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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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What if you could transcend expectations?

Did you ever think that serving others would be a means to deeper self-discovery?  This makes it much more realistic to step back and transcend your sense of personal struggle.  Each time you prioritize someone else's interests, you can move beyond your hope for a reward.  The secret of escaping ego control is to depersonalize your life perspective.

You may be the sort of person who tends to analyze.  As you learn to move beyond the desire to compete and compare, you will discover that information is a means to an end, and not an end in itself.  To ride the expanding wave of knowledge prepares you for progressive and perpetual growth.  You transcend your initial limited hopes and dreams.

So, you're gaining insight.  You realize you must remove the barriers you have created in order to explore consciousness.  Whose ideas have molded and shaped your sense of who you are?  As you learn to distance your self-view, you can become more objective and less emotional when assessing the drama of your existence.  Does this mindset appeal to you?

The more you get-to-know yourself, the easier it is to understand why you built a resistence within yourself to opposing forces around you.   The point is to evolve to dissolve the conditioned desire to dominate, to control people and outcomes.  Transcending expectations implies you accept what you can't change and learn to live with it, without permitting it to affect how you think or feel.  When you believe, you can.

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Reader Comments (7)

I agree with this fully. I've only begun to see success on my journey by taking the time to really look at myself and what motivates me.
March 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVenus
Venus, the better we get-to-know ourselves, the more accurate our sense of direction and success and the clearer our sense of motivation becomes. Its fabulous to hear that you experience personal progress. Consider that constructive efforts always receive the support on spiritual, emotional and other planes. Simply learn to discern what's there.
March 26, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
It is a very hard lesson to learn that you cannot change another person. Once I learned to accept others for who they are and everyone has their own agenda made my life easier. It took me years to learn this lesson. Helen
March 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHelen
I love the differences in people. I work with people from all over the world and learning about their cultures fascinates me. I have learned to accept people and our differences while enjoying the whole process.

I have something for you at my site.

Love and Blessings,
March 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAngelBaby
I'm not sure I understand what you're suggesting about serving others in this post? Deeper understanding of myself has always come about through submitting myself to new experiences and analyzing the results.
March 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPsyche
AngelBaby, in order to transcend expectations, you need to understand how and why you create your own. As you learn from other people, you are also learning about yourself. As you develop understanding of others, you also deepen your own self-understanding.
March 31, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Psyche, you may have heard the phrase "all roads lead to Rome." Many ways exist to learn about the self. You can learn about yourself based on how you react to different experiences. Yet, you may be limited by your own bias. Another way to learn about yourself is by learning from other people. Each person we meet reflects aspects of our traits, strengths, weaknesses and inner self. If we choose, we can learn from each one.
March 31, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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