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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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How are you contributing to the problem?

Consciousness is the evolutionary process of the universe.  It is a means to evolve into other forms, dimensions, and time-space realms.  This isn't science fiction.  How you see yourself, whether you struggle or resist change, all influence your view of problems. 

You may attempt to reconcile issues grounded in your human conditioning. Yet, you may not realize that what you are doing or not, your level of awareness and ignorance, all contribute to your sense of reality, which itself is perpetually changing.

Many people instinctively blame others or conditions for situations. It may seem far easier for you to get angry at someone for not hiring you for a job, for not favoring your choices or your ideas, than to accept accountability and confront fear.  Ask yourself which voices you allow to influence your awareness, judgment or movement of thought.

1) Recognize your ego shapes your views. Your reactions and behaviors offer clues about your level of “me” self-interest. Reflect whether your choices are self-serving or evolving toward more altruism. Do you get angry when things aren't going your way? Are you confused when another person isn't reacting as you desire? How distracted are you from silence and stillness? Consciousness reflects if you realize what you think and why.

2) Grasp that your ego impacts collective consciousness. All thoughts and feelings you express are contributing to the energy vibration of not just you, but people all over the planet. Everything you do generates energy.  It all contributes to love or fear on a very large scale. As you become more aware in the present moment, you erode your old conditioning. Re-learning to do simple things actually retrains your mind and focus.

3) Be aware of what your mind says separate from your ego. Your self-image is grounded in ego. No matter how good your intentions are, if you're still trapped in the ego, you have not gone deep enough to listen to the mind beyond. You discern when you reach such a place within yourself as it’s unconditioned. Its where your mind no longer recognizes opposites, judgments, satisfaction or dissatisfaction. If you sense negativity, you resist the present moment. Accept where you are to transcend ego and experience freedom.  What you believe in is less important than if you're "present" in your life.

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Reader Comments (6)

What a great article. I have been realizing lately that my ego and thoughts were running my life. Today, I try to live in the moment and ACCEPT people, places and things around me. It is making a world of difference.
March 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHelen
The understanding of our ego and the impact that it has on our daily life and our growth is key to our spiritual evolution. Great stuff!
March 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMark
Helen, evolving to accept people indicates you evolve to accept yourself. To begin to glimpse what it means to love unconditionally is to transform how you discern and live.
March 5, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Mark, I agree deepening our insight into ego is what raises our awareness about human existence as a whole. This is but a phase in a soul process that transcends this world.
March 5, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Dear Liara, you are clever. Every time I visit your blog you get to essential points. How do you do it?
March 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrainer
Dear Liara, you are clever. Every time I visit your blog, you get to essential points. How do you do it?
March 6, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrainer

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