Why do you seem to become invisible?

Some people discover they become spontaneously invisible and wonder what's going on. Wouldn't you? They hadn't planned it, or didn't think they had. Shifting frequency, even unconsciously, has rather curious effects. You may not even know your own strength!
If you or someone you know has a habit of vanishing and reappearing in weird ways, this sounds like the creation of a light-absorbing, free-electron cloud around the self. Imagine, you could be a master of advanced physics and not realize it! Some people vanish and don't even sense it. Life is all about self-discovery. Inner growth is nothing to fear.
Since some kind of focused, mental thought process must be used to generate the cloud around the self, all the more reason to take steps to raise your awareness about what you're thinking and when. Learning about your sleeping dreams can shed new light.
Now, invisibility as an idea calls into question widespread understanding of what is physically possible. If you do experience this state, you value non-conformity and evolve toward heightened psychic abilities. You also recognize reality is grounded in your matrix of time and space. You will not always be in a mindset or attitude compatible with other people around you. To them, you will seem invisible, even before you literally disappear.
Its meaningful to reflect on why you desire to be invisible or, why you think you already disappear from view. Should it matter that people notice or not? What do your reactions teach? To explore thoughts, feelings and expectations for invisibility is very revealing.
Remember, you live the life you think about. You get precisely what you expect, as interpreted by a subconscious energy level. You can research paranormal history and delve into theory behind electromagnetic fields. Yet, you learn most by getting-to-know your true self. More people fear themselves than bravely venture to where answers lie.
Reader Comments (13)
I do this often myself. I love the act of disappearing into myself, then reappearing refreshed as if it's a new day. Each moment is new and the fact that we can disappear, bathe in the light is a wonderful experiment. I highly recommend it.
Like Harry Potter and his invisibility cloak!
I'm laughing to myself as more often lately I get that sensation. Not in the negative ego view but in a different way: honestly wondering if people have seen me. Strange things, a series of cars pulling out without sufficient notice or room, so to speak, but it's ok, because I see them!
To become invisible, maybe that works. Do you mean invisible for humans or invisible for cameras too? To get people not to notice you, I can imagine that.
To lead the light around one's own body, so that nobody could see a difference... I would like to see that.
I do think it (invisibility) has to do with also raising ones vibrations and the field we choose to surround ourselves in. I have always been attracted to the spiritual and paranormal, not as entertainment but as searching for the unknown. Answers to my own experiences as a young child. And I am very much the non-conformist/free-thinker.
Great post and I so wish I could visit more regularly. You are a wealth of information. Thank you.
Even they sometimes act like i am not noticable. At first I thought i was too fat, than i thought it was because i am too ugly. I just don't know. Another thing is that i am a shy, african-american female. I tried to do much to become more noticeable, but no matter what I do, nothing seems to work.
I even have people tell me that they don't even see me when i am in a room with them for a good amount of time. I am so confused and pretty weirded-out by this trait I have. That is why I try to have a more spiritual understanding about things. It is the only thing that keeps me grounded to this reality. I feel I am just an odd person and will have to live with it for the rest of my life.
Please give me some insight on this feeling.