical'? In all the literature about experiences on planes higher or at least 'other' than the physical, one thing seems to be common. There is still 'form' there. There is a ground, a down and an up, a here and a there - a me and a him... There are also mentioned planes higher, and lower to that plane, yet NOT VISIBLE because they are 'other'... Could the 'physical' that we know be just another one of these malleable, mysterious planes, but only visible because we are there? Could all the planes excepting perhaps the most divine, which is reported to be formless, be this way? Is form and physicality just
a convenient function of perception or consciousness? Tesla's experiences seem to corroborate this.
Looking at this question another way - is our physical plane able to me 'moved' around someone? Well, we know the planet is screaming through space while it seems perfectly still to us... Even space itself is moving... What if you could punch a hole in this moving thing and jump through? Would you land somewhere else that is also moving? Like cutting a hole in the floor of a moving bus to jump through and land on the ground. Then you would be somewhere else.... What about time travel? Apparently any moment in time is always existent and 'readable' on what is called the 'akashic' plane. So if all moments in time exist somewhere, it may be possible to travel to them, and once there the consciousness perceives their physicality. The concept Basiago raises of a holographic 'matrix' containing all possiblities which we move through seems possible if one assumes that 'physicality' is only a function of relativity, of being there viewing something....
It seems to me that at the very bottom of this whole issue one finds a single question. That question is - who is doing the lying? Andrew, or the so called 'powers that be'..?
Every one knows a man can make up a big lie... but do we know whether a government can do the same, and do this for an extended period of time?
Personally, I believe Basiago.
Frank Themystic
As you point out, human beings have choices to believe or not believe what they are told. People also have the freedom to reconnect to their own energy vibration and inner knowing. People do not expect to wake up to unexpected information or heightening awareness. They may find they are more precognitive, their dreams may be more vivid. Their sense of untapped capacities may draw attention to skills and insights temporarily forgotten. Different experiences trigger self-awakening.
An interesting point to mention is the case of Kathy O'Brian books she has compiled with Mark Philips. They offer food for thought with claims of top secret government programs focused on mind control. You can choose to believe them or not, but similar stories exist. You can allow your perception to nurture fear or contribute to your freedom from the Matrix. You choose what is next. To sense you exist in multi-dimension worlds means linear thinking is limiting and more exists.
I wanted to add some further thoughts about Basiago's claims. He mentions a technical issue inside the vortal tunnels they used, which caused any metals that were magnetically conductive to do weird things, the first being a coin of some sort inside the pocket of a boy journeying in Andrew's group. Basiago claims that metals of this sort cannot be 'teleported' because of these effects. This idea has been touched upon in the experiences of two other experimenters - one being the fascinating work of John Hutchison who has demonstrated very strange things happening to objects he places inside special electro-magnetic fields that he creates. Videos are available of these experiments where objects are made to float, fuse with each other, and even one where water is seen floating entirely out of its container. The metal objects seem to do the weirdest things. The other experimenter is the almost unknown story (can be found at free energy websites like of the russian entomologist Grebenikov who discovered wings of a Siberian beetle which had natural anti-gravity effects. This makes some sense when one considers the modern understanding that bees have wings which are aerodynamically too small for their bodies. It is thought that a vortice of air is created by the bee's wing motion thus accounting for the extra lift. Perhaps Grebenikov's insects are evolving other methods of flight, involving molecular changes which can induce magnetic fields. He was able to arrange arrays of the wings, and through simple directional repositioning of these arrays he had the rudimentary beginnings of flight control. He kept his discovery secret and experimented to the point of making a small flying pad, that he could stand on, and control. Now comes the really metaphysical part of this story - the field of antigravity that was created by the arrays of wings was an independent time-space of its own. From the outside to an observer it became a large ball of light, and while within, the passenger could see out, but was completely protected from temperature, lack of air etc. and was in his own atmosphere. The only thing he couldn't take aboard with him was - metal. He found this out the same way as Basiago's team. He had a coin in his pocket on one journey which very quickly became super hot and exploded out of his pocket, leaving a burn hole, and even causing a time-space disruption of some sort in his local town, once it re-appeared somewhere else! Sounds like teleportational effects to me... It seems, to theorise here, that metal can be teleported, because the effects happen moments AFTER entering the tunnel, but it becomes uncontrollable because the field used is a 'magnetic device within an electrical universe', and anything like magnetic metals would need very special teleporting fields if at all. One critic on youtube pointed out correctly that human blood contains iron, but of course we are not AS magnetic as a bar of iron... you see my point? The human body does have a 'magnetic' field, but for 'teleportation calibration' it's all a question of the quantity of magnetic conduction.
Regarding Basiago's claims of humanoids in the NASA photo, and the issue of why he did not use enhancement techniques, my opinion is this. Basiago is and was personally gifted (IQ 187), and one special ability he mentioned he excelled at, and was targeted as a child because of, was the speed at which he could recognise pattern. If one meditates on this idea for a little while, it becomes evident that this is what he is using when he writes about what he sees in the photo. I certainly can see one very suspicious object, too perfectly spherical to be a stone, while connected to a elongated section suggesting the body of a being, all obviously different in colour to the surrounding objects. Now if Basiago is not only expert, but a gifted expert in perceiving, wouldn't he see 100 for every 1 that I see? Isn't this what we use the doctor, the mechanic and indeed all experts for? Seems reasonable to me... Taking this idea further, if all this can be realised after some thought, it seems a wise choice to use the raw image. It bears more impact, particularly if it leads to investigation using enhancement done independently which affirms his findings.
