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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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3 Ways to escape mind traps

Human beings speak about their situations and often fear the prospect of change. They also get bogged down by different ways of thinking. You may get lost in your own mental jungle. You may not yet realize everything is already organized and settled and always has been.  You nurture futuristic ideas, but they are not your present concern. Now, you clear the mind.

Somewhere, not too far away, is a purpose, reason for rock-solid fulfillment.  You have temporarily lost touch.  This draws attention to certain patterns you create and the quandry about what to do about it. Its never too late to rethink why you exist.  Consider these 3 ways to escape your own mind traps;

1) Shatter ignorance.  If you are unaware of what you think or how, then you are unlikely to sense anything is out of whack, and less likely to contemplate change, let-alone do it.  To learn focus and mental discipline is to enter an arena of growing awareness. Infinite layers proceed from there.

2) Surpass superficial awareness.  To have preliminary insight into your thoughts and feelings does not mean you are consciously aware of the harm you do to yourself. To grow to identify habits reveals why it can be to your advantage to discard them. How often do you judge or belittle your own efforts? Unconditional love and acceptance are the only answer.

3) Activate deconditioning. To realize you say and feel harmful things offers useful self-knowledge. Whenever you engage without your needs or interests at heart, then you persist stubbornly in the face of adversity.  Ths is not the same as persevering in light of obstacles. The moral imperative to finish what you start may be ingrained so much that you resist deconditioning. You only ever make promises to yourself.

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Reader Comments (2)

number 2 - i belittle myself a lot... I have gotten better, but still have quite a lot of way to go...

Hope you are having a good week, Liara :)
March 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLoving Annie
I like number 3. I think there is nothing more exciting that living a life where we actively, daily, hourly -- moment to moment - decondition ourselves, and do so until consciousness is just a way of life. Until we are consciously living in the great ocean of infinite possiblities. It's who we already ARE.
March 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRobin Easton

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