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How can you stop striving for satisfaction?

Striving for satisfation is seen as a legitimate way to live your life. If you're working toward something, then you're goal-oriented, motivated and generally live for tomorrow. 

Perhaps this sounds like you.  Do you ever sense you're missing something? Insisting you need things you don't have suggests you are missing something.  When will you trade in striving for an understanding of arriving where you are meant to be?  That is, when will you realize you are satisfied as you are, where you are, and doing what you're doing? 

If you have no goal in mind, does not everything you attempt then succeed? Have you ever thought what your life would be like if you were flexible and open to possibilities? What would happen if you stopped limiting yourself to what you assumed was necessaary to succeed? Which unseen doors would open if you trusted yourself and the unexpected?

1) Stop seeing all of your doubts in other people.  You choose to project your anger and fears in others.  Everyone tests your beliefs and sensitivities.  Only as you grow to accept everything about self will you become indifferent to how events unfold.  Believe every result is in your favor.  Ego-based expectations and assumptions do not honor the inner child.  Nobody causes you to lose touch with your soul without your consent.     

2) Follow the laws of nature.  You don't need to force things to happen or do what you think is neceassry to become the person in charge.  Observe nature's conditions and discern benefits in cycles.  Setbacks enable us to settle our minds and gain perspective.  How could you listen differently, be more instinctive, appreciate life's 'ups and downs'?

3) Eliminate fearful self-judgment. Thoughts of deficiency only attract it.  Believe greatness is on its way.  You get what you think about, whether you consciously want it or not.  Circumstances do not influence your peace of mind. If you choose confusion or blame, this prevents you from taking responsibility for what you feel.  Rather than resist believng you deserve or already live in abundance, choose gratitude and grace instead. 


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Reader Comments (4)

Great advice. We do indeed become what we think about. We must think about what we have and not what we are missing. Amazing what happens when you disconnect from the outcome.
March 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Mark, it is indeed incredible to discover what awaits us when we choose to reconnect with what satisfies us at a fundamental level. It is definitely worth our while to take steps to remember what we had temporarily forgot. Encourage others to follow suit.
March 11, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Dear Liara
This is a very encouraging post. How do you know whether the readers are still on their journeys where they are meant to be?
Because they have the feeling of missing something? Yes, that could be and if I am not open to the arrival of satisfaction than I will have to strive even harder.
March 13, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrainer
rainer, to be open to experiencing satisfaction is always possible. Happiness is a choice. People don't always realize that unhappiness is also a choice. To open your mind to experience unconditional acceptance will transform your life. We can all do this anytime.
March 13, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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