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5 things astral teaches you about what you're not

A great majority of humans accept what they see in themselves on Earth without question.  They may acknowledge a body and mind, but  seem uninterested in their true nature.   Psychic energies take form on the astral and offer insight into your psyche. 

Choose to move beyond superficial self-understanding.  Do not fear who you are, where you came from, and where you're headed.  Consider 5 things astral teaches you;  

1) You are not your body.  In the astral light, you move using your Etheric body.  Since your physical body remains asleep or awake in a different place, you realize its only a temporary shell.  You move beyond that form of existence and learn in another form. 

2) You are not your mind.  Your thoughts stem from the mind, the limits of which aren't easily grasped by humans.  You are not your thoughts.  They change whereas whatever you are is constant.  How you think reveals you are an observer to what happens.  This sets you apart from the larger consciousness.  Astral travel enables you to extend your inner awareness beyond limits of the physical.  You realize you transcend that.

3)  You are not your emotions.  They are often unconscious signs or extensions of the ego.  Such disturbances arise spontaneously to overwhelm or control you.  They differ from feelings from which you learn and manage to detach or move on. Both emotions and feelings change and impact physiology.  They are the driving force behind your identity. 

4) You are not your memories. Recollections ground you in a sense of time and space.  The astral is a dimension where your thoughts become pictures and abstractions become symbols to decipher.  Unconscious forces shape images that fade, but what you are doesn't vanish.  Awareness may be confined to physical or astral, yet neither define you.

5)  You are not your personality.  Your personality evolves from birth, based in part, on your susceptibility to external influences.  It actually masks your true identity.  You are prompted to discriminate and control in astral based on what you learn in the physical world.  The extent of your personality's influence determines how distracted or focused you become in astral.  The nature of astral doesn't change.  Your personality colors it.    

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Reader Comments (4)

Dear liara,
at point 4, I favour another view. While astral travelling occurs, you don't think. Therefore there are no thoughts that become pictures.

Very valuable post!
March 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrainer
rainer, another way to look at it is that during astral, you don't think as a human is conditioned to think. You expand your senses and communicate in ways that defy the limits you create for yourself in the physical world. You may not have a point of reference to compare. It is a place where you are gradually moving beyond judging and comparing.
March 10, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Thank you for leaving the link to this post on my blog. I have enjoyed this post also.
March 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSurface Earth
Surface Earth, everything is created by what we choose to believe. This may not seem practical, but what reasons would you have to resist or disagree? To examine your reasons reveals much about your fears. How do thoughts influence what you believe?
March 18, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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