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What is it with helicopters?

Over 400 years before helicopters were supposedly invented by humans, Renaissance Man Leonardo Da Vinci was drawing them. He is not the only man regarded as 'before his time.'

Even further back, the Egyptians record hieroglyphics of helicopters in the Abydos Temple.  In fact, they also record images of other machines many people assume did not exist.

Consider, even for a moment, that nothing invented in the physical world is truly new. Everything has an energy vibration and comes from somewhere you are not yet sensing fully.

If everything already exists in form or formless states, you do not always sense everything all at once on a conscious level.  Energy is not created or destroyed. Awareness of how to access and attune to energy shifts. How a you perceive, expands.

Recognize the mind registers only limited perspectives. Recall how to transcend the mind and inner energy flows naturally. You forget about the mind's inability to go wider.

As you merge with the etheric more consciously, you open to notice the sideways path of energy and tap into hidden gems. They never go anywhere. You begin to work through optical and other illusions and suddenly sense more than just the energy of timeless helicopters. You sense where everything comes from. Return home. Celestial energy is your keeper.

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Reader Comments (7)

Hi Liara .. now that's an interesting thought - that the wonder of technology as we have it today has been around in the ether all this time and seems to come into humans' existence at different eons.

Another aspect to different time frames, or one world without any boundaries

A thought to ponder .. for me -
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories
October 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
A helicopter, like a hummingbird, is an interesting symbol. It can not only go forward, it can go backwards, from side to side, or it can stand still. It has many variable speeds and can shift perspective also by ascending or descending in increments. If we can become a helicopter, imagine where it can take us within the mind. The potential is unlimited, allowing us to see what we previously could not see.

I agree, I see nothing as being truly new or original. Its all a magic trick. We pull the invented out of thin air. We dream it into being physcial. We tend to focus on what is before us through comparing things. We do research which focuses the mind somewhere other than the physcial and new variations are presented to us within the imagination. The combining of the differing frequencies that exist in the world allows us to see the new frequency within the mind.

Consider that if we invented new rules for living daily life that an entire new universe could spring forth which always had the potential to be there. And perhaps it has always been there but our intentions are just now allowing us to see it for the first time. Its like the mind goes spilunking with each moment and finds a new place to reside and call home. Its all a matter of what we place our attention upon Now. We can bring with us that which we enjoy into the new moment or we can leave it all behind and start with a complete set of new eyes.
October 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Hilary, humans rework existing ideas or build on them. Every moment, every person is remembering existing energy differently. The human mind can only expand what it has detected somewhere before. It is a co-creator wih energy beyond itself. In this sense, the mind is progressively expanding based on increasing fearlessness.
October 24, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Bern, every moment, you are co-creating an emerging world. As you choose to silently bless everyone you meet, and open to fractal worlds and dimensions, you are defining expanding parameters of the next stage of your unfolding existence. You move in every direction because you are everything, now. The mind does not grasp this but the rest of you does. You decide what matters.
October 24, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
So if Sideways refers to the width of a frequency band of light, do we gaze unfocused with the intention of changing our normal vision parameters. What exercises do you recommend to see more along the periphery of vision?
October 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Post Script: An hour after the last post I decided to go running in the rain. My intenion stated was to focus on being unfocused so as to gaze, thereby not creating prejudice in the field of view. I also intentionally decided to widen my gazing range as to purposely be more aware of my periphery. Finally, I stated I wanted to have a quiet mind, a raised vibration, and to engage in theta brain waves.

After about a half hour of jogging in a gazed fashion, I decided to slip around the corner or sideways out of my normal viewing scope. I saw a decidous tree in front of me that was turning its leaves into a golden colour and they were falling to the ground. Suddenly a giant snake started winding its way up the tree in a coiled fashion as to resemble the medical institutional insignia.

I then decided to project a double to climb up a telephone pole. When I reached the top I jumped off of it and flew my self towards my body. As I saw my self falling into my self, the double morphed into a Native American Medicine Man. He then came out of me and took my hand and let me towards and past the moon and into deep space. He pointed to my right and showed me a colourful aurora borealis. I then looked at him again and he pointed again and the aurora was now a different colour. And yet a third time there was another colour.

I think I may have found the Sideways you were talking about.
October 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBern
Bern, "normal parameters" are constantly transforming. To align with an identity of a higher energy being within, it is necessary to detach from beliefs, opinions, judgments and linear thought. When doubt dissolves, only love remains.

No quick recipe exists to expand a range of perception. You choose to rescue self from traps of multi-dimensional hyperspace as you forgive and heal karma and genuinely love and accept all that is. Exercises exist to work through emotions and blocks. Visualisation and meditation are two options. Sense what feels right for you.

Shamans guide you to sense energy flows from nowhere into 3-D worlds. You discover doorways exist when ready to detect them. As you move out of mind into the pain-free heart centre, you discern doorways all around you. Some invite you to revisit loops of past lives in order to bring insight. Infinite doorways and realms exist. You may initially sense them as infinite loops of experience on the same horizontal plane. You can revisit them and find the way back home. Light is a timeless beacon.

Different ways exist to perceive and experience the sideways energy. Some people connect with auras and chakras. They sense the energy spinning clockwise and counter-clockwise outward from different points of the vertical body. These mini cyclone-like energy phenomena enable you to detect and stabilize imbalance.
October 25, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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