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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Choose to carry a lighter load

 As you evolve to accept what is, you are in the process of lightening an emotional load that disrupts your inner peace and natural composure.  You may not yet discern the reasons for your fear. Part of your lessons involve identifying what is and is not important.  Consider what it means to choose to carry a lighter load;

1) Discard the illusion of insecurity. Security is unconditional, ever-present love. Every human being can access it anytime, anywhere.  This includes you.

2) Decide forgiving also means understanding.  To learn to forgive does not mean you forget what has changed you. As you nurture different levels of compassion, you permits love to flow into every orifice, cell and part of you.

3) Recognize conceit is a face of fear.  One fundamental lesson is to eliminate all fear form the mind. This distraction takes different forms. As you move beyond distractions, you edge closer to equality, coexistence, harmony and all the love this entails.

4) Review what you have been given.  You have been given knowledge, conditions and assets that you misunderstand or miss altogether. This moment offers new opportunities to be grateful for what you have missed because the learning curve continues.


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Reader Comments (14)

Hi Liara,
Beautiful post that resonates deeply with me. I feel self love and forgiveness are two areas which many people struggle with. They are readily available to access but might need to be looked at differently for people to find. I agree with you that forgiveness does not mean forgetting which is very important for people to see. Also in gratitude for all you have and are and your journey you can find the path to self love.
Lovely Liara -- as always!
March 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJenny Mannion
Liara--these are always such good reminders--and all these things you mention are thngs that I know--yet I still need constant reminders.

For so many years, I was wrapped up in myself--or beating myself up that these conditions are ones that I easily retreat to--which is why I need the reminders to discard illusions and fear and to rembrace gratitude and self-compassion.

As always, I gain something special when I visit your blog. I'm also excited to buy your book when it comes out.

March 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMelinda
"One fundamental lesson is to eliminate all fear form the mind" - this is i think my biggest wish, how can i train myself to stop fearing? I am not talking about being reckless but being fearful. If i could stop being afraid i think i could unlock so much from my inner self.
I lightened my backpack, I lightned my possessions, and now my body is being lightened. Perhaps, the body is not needed anymore. This would be a lighter load.
Jenny, forgiving others is simultaneously learning to forgive the self. People behave in ways that evoke feelings and reactions in you. Each person can be grateful to everyone for helping to awaken universal soul. As you open your mind, you begin to sense and live differently. That is, what resonates with you, changes dramatically.
March 28, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Melinda, every energy being retreats into a private space of meaningful solitude without realizing it. In this place, a person sometimes forgets to love without conditions. No human being is in position to capture and pin down a life that has yet to be lived. Love as you go. Things are always what you make of them in the moment. Each person bears responsibility for each dimension of his own learning.
March 28, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Alik, your core self does not know fear. Only the ego mind creates it. You choose to buy into your own illusion or you do not. Eventually, each human being can evolve to truly grasp the wisdom within the self. This requires one takes initiatives to remember, practice mental discipline and learn to access different levels of conscious awareness. Each person is his own best teacher. The crux of the matter is what you choose to perceive and how you live now, regardless of what people around you say. Any conditioning you have can be shifted or dissolved at will. Just attune to harmony and the power of energy vibration.
March 28, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Another great reminder, Liara--I often hold myself to standards that I would never expect from another.

Thank you again--

March 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMelinda
Natural Moments, one exists in the physical plane until accomplishing what one arrived to do. Every human being is a spiritual being capable of grasping direct and direct vibrations. You are heightening sensitivities and crafting a meaningful tapestry of life wisdom to share. Your heart is in the right place. To be in a plane of transition means you are shifting energy frequency. Patience is a virtue. Higher forces are working in your interest even when you are not yet aware of certain levels of consciousness.
March 28, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
You should have witnessed my dreams last night. Maybe you did. A battle skirmish where a new banner was placed upon the Vessel. It now reads Caretaker. The angels rallied around me as locusts on tractors were picked off by hawks. Angelfood cake was delivered to me.
I really like the part about being grateful for what we miss, for those times open doors to new experiences. What may perhaps be perceived as a loss, is actually a gain.
March 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Light Between the Empty Spaces, you may choose to submit a dream for an eventual interpretation. Astral observations and meetings occurs. Consider telepathy, the giver and received of information must be on the same wavelength. Astral meetings require astral travelers be vibrating on a certain plane and synchronize on other levels.
March 28, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Jannie, everything is as meaningful as you choose. Loss, gain or any perceived imbalance is a kind of illusion. To be truly present is to rediscover the authenticity of every thought and feeling. You identify what is natural and ignore what is not. It falls off your radar screen as if it does not exist. Much of what you think is a dream.
March 28, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
It's fitting for me that insecurity is what you listed first, Liara. For so much of my life, that was my only stumbling block. From insecurity, all my flailing abouts occurred, with regularity: fears everywhere I turned, making judgements, seeking validation from outside rather than within, and all manner of equally unhealthy states of being. I could live and deliver all the love I wanted to and for others, but not to or for myself. Thank goodness I outgrew it!! Insecurity, I've come to believe, stems from not feeling, deep within, our connection to Loving Source. You continually remind us all, in many ways, that the connection always exists. It truly does!
March 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJulie

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