Well, you can begin with the understanding that everything is possible or, begin with the assumption of limitations and choose to struggle against them. Everyone is invited to remember what it feels like to connect with deeper, inner knowing, to realize that external authorities and perception are not always trustworthy. What you discern as truth relates to extensions of your beliefs, fears, self-acceptance and conscious awareness.
In a book called Mysticism, Dr. Annie Besant states, "we do not know the world; we only know the response of consciousness to impressions made upon us from what we presume to be an external world." She further suggests, the 'response of consciousness', is determined by the levels on which your consciousness is activated. She highlights conscious impressions stem from the conditioned senses and other impressions that arouse feeling. Another set of impressions come from thoughts and ideas. The union of all these impressions--sensuous, emotional, mental--spell the 'world' for us. Yet, impressions could be sensed as infinite, not limited.
You either accept something or you do not. You either choose to be aware of the basis for your beliefs, rigidity or flexibility, or not. You either decide its necessary to defend or prove things, or you accept things as you experience or intuit them. Everyone is at a different level os awareness.
It is thought-provoking to recognize that the "realities" experienced by individuals like Basiago are often accepted or refuted by others on the basis of popular culture or what is taught as truth. Movies and books suggest certain things are not possible when that is not always the case.
As for myself, I find his work really interesting. If those are real, I say those are brilliant.
Franco, I can get you work in Oklahoma Corrections but if you are anything like me you would hate it. Let me know,
Good will to all.
Now, we all know that NASA cover up UFO sightings in space when the US space program ruled in past 30 years in space with the shuttles. Well, same thing that the American Government is covering up the ETs, UFOs, and even time-travel and teleportation that are similar to what you saw on Star Trek when Kirk say, "Beam me up Scotty!"
Now, the photograph of Andrew at Gettysburg, PA after the battle and with Lincoln arriving. The photograph I saw years ago is familiar to me. First thing I saw was out of character in that photograph was Andrew himself so I believe that more than his trip to Mars. No offense Andrew!
I knew that photograph was one off because of the shoes. I said to myself, "That oprhan looks odd. He is all by himself walking around with mickey mouse size shoes! His cap was weird. I just zoomed in the picture to see his face. It was all blurred out! I need that face to do a face recongization to prove or debunk that was him but we need to do this analyisis.
Another thing you forgot, Franco, is the radiation exposure is exceptionally high. enough to have 100 nuclear weapons to radiate Mars.
But is that true? From what I read, I said it does not make any sense because if the radiation is so high, it should have fried all the rovers and landers on Mars! Now, I can debunk what NASA and JPL said about the radiation on Mars. I believe more now what Andrew is saying. We need outsiders to send satelites and rovers to Mars to do a study for human living adjustment on Mars.
One thing though, what bothers me is that it is all desert and where are oasises or beautiful tropical forests or pine forests? Where are the Martians?
I need proof that they are real. Remember that zoologists need something from cryptozoologists: where the body of Big Foot. Ok, we need that proof as well. Where are the ships, buildings, ETs, etc?
UFOs are real. I have seen at least 5 times in my lifetime with one recently 2 or 3 weeks ago.
I was not sure if there was one yesterday with a flash of light I saw. No storms coming or anything like that when I was taking my dogs out to the bathrooms!
In recent year, I am getting answers in my head without thinking of math equations and theories. I was trying to figure out time travel. I believe it is not 4th dmiension. You need 9th dimension. I am working on 13th right now. Trying to figure out which is correct. I also figured out the multiverses. I am also figuring out 9th with pi. Things tend to be round with time travel and time-space travel thru wormhole and blackholes. ETs already knew that and can travel. Maybe that is what Stonehedge is about. See, it is round. Same with the crop circles. All round!!
Remember what God said in Bible that God is in you? Jesus said that. Ok, I just realized in math point of view. I have figured more out about 9th Dim. that it is not just all locations. 9th is about measurement of location such as long and lat and minutes or seconds..
I just figured out another math theory I call it Ultranormal theory. I can not reveal it here for safety or people stealing. But I know where Heaven is. I know where Earth is. I know where what I called Ultranormal, not para, but ultra because it is an area you can not see with your normal paranormal devices or technology. Heaven is right here, so is Earth but also Hell. That third location is another universe. We are at Zero just like Ground Zero. It is Ground Zero. Heaven is at +0 and Ultra is at -0. I have the long version of this theory. You get the idea. Just like the X and Y math chart. We are point zero. Heaven is right, the other universe is to the left. More can be found in different directions. This brings to 9Dpi.
As for him being to Mars, it is still questionable.
Consider that many people will refer to perceived authorities, mentors, organisations, encyclopedia, and well-known teachers who have taught or published. Notice most sources of reference originate outside self. Where does faith come it? What is considered evidence or lack of it? As one remembers the feeling of reconnecting with other sources of knowing, and one also grows to trust intuition, one shifts from beliefs to a sense of certainty without any doubt and no feeling of anything to prove.
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