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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Fly like an elephant & rediscover your best friend

Analysis of the week on dream submitted by A.F. in the Midwestern USA.

Dream- Our "pet" elephant, wrapped in a stretchy, dark-red blanket, was being lowered gently out the upper story window of our house. As the blanket stretched, he did a "fall" to the ground below. After he landed, the blanket fell away. He sat, uninjured, but disoriented, and looked around. Then, a female was throwing my sweet Posie(female dog) at her best friend Sammie (my male dog). I'm very protective of them, and I was chasing her away and yelling at her to NEVER come near my dogs or my home again!

Predomiant Emotions- cautious, surprise, confused, imabalance, and expectations.

Interpretation- People create an image of what you are. You sense this has nothing to do with your inner reality and hope to protect your true self. Yet, if you agree with people, then their views stretch or warp your self-view, and jostle your groundedness. To feel precarious prompts you to shelter yourself from the unknown. You have nothing to fear.  Believing in your own truth will result in a soft landing.  You feel at ease when authentic.

If you desire to move beyond your impulsive reactions, don't believe other people and think twice before you believe yourself. As it happens, the truth survives sceptism and helps break your fall from whatever vantage point you start. The truth about your core passion doesn't change regardless whether you're ready and willing to believe it (or not).

What you believe about yourself, combined with treatment you accept from others, may suggest you aren't worth unlimited love and attention that are always available to you.  Whatever you believe will become your reality.  If you express anger and negativity to chase people out of your life, then similar vibrations will reverberrate back more loudly. 

To prove you rise above misconceptions about yourself, you must accept everyhing about you with faith and trust.  Voices echo in your head like animal cries that tell you where they want you to go.  Tame the wild inside your head.  Stop believing what you don't want.  You are after all, your own best friend.  Balance your male and female instincts.


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