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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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5 ideas as food for thought

You may be unaware that everything you sense to be happening is offering you valuable lessons to assist in your own self-growth. Every inkling is a stage of awakening inside.

Some people sense every person and situation they experience are actually the universe’s way of nudging them to awaken to their own patterns. Certain areas of your perception would benefit from attention. Consider 5 ideas as food for thought;

1) Impatient people highlight your own impatience. It reminds you how you attract what you think about and which behaviour you selectively overlook actually invites attention.

2) To impose your view of “the right way” is ego. In truth, no right or wrong way exists. You are invited to dissolve any sense of superiority and recall that all things are equal.

3) To detect resistance in others, signals resistance within. Discern whether you are preaching rather than empowering others to choose. You may resist the voice of your true self or, the people resisting may not be ready tor willing accept what insight or perspectives you offer.

4) As you reach certain levels of self-awareness, this does not mean everyone does. Not everyone is conscious and aware at the same level on that plane at the same moment. The process of reaching a point of universal, collective awareness is soul-level energy alignment. Each energy being works toward internal, collective and other types of seen and unseen energy alignment.

5) If you think someone should be at a higher level of awareness, then you judge. To be at a ‘higher level’ of awareness means you; love everyone and everything unconditionally, have no impulse to judge or control and recognize each person evolves based on their own free will.

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Reader Comments (11)

Hi Liara. Thank you -- this is both comforting and empowering. Being aware of what is happening and how I am responding has been happening more often in my life lately. Recognizing that when there is an emotional charge happening for me has prevented me from making rash decisions that I would have later come to regret. It reminds me that I am reacting because of a certain perspective I'm holding; that this perspective is something to be acknowledged and worked through. The person or situation is just the catalyst.
August 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavina
Hello Liara,
Love this. Your lesson is inspirational and succinct, as always. I have never understood the concept in #1 quite as well as you describe it. Thank you for your perfect explanation! Have a wonderful week!
August 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJodi at Joy Discovered
Hi Liara,Thanks for visiting my blog and sharing your valuable views.
I admire your blog .It contains vital issues on life and self development.
God bless.
August 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersurjit
Hi Liara .. thanks for the food for thought - it's exactly what I've been experiencing with the family, and it's good to know that I know - therefore I can learn how to react, or keep to myself .. I'm getting there slowly ..

Great points and I must learn to accept that everyone evolves based on their own free will and not judge them ..

Thanks - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
August 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
I have been recognizing this more and more in my life, and am so grateful because the five things you pointed out have helped me work on things within myself. I'm trying my best to let everyone, including myself, just "be."
Some days I get it, and others not so much!
Happy Monday, Liara!
August 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMegan "JoyGirl!" Bord
Davina, physical experiences can be viewed as mirrors into corners of the deepest parts of soul. How you are conditioned or deconditioned to interpret what is happening, shapes how you grow. To be aware of awakening to new kinds of feelings is part of the process of recognizing you outgrow certain mindsets and perspectives. In fact, many of them are not the real you. They hide it. Your job is to do what it takes to reconnect.
August 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, moving beyond judgment is a hurdle that can be surpassed. As you recognize a habit, you are empowered to move beyond it. Free will and inclination count.
August 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Megan, revelations come in spurts. As you open the senses, you expand on what you think you know to realize the truth is often something other than what you are doing. Every experience offers valuable lessons. Blessings to you all along your journey! Everyone grows together.
August 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Great tips, Liara.

1) Impatience -- I've found this is often a subtle lurching--a movement towards something other than what is. Recognition usually diffuses it.

2) To impose your view of “the right way” is ego. When we are still and look at this, it really is very easy to release.

3) To detect resistance in others, signals resistance within. Good point. The outer always reflects the inner.

4) As you reach certain levels of self-awareness, this does not mean everyone does.
And I've found that my own level of awareness can vary.

5) If you think someone should be at a higher level of awareness, then you judge.
Yeah, this can be an easy trap to fall into.

Great tips! Thanks.
Kaushik, the ego mind does present conditions that can seem convincing. As you point out, to grow aware of what you do is sometimes all you need to release undesirable energy vibrations. You learn to rise above thoughts that no longer serve you. To be inspired to help others is one thing. To impose your views is another. Human beings may seem ignorant of or even threatened by perceptions other than what they currently accept. Resistance implies you do not wish to take the risk to trust the inner self, to love because the illusion of fear tells you the possibility of pain, betrayal or embarassment is not worth the effort. As one expands conscious awareness, then emotions arenot longer permitted to obscure or distort views of infinity.
August 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
surjit, every perspective enriches this dialogue. We are grateful you choose to share your insights here.
August 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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