Share some personal insight
Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 8:35AM
Today, you are invited to share your perspectives on surrender and reverence. What do these concepts mean to you? How do they affect your existence? How do you evolve through them?
Reader Comments (8)
Surrender, to me, is a giving up of a once locked up point of reference. It is the release of the ego and of the perceived self. It is putting one's hands up to connect to a higher vibration. It is the disarmament of the borders, the damns, the energy blockages, that keeps one in repititive and habitual cycles. With each barrier forgiven or surrendered, higher vibaration is achieved. More spaciousness is felt. Love flows with greater intensity and is not blocked by judgement or prejudice. Surrender allows for Spirit to reign free.
Reverence is honoring and respecting what Is in this Moment. It lacks judgement or attachment, therefore, through surrender reverence is achieved. In daily life, all objects and entities are honored in reverence since they are accepted as being a part of the greater self or as an extension or aspect of the self. What you see can be looked at as God because there is the spark of life within it. Reverence is achieved through the realization that everything we see has a purpose, even if an outside source that is caught in duality labels it as good or bad. It is a knowingness that we are all related and are One. Respect and Honor your Self, and Full Reverence to Life is Realized.
Human beings are beginning to awaken to different stages of their own karma and how it arranges itself in energetic loops. Some people believe karmic energy arranges itself in concentric circles that increasingly constrict movement. In truth, karma and past lives are arranged energetically more like tear drops connected at the point the real you never leaves. An analogy exists in valences. You are actively contributing to many healing paths that are joined at soul-level. Your choices enable you to strengthen the energy ribbons that assemble at the heart. Patterns form loops that seem to constrict or tie you down. The mind entraps you until you manage to visualize and activate the process required to break free.
In order to surrender, you forgive and transcend the issues of society and others you project. Perceived injustice is an experience that strengthens you as you endure and remember to love and accept everything in spite of it. To revere unconditionally is to awaken a pain-free heart centre and choose to abide there with unwavering grace.
Thank you - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Letters
I guess to me, surrender and reverence are the same. When you realized everything and everyone is blessed and perfect it is easy to surrender to the moment.