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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Isolate your real sense of success

Your sense of success is something that evolves with you.  It can be silent and unassuming or more obvious, depending on your level of self-awareness. 

You may define success by what you think you have or how you feel.  You may define success by a string of accomplishments or developing the ability to stop thinking, period.  It all depends on your frame of reference.  Are you prepared to live according to the natural flow of spontaneous events or, is your success vision driving you elsewhere?

1) Who inspires or motivates you?  You are invited to take an honest look at your thinking and choices and how they create imbalance. The people who inspire you offer practical tools to reframe who you are and how you live.  You can choose to compare yourself or, move beyond judgment.  Discern qualities and traits that matter.

2) How do these people make connections and build relationships?  Recognize that similar traits can be developed in yourself.  As you learn to examine the nature of your own relationships and results rather than things and time, you begin to grasp  clues to the behavioral changes which will transform your life, your outlook and your experiences.

3) Why clarify your values and priorities?  You can learn to reframe and deal effectively with adversity.  Challenges can be understood as your chosen view which can be changed.  Decide you will shift focus from what is unneccessary or unimportant. 

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Reader Comments (2)

Dear Liara,
successfull people are chosen by their fellows. To me successfull means to be in contact with the love that made me regardless what I encounter.
March 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrainer
Hi rainer. Some people define their level of success based on self-importance, ego or external approval. Other people conclude that success is grounded in their inner harmony which remains constant regardless of what emotion or vision is projected outside.

You can also move to see yourself in everyone and all creation. To dissolve the ego is to change your assumptions. You can take pleasure in whatever you do, become detached from what others think, and release yourself from anything other than pure love.
March 8, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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