Why bother with astral projection?

Many human beings ask about astral projection. This is where consciousness and astral body separate together from the physical body and enter the astral plane. This one of two planes in the fifth dimension where dreams unfold. As you raise awareness,you begin to realize that many variations and paths are possible for astral travellers. Why does it matter?
Parts of your being inter-communicate through channels of consciousness. During dreams, messages from the brain and psyche are sent to the physical body. Insight travels through the silver, ethereal cord that connects the physical body. It reels the astral in for the awake state until its severed permanently at death. Practical techniques can be learned to induce these experiences. Why bother learning more?
1) Elucidate reasons for obstacles. In the physical world, you perceive events related to thoughts and feelings. They vibrate unconsciously. The dreaming part of you accesses larger areas of consciousness than your awake state. To ask and write questions before going to sleep initiates a process. Astral projection help sretrieve embeded solutions.
"the solution is not clear to the [conscious] ego, this does not necessarily mean the solution was not found. There will be cases where it is not only unnecessary but undesirable that the ego be familiar with the solution... [which] may not appear in the way it expects. The conscious self may not even recognize it has been given a solution, and yet may act upon it. "
-Seth, Dreams and Projections in Consciousness
2) Receive teachings. Very deep areas of the subconscious mind instuct and guide one through astral dimensions. The conscious desire to expand, investigate and heal enables one to connect with beings of different capacities on the astral plane. One may learn from them. Conditions of the physical body and range of senses grow from the state of subtler energy bodies. The deliberate intent to receive guidance is powerful.
3) Experience verifiable knowledge. Many people hold themselves back because of fear. Practical astral projection experience provides insight into knowing. This takes you beyond conditioned beliefs. A being can gain insight into immortality, misconceptions about life, death and dying. The benefits of astral extend beyond the limits of human senses and intellect. Shatter a dense barrier of ignorance. Dramatic expansion of your core faculties comes when you are ready.
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