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« How can you stop striving for satisfaction? | Main | 5 things astral teaches you about what you're not »

What does your heart ache for?

Part of you is driven to pursue a life based on what society conditions and people expect. What you do for a living doesn't define you unless it is your conscious response to a calling from your soul. Do you dare to dream of responding to your heart? Are you bold enough to be true to yourself? What kinds of implications will this have for you now?

Back in school, you may have learned about certain work choices. Your ideas for jobs are often grounded in people you know or hear about.  Funny thing is, we are unaware how we limit ourselves. We get a sense of what we think we should do rather than clarify what we would like to do. Our choices may model others but alienate us from who we are.

It may not surprise you to admit you sense dissatisfaction.  You may not yet have learned to accurately identify preferences, gifts, or talents. The voice of your soul may be ignored, stifled or overwhelmed by external trends and expectations. Come what may, your inner voice translates the language of your heart. Its never too late to really listen.

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Reader Comments (12)

Hi Liara,
I must say that I am driven to create and I know that my Soul is satisfied in pursuing and fulfilling its mission to write. Alas, I know many people who are unable to pursue their dreams because of circumstances, choices, karmic ties, etc. Each day I give gratitude for being able to live my dream - it gives me wings to soar.

Great post.
March 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Alexys, its wonderful to sense you exist on a level where you're aware of your soul and you discern meaning in contentment. Your integrity enables you to gain insight into gratitude and create a positive upward spiral. What a wealth of fulfilling opportunities!

Many humans stand on the sidelines. They hesitate to be honest with themselves. When half-hearted efforts fail, they are quick tp blame something or someone other than themselves. Each person can improve the quality of life by paying attention to self-critical thoughts and acting to discover what thoughts and feelings lie underneath them. As we learn to love ourselves emotionally and physically, we acknowledge the truth and there is no inadequacy to compensate for. The resulting inner happiness speaks for itself.
March 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
For myself, I don't think I could have found peace going any other route than you describe. However, it should probably be added that because we live in a seriously ill society, going the way of one's calling and creativity carries lower odds of connecting us to others than it did in the past - at least this is definitely true with writing. Without a "marketing platform" there's no way to be picked up by a major publisher and have one's work widely read. With one, however low the quality of a book is, it will be widely read and distributed.
March 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpaul maurice martin
Paul, thanks for your view. Consider the butterfly analogy. This creature has to struggle and struggle while inside its cocoon. Yet, pushing itself is how it builds strength. Just like a butterfly, our minds are designed to overcome hardship to grow stronger.

Now, from the moment we realize only our perception makes it appear necessary for us to struggle, makes it seem like our lives must be hard, maakes us believe we must have a 'marketing platform' to write to be picked up by a major publisher, then, we can live our lives differently. We can shatter our myths and assumptions. Live according to your soul.

An interesting case of a bestselling author who didn't live his life as if he "needed" a major publisher is Christopher Paolini. I encourage you to read this abridged biography:

Even Paolini realized that we invite circumstances into our lives when we're ready. This means recognizing our assumptions may be misconceptions. We are all talented beings, and our soul patiently awaits our own self-discovery. We invite what we think about. As you accept yourself, you will discover first-hand the universe works in mysterious ways.
March 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
While there are well publicized exceptions (rare, especially in nonfiction), the ways in which the publishing industry have changed to severely impact new authors are widely known and well documented. As LMP states: "If you are submitting a nonfiction book proposal without a marketing platform, you are wasting your time."

Since I didn't know about this situation for a long time, my expectations weren't affected. Since I'm highly motivated, my awareness of the facts about publishing as I've become aware of them has in no way diminished my efforts - I've increased them accordingly.

Not all problems people face are attitudinal/motivational. Life comes without guarantees - you can't purchase one even with stellar motivation and attitudes. Of course, having a positive attitude and high motivation is a real plus, but it's a distortion of reality to mistake this for assurance of success.

March 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpaul maurice martin
Your views raise excellent points. Its worth noting that all exceptions are not well-publicized. You can discover gems in particular fields and you're more likely to uncover them when you are ready to "see." The source of motivation can blind you to what exists.

Success in any area of your life is grounded in self-perception, intentions and how you see legitimacy for yourself before you create value in a vision for others. The nature of self-directed learning grows from there. As you discern your passion, this becomes the source of your energy and drive. Ego as primary motivation has been known to hinder progress.
March 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
Genuine success - succeeding in doing good in one's own way - assumes that sort of grounding. However, being well grounded does not guarantee success. The idea that personal wholeness and integration necessarily bring success is a variation of the ancient theodicy that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people.

March 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Martin
Good points, Paul. Success can also be seen as subjective and universal. If so, human views of 'guarantees' and the possibility of not knowing success become irrelevant.

Also, if a person believes all experience is valuable then that person can rise above or transcend the limits of human-created distinctions and opposites like good and bad.
March 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
These are difficult topics to wrap words around - the things you're alluding to here. I'm inclined to agree with what I think you're now saying. It looks to me like this thread could break out in any number of directions and become like three or four posts!
March 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Martin
Paul, you might also infer any words we choose seldom if ever do justice to our thoughts. We do the best we can. In the process, we exert effort to better understand ourselves. As we raise self-awareness, we have a better chance of sharing feelings with accuracy.
March 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
If we decide to ignore our calling in work just because it pays the bills, we will never be happy doing it.

I learned this late in life, and vowed never to go down that road again, After being laid off from a 100K annually job, but never being with my family. I realized what was more important was me being around instead of being a great provider.

Life's too short. Choose wisely, You can't get it back!
March 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCharles Hamel
Charles, it sounds like your progressing along a profound path that begins to explain what you lack. Our sense of priorities changes as we raise awareness about our true selves. If a human being seeks to realize himself through money as a financial avatar, then he will be disappointed. If you're too burdened with thoughts of what you will do with money, then you will never understand its freedom. The answers you would seek require gaining insight into life experience which is very differnt from that which your ego dreams about.
March 14, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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