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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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10 things to be more conscious

Regardless of where you are, you have the capacity to raise consciousness to new heights. Consider these questions. Allow them to set the stage for your gradual evolution:

1) What is a meaningful thing you could achieve today?

2) How must you think to make this happen or manifest?

3) Which emotions are you permitting to control you?

4) What thoughts and feelings would be helpful to release?

5) Why is stepping outside your comfort zone helpful?

6) How are your night dreams conveying useful messages?

7) Who are accessible teachers that you attract right now?

8) How are they empowering you to answer inner queries?

9) Which steps are you taking to raise new levels of awareness?

10) How are you choosing to love yourself and serve others?

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Reader Comments (12)

Excellent questions that we can ask ourselves. And how I feel about questions like these, is that indeed they should be a daily reflection almost, as it is easy to get caught up in the world of illusions.

Hence, a small meditation or reflection each day, on questions such as these, can be that grounding moment that sets the course of the day in a more empowering way.
May 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEvita
Liara, your prolific lists continue to amaze and inspire me.

A meaningful thing for me to achieve today will be a meeting two hours from now with a fellow songwriter who has written a story. The fellow writer was recommended to me by a music publisher who heard my songs and thinks Bryan and I might be a good match for writing a Musical together. And a musical is a plan of mine.

I believe I just need to show up to make it manifest.

I intend to listen more than I speak at the meeting. And be open to anything. I anticipate much inspiration to transpire.

It would be useful to release the thoughts of control of any kind.
May 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Evita, every human being has power to ground themselves right now. As you sense, each person has capacity to empower the self in ways often overlooked or misinterpreted. You inspire everyone to meditate more.
May 31, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Jannie, as you grow more conscious and aware of your intentions, you discover your action is more deliberate and concentrated in meaningful directions. You are learning to harness energy wisely. You alter your reality.
May 31, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
These are great questions to ask. Lately, I've been asking myself certain question from time to time to be more conscious. It allowed me to see deeper in everything and motivates me to achieve something meaningful in the particular day. I think I can add some of your questions into the list of questions I would ask myself in the morning. Thank you. :)
May 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAvatar
11) What are the self-diminishing grooves of my mind that no longer match my aspirations?
Avatar, raising awareness teaches you its okay to shift perspective or expand on what you are already doing. Choosing to be open to opportunities means you are willing to experiment and learn what works for you at a given moment. Everyone learns from each other.
June 1, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Pamir, we are grateful you expand on the themes of this post. Your insight reminds readers that a person can outgrow perceptions and mindsets. As one learns to listen to the heart and soul, one raises awareness and realizes when it makes sense to shift gears in thinking processes.

An analogy is made with relationships and situations that form the structure of our perceived physical life. If someone or something is holding you back from being who you know you are, then it invites you to awaken and recognize it. Every person and situation is a blessing. Each person is empowered to open senses wider to sense what is needed and that which is no longer required. Everyone is not meant to be in your life forever. Cherish lessons and teachers available now.
June 1, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Finally I'm one step ahead of your list!
I read the book Zero Limits by Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len yesterday.

Basically what they do is teach a method to take 100% responsibility for ones experiences and life. Meaning any people in your awareness, presence or thought and what is going on is your responsibility because it is in your life.

The method is to clean with these 4 statements:
1. I love you.
2. I'm sorry.
3. Please forgive me.
4. Thank you.

They say to do it with everything including animals and objects. By taking responsibility others heal as I heal.

Dr Len worked in a state hospital for mentally ill prisoners in the 80's. He healed the people with this method called Ho'oponopono without seeing or talking to any of the patients.

The ward with the sickest doesn't even exisist anymore.

I've shared the method with my husband and we both committed to doing it. The state you reach by cleaning is Zero where miracles happen.
June 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTess The Bold Life
Tess, that Zero Limits is indeed a meaningful book. Glad you read it! As it happens,I explore similar themes in my book, Self-Disclosure: Changes from WIthin. Every person has infinite opportunities to take responsibility, choose to be loving, forgiving and grateful. This is the sort of message reinforced by near death experience (NDE) survivors as well. The universe creates situations based on our thoughts, emotions and awareness. We alwasy ahve choices how to feel and react or not to react. Every choice serves us as we choose to learn.
June 1, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

Fabulous pointed questions. They beg tapping into the source and asking, rather, delving into, what and why we are doing here.

June 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermolly
Molly, self-questioning is a useful exercise when it raises awareness of core misunderstandings. Some human beings are hypnotized by the illusion of power. They need of a wake-up call. The desire for dominance leads to unnecessary conflict. The nurturing and communicating instincts dormant in everyone need to be awakened. Masculine and feminine energies in every soul are balanced at base levels of conscious awareness. Inner peace is disrupted when anything other than compassion is used in decision-making. Sleeping people do not hear unless they awaken. Everyone can help everyone else now.
June 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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