Grizzly encounters
Analysis of the week on dream submitted by Anonymous of Melbourne, Australia.
Dream- I looked outside the window of the breakfast nook in my parents' kitchen. I saw grizzly bears wrestling on the lawn then vanish. I went outside to rake leaves and picked up the bear's excrement. It was in the shape of prisms that shone light through my hand. Then, I went into a sauna and was startled to encounter a grizzly bear. I exited. A being reassured me and accompanied me back. I entered a hot tub and got out. I saw grizzly bears nearby. They no longer worried me.
Predominant Emotions- fear, anxiety, engrossed, strained, troubled, increasingly relaxed
Interpretation- Grizzly bears are an endangered species that feel confined in their limited habitat. What does this say about the circumstances you have created for yourself? An aspect of your life may be nearing an end or, a big transition. You struggle with change. As bears are viewed as aggressive creatures, this draws attention to overwhelming feelings and the impulse to fight back. Reflect on the root cause of why you channel negative energy. Rethink how you permit external events to vex you.
Prisms remind you of the hidden strength of your spiritual side. When made of crystal, they reflect light rays of the specturm in order to disperse rays of light. This is positive and uplifting energy that renews you whenever you reach for it.
Purging is a recurrent theme. You desire to excrete what no longer matters or even to sweat something out of your system. This may refer to getting rid of negative energy and opening yourself up to new perspectives that heal your heart or soul.
To consciously get yourself into 'hot water' may be an experiment. What do you seek to learn from a particular trial? The whole experience is far less daunting than you lead yourself to believe. It is an exercise in teaching yourself about fear-based beliefs. You are dealing with idas that need to be brought back under control.
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