15 Unorthodox answers to awaken soul

Every moment, human beings are tempted to generate emotion and judge. This diverts inner spirit from its true path.
Each action shapes your awareness and sense of the world. Consider 15 unorthodox answers to awaken your soul. Which one(s) resonate(s) most right now? Share related lessons;
1) If someone gives you an answer, reject it. Insight is felt.
2) To consciously stop thinking, is to heal in spontanaeity.
3) Serve others and you forget concerns about life and death.
4) Empty the mind of speculation, or no room exists to grow.
5) To experience true meditation transcends all sounds.
6) Offer blessing and wish merit for every being, no exception.
7) True happiness is discernable in the sound of one's voice.
8) Everything in your life is the best. You may not realize it yet.
9) If nothing stands out in mind, actto get rid of it quickly.
10) Any true giver is always unconsciously grateful to give.
11) To see through your nature teaches you birth and death.
12) On paths beyond delusion, coming and going do not exist.
13) Silence and humility ly beyond profession, ego and belief.
14) What arises unexpectedly is not of your true nature.
15) Censure self, not others. Resist judging right and wrong.
Reader Comments (21)
It seem to resonate a lot w/me. My friend JD at sourcesofinsight.com has a good mantra "paralysis by analysis". That is why i like more doing vs thinking. Think less do more, review and improve. Grow.
I like no. 10. A true giver is grateful to give.
"Offer blessing & wish merit to every being, no exception." If you can do that, you couldn't be happier. It's called Love. Nothing is greater than that.
How are you, dear Liara ?
How is your family ?
You write me such a beautiful comment, as always. I appreciate your wisodm and the loving energy that shines through it. You are a blessing to me with your accurate *light* filled words. Thank you.
It's an interesting synchronicity that you came to my blog walking in stillness. Stacey and I were wondering what to do next winter and we were wanting to visit and explore other countries for a change. We were jogging outdoors when we were speaking of this and we passed an inflatable globe in the ditch. And I told Stacey I bet the answer to where we are going is the country I see first when I look at the globe up close. Interestingly, the country was Australia. We have been eyeing New Zealand too.
To realize you harbour opinions is a sign you are beginning to observe some of your own conditioned habits and patterns. This is a necessary step a person takes to better understand the true self.
Judging is a conditioned, human trait that brings anger and discomfort or insecurity to the surface. A person can then explore what lies underneath.
This I really need to read slowly and feel.
Just one clarification. Can you explain this a little further:
What arises unexpectedly is not of your true nature?
Thank you,
-- Nisargadatta.
These all serve as helpful reminders to our ultimate happiness. If we could mentally bookmark them, then we would be on our way to freedom. :D