Are you ready for teleportation?

Some people believe that progressing in astral realms brings you a step closer to teleportation. What about yourself? Do you visualize this future? Now, before you give into a spark of doubt in your head that tells you its all science fiction, think again.
Mystics worldwide have evolved to teleport their bodies and objects over large distances. Some mystics can split consciousness into two parts, that is, they drop body awareness and fly as a free spirit. Some of these people leave a physical body in one place and generate another body elsewhere. Does this dissolve some of your own myths?
Documented evidence recorded about mystics in places like India and native America implies many of us have not even begun to explore what it means to travel as a sphere of light. You may dream you do this sporadically, intermittently, or even on a regular basis in astral. Yet, this would only give you a brief taste of what's possible.
You may find this prospect a bit hard to swallow. It may call into question much of what you have learned about your whole self. What if what you have been conditioned to believe blocks you from experiencing the truth? What if the original body self can be talking and walking in one place while another part of you is otherwise preoccupied?
Mystics who practice teleportation don't use it to create alibis so they can break rules and laws elsewhere. These beings aren't ego-driven. In fact, dissolving ego or transcending it is a prerequisite to deeper astral travel and for exploring other worlds.
That said, energy beings who develop heightened awareness help other humans to better understand the essence of time, space and Spirit. To grow, you need to forget what you think you know. Out of intention and awareness comes mind-blowing manifestation.
Reader Comments (8)
Well, I don't whether we need teleportation in our daily lifes but I believe the energy needed will not be found unless we discover the depth of our spirit.
You know you have my interest. I do have a question for you.... have you heard of spontaneous invisibility? I learned of this quite by accident. Well, actually others told me I was doing it and it was very much scaring them. They did not use those words exactly. Yet, upon investigating, I read about such a phenomenon. It happens when I'm very deep in thought, reading or meditating. I have not shared this with many people. I suspect many would think I am wonky! My family says I have a tendency to appear when they could swear I was not there just a micro second before. I argue I was there the whole time. Sorry I got off of topic. I felt I could share this with a kindred spirit. I do value your wisdom. Thank you so much. ~Namaste
Personally, I have no problem believing it, we are just on the cusp of remembering that which we have forgotten.