What if life is not what you think?

Many people spend an enormous amount of energy believing what they think matters. What if life is not thought? In fact, what if thinking obscures what the heart knows?
To know thyself is not the same as thinking about it. Leave your emotional baggage and memories at the door. Stop thinking. It changes how and what you see. Be aware of when you permit thoughts to control you. Realize you have choices. Give up your assumptions. How does it feel? Discover nothing is as important as you think it is.
From the beginning of time, human beings are taught skills and lead to believe they can become better than they already are. All the while, the universe is sending you infinite reminders that you already are perfect. Why ignore what the heart knows?
Everything happens as it does. Every revelation is interconnected in cosmic synchronicity. Feel it. As you remember what is means to be truly honest with yourself, you open to all you ever need. You are willing to let go of all you are taught. Allow yourself to see beyond patterns. What a fresh experience evrry moment.
"All fixed set patterns are incapable of adaptability or pliability. The truth is outside of all fixed patterns." - Bruce Lee
Reader Comments (8)
To raise awareness is to sense the observer and participant within. That is, the thinker and the feeler are both present inside you. Every perspective is a teacher. My Self-Disclosure book invites you to answer questions in a journal to draw attention to levels of your awareness and judgment. This empowers readers to explore self-perception and grow more conscious of how they think and feel.
Energetic awareness is meaningful to grasp. Time is collapsing. If you continue to follow the ego-based ordered reality, you limit the self to linear perception. Reality is infinite. Meditation offers different avenues to sense how it feels to not be controlled by thought. You may enjoy this post on "overthinking" & comments:
She's a bit anxious .. so I suggested she journal and make notes of everything .. all her experiences and feelings .. and she came back tome and said - you're right I hadn't thought about that side of it .. it'll be good to spend time with her and get her assistance in my spiritual awakening.
All the best at this time - Hilary Melton-Butcher
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