What does life want from you?
As you reflect on your purpose, you may conclude you must create the life you want. This may seem well and good, yet many people will also evolve to where they feel dissatisfied with where they are or what they are doing. What then? A spark of doubt may grow within you and capture your attention. How can you know if you're in the right place?
Assume for a moment, that you are precisely where you should be. Would it be possible to shift your awareness to ask what life wants from you? This perspective requires that you learn to turn your attention away from all those people and conditions which may be vying for your attention. Instead, you would benefit from a less assertive approach.
1) Imagine you know nothing. Rather than believe you know what you need to know, recognize the value in your superficial knowledge. Do not permit yourself to fall into the trap of assuming you can easily convey your purpose or achievements.
2) Move beyond projecting your inadequacy. It is common for people to project a sense of illusory success. This aims to compensate for a sense of inadequacy. You can learn to rise above conventional ways of perceiving and reacting. Inner confidence grows as you realize your capacities are infinite and self-directed at soul-level.
3) Deepen your ability to discern. Move beyond the superficial. Take steps to understand how things, people, events and your perception are inter-connected. You have roles to play. Nothing is static. Awareness arises through inner training.
Reader Comments (2)
Understanding the play and the role to play is the key to living. The drama has been scripted well before and the characters have been chosen too. Just enacting is the entire process. But unfortunately, misled by concepts, one gets into creating his own drama and becomes the real life character in it.
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts...