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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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10 Tips to get in touch with "the real you"

To get in touch with the real-you, it pays to to approach your life with understanding and discipline.  But, how do you do it?  How do you convince yourself of a vision in your head?

We are all conditioned to put limits on ourselves, to assume we are how people see us.  We may even evolve into someone else's vision.   How do you keep fears in check? You find courage to explore yourself. This teaches you to bring calm to chaos.  Figuring out who you are requires you learn to understand that how your behavior affects your life. 

To take charge of the situations you find yourself in, you really need to learn how and why you think.  You can grow to know yourself much better than you already do. Would you like to see yourself differently? Would you like to know what you need to do to know the life you were born to live? You can move your life in more meaningful directions.

1) Move beyond how other people label you.  Meet and exceed standards you expect.  Behavior and attitude tell you a lot about yourself. Notice how you react to others with emotion or indifference.  Distance yourself from what is said.  Re-revaluate.

2) Listen to your intuition.  To take note of a little voice inside will enable you to trust yourself and make more timely decisons.  Your impulses are valid and very meaningful.

3) Assume responsibility.  Rather than blame others for feeling bad or not knowing what you like, take steps to explore your interests.  Figure things out accurately for yourself.

4) Devote yourself to service. Your authentic self becomes more visible as you focus on altruism and helping others. Your choices reveal facits of your passions.

5) Reflect before you react.  Some people are quick to assume something is or isn't right for them without really thinking things through.  Examine reasons for assumptions. 

6)  Decide to be more aware. Become an astute observer of yourself and what’s around you. Learn to step back from life and impartially assess how you react and think and feel.

7) Nurture courage.  Realize what is yours also characterizes you. This can't be taken away from you.  You only give away your power to self-discover with your consent.

8) Recognize the influence of your beliefs.  If you didn't believe in something, it won't matter to you.  Whether you think you're talented or not, your right. What of potential?

9) Bring pain & fear to the surface.  You make make choices based on dysfunction, past hurt or anticipated judgment.  Fear of external approval or disapproval may cloud reality.

10) Prepare to take some risks.  The desire to feel safe and less vulnerable holds people back from exploring their self. The journey will show you who you are is nothing to fear.

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