Rewind the life review

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Canada.
Dream- I was walking in the huge courtyard of a French Renaissance castle. I knew a man inside. I was walking away. I retraced events that had transpired between he and I as if I was an observer and unsatisfied with my past choices. I was able to stop what turned out to be a phase in a life review that flashed in front of my senses. I rewinded to particular situations and consciously revised my thoughts and actions. I did not wish to do harm and was more aware of the consequences of my actions after gaining insight into what occurred the first time. A guide observed my self-evaluation.
Predominant Emotions- shame, guilt, non-acceptance and acceptance.
Interpretation- From a spiritual perspective, energy changes form when a being moves from physical to non-physical planes of existence. Souls that pass to the Other side go through a period of reviewing life experiences in order to better grasp their attitudes and judgments. Its par for the course.
Flashbacks are conveivable for inter-dimensional travellers. Glimpses into past lives are increasingly common. The purpose is to assess primary, secondary and other lessons during physical existence. Connecting with spirit guides enables you to gain new insight. You learn on a need-to-know basis. One progressively learns about some incarnations as a way to work through current misperceptions. Messages arise in meditation.
In a general way, your restless spirit seeks resolution. You are alone in thoughts about memories of certain experiences and it appears you grapple with layers of honesty. Core identity is recovered after you peel away layers of deception. You may feel as though you are inside someone else's body. As you discern you are the observer, you begin to sense effects of karma.
On another level, you are shifting energy vibration. That is, you are more keenly aware of pain you may have caused other people and you work through the residual energy. Sifting though unresolved emotion enables you to gain wisdom you would not possess if you had not encountered certain difficulties. You are becoming adept at boiling situations down to the heart of the matter. This is a useful skill to master.
Reader Comments (9)
Your the best. Wink.
Sometimes when I have a dream where I don't like the outcome, I will enter the dream consciously while awake and will change key symbols to create a more desireable outcome for myself. I sense this works and releases certain tensions in the mind.
But I was wondering if changing these issues has interdimensional effects that reverberates throughout the universe.
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