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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Why lose the things you seek to grasp?

When you prepare to challenge your assumptions, you engage in the process of raising your awareness. What you have been taught to believe is desirable is also subconsciously teaching you inferiority, even when you aren't far away from what you think you seek.   You may wonder why your aspirations seem to collapse or curiously lead to confusion.

1) Move beyond convention and prejudice. How we name things, including what we seek to do or acquire, is how we prejudice the our intrinsic worth and what we hope to gain. Words gain meaning based on our understanding of opposites. Word usage is how we define a set of rules for situations we don't control.  To move beyond this conditioned mindset, you need to reacquaint yourself with the power of intuition and spontaneity.

2) Let go of what you think you can possess. Avoid self-limits. You need not strive. You need not demand. As you decide you require less, you will receive more. Everything arrives on-time. Nothing is late. To permit events to unfold is to ignore the ego's supposed need to attack and triumph. Results you expect will come even if you don't ask.

3) Discern signals that indicate your life is out of balance. To change the way you think about yourself enables you to nurture a happy mind. Do you see everything with awe? Do you choose to love everything about your life, your age, your physical and mental states? Which habits distance you from well-being? You detect your destructive pursuits. Examine fixations. Alert yourself to the accuracy of your emotions. The guilt, suffering, and unhappiness only arise when you do not conform to your imagined ideals.

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