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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Listen to the signs from the angels

More often than you realize, guardian angels make their presence known in your life.  What would it take for you to open up and receive their messages? The spirits encourage you to explore the mystery of yourself. They love and support you unconditionally, wherever you are in the dream of your life.  As you sense the signs, you will transform.

You may attribute 'close calls' to angelic intervention. How do you think when you just miss having a car accident?  What about when you seem to have just made a deadline as they say, 'by the skin of your teeth." Did a recent health recovery seem like a miracle?

You agree to believe angels surround you or, you decide they must be a figment of your imagination. Images exist in your mind that perpetuate how you view  everything.  The judge inside you has its own point of view.  Why do you strengthen or restore faith?

On the weekend, I had the pleasure of exploring Bruno's Gallery and Sculpture Garden in Marysville, Victoria, Australia:

Amongst over 100 of his enchanting garden statues, I was drawn directly to an angel that stood behind a girl. She held a quartz crystal exactly like the shard I carried in my pocket.  Soon after sensing that sculpture, a man passed by and recommended I visit Rickett's Sanctuary. I had never heard of it.  He vanished and I felt the urge to find it.

A day later, I drove to William Rickett's Sanctuary in the Dandenong Ranges.  Again, I was drawn directly to a sculpture with the wings of an angel:

This was one among 92 sculptures called "The Earthly Mother."  The plaque beside it offers a poem to encourage reverence for life.: "Follow her light from the visible to the invisible within your innermost self...the vastness of your vision transcends the physical eye."

Near my parked car, a young girl got out of another car with her mother.  That little girl wore a hat on which was embroidered, "you are my angel."  Gratitude and love are energy.  Align with the signs around you.  The Divine touches your soul.  Will you sense it?


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Reader Comments (10)

I believe in angels! I am thankful when they show up. I am comforted in the knowledge that there is a learning moment that is about to happen or allowing myself to just be in their loving presence.
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSandra
Dear liara, thank you for sharing this personal experience. A good example for signs from....
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrainer
Sandra, to love and accept yourself is a way to reconnect with sources of eternal love all around you. You bring yourself inspiration and support that is visible and invisible.
July 28, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
rainer, as you learn to attune to the world around you, it becomes clearer that opportunities to attune to energy and your deeper, authentic self are everywhere.
July 28, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Many thanks for the article. I knew of Rickett's garden in the Dandenong Ranges, but the other one I was not aware of before.
July 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaintly
I am going through a very difficult time emotionally.The other morning as I sat in my usual comfy chair, sipping my coffee before the kids woke up, I heard very, very clearly, the sound of three chimes.It was like someone was tapping a crystal glass.It was relatively loud and sounded deliberate.I felt frightened at first, wondering who was in my house as there is nothing electronic that makes that sound in the house(trust me, I went around and tested anything I could think of with my husband).I called my dog over and went into the kitchen to investigate but saw nothing. The dog did not bark and she always does if she senses an intruder.I don't know what to think. I am a spiritual person and I've had many interesting, almost unbelievable experiences that I really want to explain but can't.I've been trying to research angels and ghosts just to find if this could be the case. I found your website. What do you think those three chimes were?

September 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDarla
Darla, one thing you evolve to realize is certain experiences are not adequately expressed in words. When sparks of doubt emerge about the significance of an event, revert back to your core feelings. Animals are known to respond peacefully to Higher beings where the core intention is love. Your soul already shares impressions about your experience with the chimes. You need no outside validation to believe it. Learn to trust.
September 21, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Thank-you Liara! You are absolutely correct. I know where those beautiful chimes came from. I don't know why I am so reluctant to accept this experience and the many, many others that I've had. If I were to be honest with myself, I would admit that I am concerned about what other people would think about me.

Shortly after I posted this comment, I had the most beautiful revelation while remembering back to another occasion when something "unexplainable" had happened to me. I tried to rationalize the experience away, but it was impossible because the experience was reality.I felt a tremendous sense of joy and confidence when I realized that nothing other than the truth of the event itself made any sense.

Thank-you again, it is very comforting to know that someone is there to help me overcome my challenges with constant questioning and doubt, even when messages are crystal clear!
September 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDarla
Darla, very often, when you rationalize, it is a sign that you are doubting the underlying truth. Eahc human being is surrounded by all the energy and information they would ever need. To slow down long enough and quiet down to hear clearly is always possible.
September 21, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Angel Blessings.
December 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDelicious Monster

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